Update to version 1.0.0
v1.1.0 - 2019-03-02
* Support for Django 2.1
* Checkbox position on the login page
* Set ldap3 client_strategy from sync to sync-restartable
* Deprecation warning for {% load staticfiles %} and django.contrib.staticfiles
In debug bug, it actually works and do not raise an exception, but in
non-debug mode, it tries to search the staticfiles manifest for the file.
If there is no manifest because collectstatic has not been run before, this fails.
Update version to 0.9.0
v0.9.0 - 2017-11-17
* Dutch translation
* Protuguese translation (brazilian variant)
* Support for ldap3 version 2 or more (changes in the API)
All exception are now in ldap3.core.exceptions, methodes for fetching attritutes and
dn are renamed.
* Possibility to disable service message boxes on the login pages
* Then using the LDAP auth backend with ``bind`` method for password check, do not try to bind
if the user dn was not found. This was causing the exception
``'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getitem'`` describe in #21
* Increase the max size of usernames (30 chars to 250)
* Fix XSS js injection
Then using the LDAP auth backend with ``bind`` method for password check, do not try to bind
if the user dn was not found. This was causing the exception
``'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getitem'`` describe in #21
Update version to 0.8.0
* Add a test for login with missing parameter (username or password or both)
* Add ldap auth using bind method (use the user credentials to bind the the ldap server and let the
server check the credentials)
* Add CAS_TGT_VALIDITY parameter: Max time after with the user MUST reauthenticate.
* Allow both unicode and bytes dotted string in utils.import_attr
* Fix some spelling and grammar on log messages. (thanks to Allie Micka)
* Fix froms css class error on success/error due to a scpaless block
* Disable pip cache then installing with make install
* Update french translation