
102 lines
2.4 KiB

import asyncio
from pprint import pprint
from functools import wraps
from io import StringIO
from typing import Union
import discord
import psutil
from discord.ext.commands import Bot
from src.constants import *
def fg(text, color: int = 0xFFA500):
r = color >> 16
g = color >> 8 & 0xFF
b = color & 0xFF
return f"\033[38;2;{r};{g};{b}m{text}\033[m"
def french_join(l):
l = list(l)
if not l:
return ""
if len(l) < 2:
return l[0]
start = ", ".join(l[:-1])
return f"{start} et {l[-1]}"
def has_role(member, role: Union[str, tuple]):
"""Return whether the member has a role with this name."""
if isinstance(role, str):
return any( == role for r in member.roles)
return any( == rol for r in member.roles for rol in role)
def send_and_bin(f):
Decorator that allows a command in a cog to just return
the messages that needs to be sent, and allow the author that
trigger the message de delete it.
async def wrapped(cog, ctx, *args, **kwargs):
msg = await f(cog, ctx, *args, **kwargs)
if msg:
msg = await ctx.send(msg)
await, msg)
return wrapped
async def pprint_send(ctx, *objs, **nobjs):
embed = discord.Embed(title="Debug")
nobjs.update({f"Object {i}": o for i, o in enumerate(objs)})
for name, obj in nobjs.items():
out = StringIO()
pprint(obj, out)
value =
if len(value) > 1000:
value = value[:500] + "\n...\n" + value[-500:]
value = f"```py\n{value}\n```"
embed.add_field(name=name, value=value)
return await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def confirm(ctx, bot, prompt):
msg: discord.Message = await ctx.send(prompt)
await msg.add_reaction(Emoji.CHECK)
await msg.add_reaction(Emoji.CROSS)
def check(reaction: discord.Reaction, u):
return ( == u
and ==
and str(reaction.emoji) in (Emoji.CHECK, Emoji.CROSS)
reaction, u = await bot.wait_for("reaction_add", check=check)
if str(reaction) == Emoji.CHECK:
await msg.clear_reaction(Emoji.CROSS)
return True
await msg.clear_reaction(Emoji.CHECK)
return False
def start_time():
return psutil.Process().create_time()
def setup(bot: Bot):