import asyncio from pprint import pprint from functools import wraps from io import StringIO from typing import Union import discord import psutil from discord.ext.commands import Bot from src.constants import * def fg(text, color: int = 0xFFA500): r = color >> 16 g = color >> 8 & 0xFF b = color & 0xFF return f"\033[38;2;{r};{g};{b}m{text}\033[m" def french_join(l): l = list(l) if not l: return "" if len(l) < 2: return l[0] start = ", ".join(l[:-1]) return f"{start} et {l[-1]}" def has_role(member, role: Union[str, tuple]): """Return whether the member has a role with this name.""" if isinstance(role, str): return any( == role for r in member.roles) else: return any( == rol for r in member.roles for rol in role) def send_and_bin(f): """ Decorator that allows a command in a cog to just return the messages that needs to be sent, and allow the author that trigger the message de delete it. """ @wraps(f) async def wrapped(cog, ctx, *args, **kwargs): msg = await f(cog, ctx, *args, **kwargs) if msg: msg = await ctx.send(msg) await, msg) return wrapped async def pprint_send(ctx, *objs, **nobjs): embed = discord.Embed(title="Debug") nobjs.update({f"Object {i}": o for i, o in enumerate(objs)}) for name, obj in nobjs.items(): out = StringIO() pprint(obj, out) value = if len(value) > 1000: value = value[:500] + "\n...\n" + value[-500:] value = f"```py\n{value}\n```" embed.add_field(name=name, value=value) return await ctx.send(embed=embed) async def confirm(ctx, bot, prompt): msg: discord.Message = await ctx.send(prompt) await msg.add_reaction(Emoji.CHECK) await msg.add_reaction(Emoji.CROSS) def check(reaction: discord.Reaction, u): return ( == u and == and str(reaction.emoji) in (Emoji.CHECK, Emoji.CROSS) ) reaction, u = await bot.wait_for("reaction_add", check=check) if str(reaction) == Emoji.CHECK: await msg.clear_reaction(Emoji.CROSS) return True else: await msg.clear_reaction(Emoji.CHECK) return False def start_time(): return psutil.Process().create_time() def setup(bot: Bot): pass