Infographie de répartition des votes par groupe

Signed-off-by: Emmy D'Anello <>
This commit is contained in:
Emmy D'Anello 2022-10-01 23:42:33 +02:00
parent 9ec881a756
commit eeec6fd46f
1 changed files with 107 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from collections import OrderedDict
import datetime
import hashlib
from io import BytesIO
@ -8,14 +9,32 @@ import requests
import subprocess
from zipfile import ZipFile
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from tweepy import API, Client, OAuth1UserHandler
from . import config
LEG = 16
BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
LEG = 16
GROUPES = OrderedDict(**{k: None for k in GROUPES_ID})
def update_scrutins():
url = f"{LEG}/loi/scrutins/"
md5 = requests.get(f"{url}.md5").content.decode().strip()
@ -100,28 +119,85 @@ def publish_amendement(obj, api, client):
print(date, delta)
syn = scrutin['syntheseVote']
for g in scrutin['ventilationVotes']['organe']['groupes']['groupe']:
print(sum(len((g['vote']['decompteNominatif']['pours'] or {'votant': []})['votant']) + len((g['vote']['decompteNominatif']['contres'] or {'votant': []})['votant']) for g in scrutin['ventilationVotes']['organe']['groupes']['groupe']))
with open('/tmp/img.html', 'w') as f:
f.write(content)['wkhtmltoimage', '/tmp/img.html', '/tmp/img.jpg'])
text_media = api.media_upload("/tmp/img.jpg")
api.create_media_metadata(text_media.media_id, content[:1000])
api.create_media_metadata(text_media.media_id, BeautifulSoup(content.replace('</p>', '</p>\n\n'), features="lxml").get_text()[:1000])
vote_groupes = OrderedDict(**{k: None for k in GROUPES_ID})
for g in scrutin['ventilationVotes']['organe']['groupes']['groupe']:
vote_groupes[g['organeRef']] = g['vote']
# FIXME Faites mieux
syn_text = f"<p><strong>Pour :</strong> {syn['decompte']['pour']}</p>\n" + \
f"<p><strong>Contre :</strong> {syn['decompte']['contre']}</p>\n" + \
f"<p><strong>Abstentions :</strong> {syn['decompte']['abstentions']}</p>\n" + \
f"<p><strong>Exprim&eacute;s :</strong> {syn['suffragesExprimes']}"
syn_html = '<html lang="fr">\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />\n</head>\n<body>\n'
syn_html += '<table style="border: 1px solid black;">\n<thead>\n'
syn_html += f"<tr><th colspan=\"4\"><h2>{scrutin['titre']}</h2></th></tr>\n"
syn_html += '</thead>\n<tbody>\n'
for i, (gid, voix) in enumerate(vote_groupes.items()):
if i % 4 == 0:
if i != 0:
syn_html += "</tr>\n"
syn_html += "<tr>\n"
syn_html += f"<td style=\"width: 25%; margin: 5px; padding: 1px; border: 2px solid {GROUPES[gid]['couleurAssociee']};\">\n"
syn_html += f"<strong>{GROUPES[gid]['libelleAbrege']}</strong><br>\n"
syn_html += "<span style=\"color: green;\">"
syn_html += int(voix['decompteVoix']['pour']) * " &#9679;"
syn_html += "</span>"
syn_html += "<span style=\"color: red;\">"
syn_html += int(voix['decompteVoix']['contre']) * " &#9679;"
syn_html += "</span>"
syn_html += "<span style=\"color: orange;\">"
syn_html += int(voix['decompteVoix']['abstentions']) * " &#9679;"
syn_html += "</span>"
syn_html += "<span style=\"color: gray;\">"
syn_html += (len(GROUPES[gid]['deputes']) - int(voix['decompteVoix']['pour']) - int(voix['decompteVoix']['contre']) - int(voix['decompteVoix']['abstentions'])) * " &#9679;"
syn_html += "</span>\n<hr>\n"
syn_html += f"Pour : {voix['decompteVoix']['pour']}<br>Contre : {voix['decompteVoix']['contre']}<br>Abstentions : {voix['decompteVoix']['abstentions']}\n"
syn_html += "</td>\n"
syn_html += "<td style=\"width: 25%; margin: 8px; padding: 2px; border: 2px solid black;\">\n"
syn_html += "<strong>Total</strong>\n"
syn_html += "<hr>\n"
syn_html += f"Pour : {syn['decompte']['pour']}<br>\n"
syn_html += f"Contre : {syn['decompte']['contre']}<br>\n"
syn_html += f"Abstentions : {syn['decompte']['abstentions']}<br>\n"
if scrutin['sort']['code'] == 'rejeté':
syn_html += "<span style=\"color: red;\">"
syn_html += "<span style=\"color: green;\">"
syn_html += scrutin['sort']['libelle']
syn_html += "</span>\n"
syn_html += "</td>\n"
syn_html += "</tr>\n"
syn_html += "</tbody>\n"
syn_html += f"<tfoot>\n<tr>\n<th colspan=\"4\">\nScrutin n°{scrutin['numero']}, réalisé le {['dateScrutin']):%d/%m/%Y}</th>\n</tr>\n</tfoot>\n"
syn_html += "</table>\n</body>\n</html>"
with open('/tmp/img.html', 'w') as f:
alt_text = "Tableau présentant les votes de l'amendement\n\n" + \
f"Exprimés : {syn['suffragesExprimes']}\n" + \
f"Pour : {syn['decompte']['pour']}\n" + \
f"Contre : {syn['decompte']['contre']}\n" + \
f"Abstentions : {syn['decompte']['abstentions']}\n\n" + \
scrutin['sort']['libelle']['wkhtmltoimage', '/tmp/img.html', '/tmp/img.jpg'])
result_media = api.media_upload("/tmp/img.jpg")
api.create_media_metadata(result_media.media_id, syn_text[:1000])
api.create_media_metadata(result_media.media_id, alt_text)
message = obj['message'].format(date=date, nb_jours=delta)
client.create_tweet(text=message, media_ids=[result_media.media_id, text_media.media_id]))
client.create_tweet(text=message, media_ids=[result_media.media_id, text_media.media_id])
def main():
@ -147,5 +223,26 @@ def main():
with open(os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'data', 'votes.json')) as f:
data = json.load(f)
for groupe_id in GROUPES_ID:
with open(os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'data', str(LEG), 'Organes', f"{groupe_id}.json")) as f:
groupe = json.load(f)['organe']
groupe['deputes'] = set()
GROUPES[groupe_id] = groupe
for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'data', str(LEG), 'Acteurs')):
with open(os.path.join(os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'data', str(LEG), 'Acteurs', filename))) as f:
acteur = json.load(f)['acteur']
for mandat in acteur['mandats']['mandat']:
organes = mandat['organes']['organeRef']
if not isinstance(organes, list):
organes = [organes]
for organe in organes:
if organe in GROUPES:
groupe = GROUPES[organe]
for g in GROUPES.values():
print(g['libelle'], len(g['deputes']))
obj = random.choice(data)
publish_amendement(obj, api, client)