mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 21:41:20 +00:00
Add multiple sheets for 5-teams pools
Signed-off-by: Emmy D'Anello <emmy.danello@animath.fr>
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: TFJM\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-06 19:21+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-06 23:57+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Emmy D'Anello <emmy.danello@animath.fr>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@ -327,6 +327,10 @@ msgstr "équipe"
#: draw/templates/draw/tournament_content.html:228
#: draw/templates/draw/tournament_content.html:229
#: draw/templates/draw/tournament_content.html:230
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:62
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:66
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:72
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:76
msgid "Room"
msgstr "Salle"
@ -502,7 +506,7 @@ msgid "Add new jury"
msgstr "Ajouter un⋅e nouvelleau juré⋅e"
#: participation/forms.py:225
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:87
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:101
#: participation/templates/participation/tournament_detail.html:111
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Ajouter"
@ -907,9 +911,9 @@ msgstr "Rejoindre"
#: participation/templates/participation/passage_detail.html:102
#: participation/templates/participation/passage_detail.html:108
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_add_jurys.html:35
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:74
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:92
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:97
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:88
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:106
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:111
#: participation/templates/participation/team_detail.html:126
#: participation/templates/participation/team_detail.html:190
#: participation/templates/participation/tournament_form.html:12
@ -973,7 +977,7 @@ msgstr "Envoyer une solution"
#: participation/templates/participation/participation_detail.html:59
#: participation/templates/participation/passage_detail.html:114
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:102
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:116
#: participation/templates/participation/team_detail.html:185
#: participation/templates/participation/upload_motivation_letter.html:13
#: participation/templates/participation/upload_notes.html:24
@ -1092,7 +1096,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_add_jurys.html:11
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_add_jurys.html:34
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:91
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:105
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_form.html:11
msgid "Update pool"
msgstr "Modifier la poule"
@ -1142,33 +1146,33 @@ msgstr "Lien BigBlueButton :"
msgid "Ranking"
msgstr "Classement"
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:61
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:62
msgid "Download the scale sheet"
msgstr "Télécharger la feuille de barème"
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:64
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:72
msgid "Download the final notation sheet"
msgstr "Télécharger la fiche de notation finale"
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:66
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:80
msgid "Upload notes from a CSV file"
msgstr "Soumettre les notes à partir d'un fichier CSV"
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:73
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:86
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:87
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:100
msgid "Add passage"
msgstr "Ajouter un passage"
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:75
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:96
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:89
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:110
msgid "Update teams"
msgstr "Modifier les équipes"
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:82
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:96
msgid "Passages"
msgstr "Passages"
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:101
#: participation/templates/participation/pool_detail.html:115
msgid "Upload notes"
msgstr "Envoyer les notes"
@ -1560,7 +1564,7 @@ msgstr "L'utilisateur⋅rice suivant n'est pas inscrit⋅e en tant que juré⋅e
msgid "Notes were successfully uploaded."
msgstr "Les notes ont bien été envoyées."
#: participation/views.py:957
#: participation/views.py:974
msgid "You can't upload a synthesis after the deadline."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas envoyer de note de synthèse après la date limite."
@ -57,12 +57,26 @@
{% if user.registration.is_volunteer %}
<div class="card-footer text-center">
<a class="btn btn-info" href="{% url 'participation:pool_scale_note_sheet' pk=pool.pk %}">
{% trans "Download the scale sheet" %}
<a class="btn btn-info" href="{% url 'participation:pool_final_note_sheet' pk=pool.pk %}">
{% trans "Download the final notation sheet" %}
<div class="btn-group">
<a class="btn btn-info" href="{% url 'participation:pool_scale_note_sheet' pk=pool.pk %}">
{% trans "Download the scale sheet" %}{% if pool.passages.count == 5 %} — {% trans "Room" %} 1{% endif %}
{% if pool.passages.count == 5 %}
<a class="btn btn-info" href="{% url 'participation:pool_scale_note_sheet' pk=pool.pk %}?page=2">
{% trans "Room" %} 2
{% endif %}
<div class="btn-group">
<a class="btn btn-info" href="{% url 'participation:pool_final_note_sheet' pk=pool.pk %}">
{% trans "Download the final notation sheet" %}{% if pool.passages.count == 5 %} — {% trans "Room" %} 1{% endif %}
{% if pool.passages.count == 5 %}
<a class="btn btn-info" href="{% url 'participation:pool_final_note_sheet' pk=pool.pk %}?page=2">
{% trans "Room" %} 2
{% endif %}
<button class="btn btn-primary" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#uploadNotesModal">{% trans "Upload notes from a CSV file" %}</button>
{% endif %}
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
{% for passage in pool.passages.all %}
\item D\'efenseur\textperiodcentered{}se au passage '{{ forloop.counter }}' : \underline{\texttt{~{{ passage.defender.team.trigram }}~}} $\qquad$ probl\`eme \underline{~{{ passage.solution_number }}~}
{% for passage in passages.all %}
\item D\'efenseur\textperiodcentered{}se au passage {{ forloop.counter }} : \underline{\texttt{~{{ passage.defender.team.trigram }}~}} $\qquad$ probl\`eme \underline{~{{ passage.solution_number }}~}
{% endfor %}
@ -49,23 +49,23 @@
\begin{tabular}{|c|p{20mm}|p{11cm}|c{% for passage in pool.passages.all %}|p{2cm}{% endfor %}|}\hline
\multicolumn{4}{|l|}{Læ {\bf D\'efenseur\textperiodcentered{}se} \normalsize pr\'esente les id\'ees et r\'esultats principaux pour la solution du probl\`eme.} {% for passage in pool.passages.all %}& Passage {{ forloop.counter }} {% endfor %}\\ \hline \hline
\begin{tabular}{|c|p{20mm}|p{11cm}|c{% for passage in passages.all %}|p{2cm}{% endfor %}|}\hline
\multicolumn{4}{|l|}{Læ {\bf D\'efenseur\textperiodcentered{}se} \normalsize pr\'esente les id\'ees et r\'esultats principaux pour la solution du probl\`eme.} {% for passage in passages.all %}& Passage {{ forloop.counter }} {% endfor %}\\ \hline \hline
\multirow{6}{3mm}{\centering \bf\'E\\ C\\ R\\ I\\ T} & \multirow{3}{20mm}{Partie scientifique} & Profondeur des r\'esultats d\'emontr\'es & [0,5] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Originalit\'e et pertinence des preuves& [0,3] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Exactitude et justesse des d\'emonstrations, algorithmes, etc. & [0,7] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{2-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
&\multirow{2}{20mm}{Forme} & Pr\'esentation (lisibilit\'e, etc.) & [0,2] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Clart\'e du raisonnement : facile \`a comprendre ou compl\`etement obscur ? & [0,3]{{ esp|safe }} \\ \cline{2-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
\multirow{6}{3mm}{\centering \bf\'E\\ C\\ R\\ I\\ T} & \multirow{3}{20mm}{Partie scientifique} & Profondeur des r\'esultats d\'emontr\'es & [0,5] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Originalit\'e et pertinence des preuves& [0,3] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Exactitude et justesse des d\'emonstrations, algorithmes, etc. & [0,7] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{2-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&\multirow{2}{20mm}{Forme} & Pr\'esentation (lisibilit\'e, etc.) & [0,2] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Clart\'e du raisonnement : facile \`a comprendre ou compl\`etement obscur ? & [0,3]{{ esp|safe }} \\ \cline{2-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&\multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\bf TOTAL \'ECRIT (/20)} {{ esp|safe }} \\ \hline \hline
\multirow{8}{3mm}{\centering\bf O\\ R\\ A\\ L} & \multirow{4}{20mm}{Partie scientifique} & Compr\'ehension du mat\'eriel, connaissance des sujets math\'ematiques correspondants \emph{lors de la pr\'esentation} & [0,3] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& P\'edagogie, notamment clart\'e, exactitude et justesse des d\'emonstrations \emph{lors de la pr\'esentation} & [0,3] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Capacit\'e \`a r\'eagir aux questions et remarques de l'Opposant\textperiodcentered{}e et de læ Rapporteur\textperiodcentered{}e & [0,4] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Capacit\'e \`a r\'eagir aux questions et remarques du jury & [0,2] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{2-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
&\multirow{3}{20mm}{Forme} & Bri\`evet\'e et propret\'e de la pr\'esentation & [0,2] {{ esp|safe }} \\ \cline{3-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Capacit\'e de faire avancer le d\'ebat & [0,2] {{ esp|safe }} \\ \cline{3-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& \emph{Conformit\'e} entre la pr\'esentation et le mat\'eriel \'ecrit & [--5,0] {{ esp|safe }} \\ \cline{2-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
\multirow{8}{3mm}{\centering\bf O\\ R\\ A\\ L} & \multirow{4}{20mm}{Partie scientifique} & Compr\'ehension du mat\'eriel, connaissance des sujets math\'ematiques correspondants \emph{lors de la pr\'esentation} & [0,3] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& P\'edagogie, notamment clart\'e, exactitude et justesse des d\'emonstrations \emph{lors de la pr\'esentation} & [0,3] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Capacit\'e \`a r\'eagir aux questions et remarques de l'Opposant\textperiodcentered{}e et de læ Rapporteur\textperiodcentered{}e & [0,4] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Capacit\'e \`a r\'eagir aux questions et remarques du jury & [0,2] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{2-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&\multirow{3}{20mm}{Forme} & Bri\`evet\'e et propret\'e de la pr\'esentation & [0,2] {{ esp|safe }} \\ \cline{3-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Capacit\'e de faire avancer le d\'ebat & [0,2] {{ esp|safe }} \\ \cline{3-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& \emph{Conformit\'e} entre la pr\'esentation et le mat\'eriel \'ecrit & [--5,0] {{ esp|safe }} \\ \cline{2-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&\multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\bf TOTAL ORAL (/16)} {{ esp|safe }} \\ \hline
@ -73,48 +73,48 @@
\begin{tabular}{|c|p{20mm}|p{11cm}|c{% for passage in pool.passages.all %}|p{2cm}{% endfor %}|}\hline
\begin{tabular}{|c|p{20mm}|p{11cm}|c{% for passage in passages.all %}|p{2cm}{% endfor %}|}\hline
\multicolumn{4}{|l|}{L' {\bf Opposant\textperiodcentered{}e} \normalsize fournit une analyse critique de la solution et de la pr\'esentation.}
{% for passage in pool.passages.all %}& Passage {{ forloop.counter }} {% endfor %} \\ \hline \hline
{% for passage in passages.all %}& Passage {{ forloop.counter }} {% endfor %} \\ \hline \hline
\multirow{4}{3mm}{\centering\bf\'E\\ C\\ R\\ I\\ T} &\multirow{2}{20mm}{Partie scientifique} & Compr\'ehension du probl\`eme, savoir \'evaluer la qualit\'e g\'en\'erale de la solution & [0,4] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Rep\'erer les erreurs et leur importance & [0,3] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{2-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
& Forme & Pr\'esentation (lisibilit\'e, etc.) & [0,2] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{2-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
\multirow{4}{3mm}{\centering\bf\'E\\ C\\ R\\ I\\ T} &\multirow{2}{20mm}{Partie scientifique} & Compr\'ehension du probl\`eme, savoir \'evaluer la qualit\'e g\'en\'erale de la solution & [0,4] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Rep\'erer les erreurs et leur importance & [0,3] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{2-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
& Forme & Pr\'esentation (lisibilit\'e, etc.) & [0,2] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{2-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&\multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\bf TOTAL \'ECRIT (/9)} {{ esp|safe }} \\ \hline \hline
\multirow{6}{3mm}{\centering\bf O\\ R\\ A\\ L} & \multirow{3}{20mm}{Partie scientifique} & Compr\'ehension du probl\`eme, savoir \'evaluer la qualit\'e g\'en\'erale de la pr\'esentation de læ D\'efenseur\textperiodcentered{}se
& [0,2] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Rep\'erer les erreurs et leur importance & [0,2] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Pertinence des questions & [0,3] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{2-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
& Forme & M\`ene un d\'ebat de fa\c con comp\'etente et propre. & [0,3] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{2-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
& [0,2] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Rep\'erer les erreurs et leur importance & [0,2] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Pertinence des questions & [0,3] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{2-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
& Forme & M\`ene un d\'ebat de fa\c con comp\'etente et propre. & [0,3] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{2-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&\multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\bf TOTAL ORAL (/10)} {{ esp|safe }}\\ \hline
\begin{tabular}{|c|p{20mm}|p{11cm}|c{% for passage in pool.passages.all %}|p{2cm}{% endfor %}|}\hline
\multicolumn{4}{|l|}{Læ {\bf Rapporteur\textperiodcentered{}e} \normalsize \'evalue le d\'ebat entre læ D\'efenseur\textperiodcentered{}se et l'Opposant\textperiodcentered{}e.} {% for passage in pool.passages.all %}& Passage {{ forloop.counter }} {% endfor %}\\ \hline \hline
\begin{tabular}{|c|p{20mm}|p{11cm}|c{% for passage in passages.all %}|p{2cm}{% endfor %}|}\hline
\multicolumn{4}{|l|}{Læ {\bf Rapporteur\textperiodcentered{}e} \normalsize \'evalue le d\'ebat entre læ D\'efenseur\textperiodcentered{}se et l'Opposant\textperiodcentered{}e.} {% for passage in passages.all %}& Passage {{ forloop.counter }} {% endfor %}\\ \hline \hline
\multirow{4}{3mm}{\centering\bf\'E\\ C\\ R\\ I\\ T} &\multirow{2}{20mm}{Partie scientifique} & Compr\'ehension du probl\`eme, savoir \'evaluer la qualit\'e g\'en\'erale de la solution & [0,4] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
& & Rep\'erer les erreurs et leur importance & [0,3] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{2-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
& Forme & Pr\'esentation (lisibilit\'e, etc.) & [0,2] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{2-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
\multirow{4}{3mm}{\centering\bf\'E\\ C\\ R\\ I\\ T} &\multirow{2}{20mm}{Partie scientifique} & Compr\'ehension du probl\`eme, savoir \'evaluer la qualit\'e g\'en\'erale de la solution & [0,4] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
& & Rep\'erer les erreurs et leur importance & [0,3] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{2-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
& Forme & Pr\'esentation (lisibilit\'e, etc.) & [0,2] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{2-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&\multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\bf TOTAL \'ECRIT (/9)} {{ esp|safe }}\\ \hline \hline
\multirow{6}{3mm}{\centering\bf O\\ R\\ A\\ L} &\multirow{4}{20mm}{Partie scientifique} & Compr\'ehension du probl\`eme, savoir \'evaluer la qualit\'e g\'en\'erale de la pr\'esentation de læ D\'efenseur\textperiodcentered{}se & [0,1] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Savoir \'evaluer la qualit\'e g\'en\'erale du d\'ebat & [0,2] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Rep\'erer les points importants non abord\'es & [0,2] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Pertinence des questions & [0,2] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{2-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
& Forme & M\`ene un d\'ebat de fa\c con comp\'etente et propre. & [0,3] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{2-{{ pool.passages.count|add:4 }}}
\multirow{6}{3mm}{\centering\bf O\\ R\\ A\\ L} &\multirow{4}{20mm}{Partie scientifique} & Compr\'ehension du probl\`eme, savoir \'evaluer la qualit\'e g\'en\'erale de la pr\'esentation de læ D\'efenseur\textperiodcentered{}se & [0,1] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Savoir \'evaluer la qualit\'e g\'en\'erale du d\'ebat & [0,2] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Rep\'erer les points importants non abord\'es & [0,2] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{3-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
&& Pertinence des questions & [0,2] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{2-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
& Forme & M\`ene un d\'ebat de fa\c con comp\'etente et propre. & [0,3] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \cline{2-{{ passages.count|add:4 }}}
& \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\bf TOTAL ORAL (/10)} {{ esp|safe }}\\ \hline
{% if pool.passages.count == 4 %}
{% if passages.count == 4 %}
\multicolumn{3}{|l|}{L'{\bf Intervention exceptionnelle} \normalsize permet de signaler une erreur grave omise par tous.} {% for passage in pool.passages.all %}& Passage {{ forloop.counter }} {% endfor %}\\ \hline \hline
\multicolumn{3}{|l|}{L'{\bf Intervention exceptionnelle} \normalsize permet de signaler une erreur grave omise par tous.} {% for passage in passages.all %}& Passage {{ forloop.counter }} {% endfor %}\\ \hline \hline
\multirow{1}{3mm}{\centering\bf O\\ R\\ A\\ L}
& Toute intervention exceptionnelle non pertinente est sanctionn\'ee par une note n\'egative, l'absence d'intervention re\c coit un z\'ero forfaitaire. \phantom{pour avoir oral en entier dans la} \phantom{colonne il} \phantom{faut blablater un peu}& [-4,4] {{ esp|safe }}\\ \hline
@ -37,32 +37,32 @@
\Large {\bf \tfjmedition$^{e}$ Tournoi Fran\c cais des Jeunes Math\'ematiciennes et Math\'ematiciens \tfjm}\\
Tour {{ pool.round }} \;-- Poule {{ pool.get_letter_display }} \;-- {% if pool.round == 1 %}{{ pool.tournament.date_start }}{% else %}{{ pool.tournament.date_end }}{% endif %}
Tour {{ pool.round }} \;-- Poule {{ pool.get_letter_display }}{{ page }} \;-- {% if pool.round == 1 %}{{ pool.tournament.date_start }}{% else %}{{ pool.tournament.date_end }}{% endif %}
\begin{tabular}{|p{35mm}{% for passage in pool.passages.all %}{% if pool.passages.count == 3 %}|p{3cm}|p{3cm}{% else %}|p{2.5cm}|p{2.5cm}{% endif %}{% endfor %}|}\hline
\multirow{2}{35mm}{\LARGE R\^ole} {% for passage in pool.passages.all %}& \multicolumn{2}{c|}{ \Large Probl\`eme {{ passage.solution_number }}}{% endfor %} \\ \cline{2-{{ pool.passages.count|add:pool.passages.count|add:1 }}}
{% for passage in pool.passages.all %}& \hspace{4mm} {\Large \'ECRIT} & \hspace{4mm} {\Large ORAL}{% endfor %} \\ \hline
\multirow{2}{35mm}{\LARGE D\'efenseur\textperiodcentered{}se} {% for passage in pool.passages.all %}& \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\Large {{ passage.defender.team.trigram }}}{% endfor %} \\ \cline{2-{{ pool.passages.count|add:pool.passages.count|add:1 }}}
{% for passage in pool.passages.all %}
\begin{tabular}{|p{35mm}{% for passage in passages.all %}{% if passages.count == 3 %}|p{3cm}|p{3cm}{% else %}|p{2.5cm}|p{2.5cm}{% endif %}{% endfor %}|}\hline
\multirow{2}{35mm}{\LARGE R\^ole} {% for passage in passages.all %}& \multicolumn{2}{c|}{ \Large Probl\`eme {{ passage.solution_number }}}{% endfor %} \\ \cline{2-{{ passages.count|add:passages.count|add:1 }}}
{% for passage in passages.all %}& \hspace{4mm} {\Large \'ECRIT} & \hspace{4mm} {\Large ORAL}{% endfor %} \\ \hline
\multirow{2}{35mm}{\LARGE D\'efenseur\textperiodcentered{}se} {% for passage in passages.all %}& \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\Large {{ passage.defender.team.trigram }}}{% endfor %} \\ \cline{2-{{ passages.count|add:passages.count|add:1 }}}
{% for passage in passages.all %}
& \phantom{asd asd} \phantom{asd asd} \centering \normalsize$0\leq x\leq 20$
& \phantom{asd asd} \phantom{asd asd} \centering \normalsize$0\leq x\leq 16$
{% endfor %} & \hline
\multirow{2}{35mm}{\LARGE Opposant\textperiodcentered{}e} {% for passage in pool.passages.all %}& \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\Large {{ passage.opponent.team.trigram }}}{% endfor %} \\ \cline{2-{{ pool.passages.count|add:pool.passages.count|add:1 }}}
{% for passage in pool.passages.all %}
\multirow{2}{35mm}{\LARGE Opposant\textperiodcentered{}e} {% for passage in passages.all %}& \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\Large {{ passage.opponent.team.trigram }}}{% endfor %} \\ \cline{2-{{ passages.count|add:passages.count|add:1 }}}
{% for passage in passages.all %}
& \phantom{asd asd} \phantom{asd asd} \centering \normalsize$0\leq x\leq 9$
& \phantom{asd asd} \phantom{asd asd} \centering \normalsize$0\leq x\leq 10$
{% endfor %} & \hline
\multirow{2}{35mm}{\LARGE Rapporteur\textperiodcentered{}e} {% for passage in pool.passages.all %}& \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\Large {{ passage.reporter.team.trigram }}}{% endfor %} \\ \cline{2-{{ pool.passages.count|add:pool.passages.count|add:1 }}}
{% for passage in pool.passages.all %}
\multirow{2}{35mm}{\LARGE Rapporteur\textperiodcentered{}e} {% for passage in passages.all %}& \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\Large {{ passage.reporter.team.trigram }}}{% endfor %} \\ \cline{2-{{ passages.count|add:passages.count|add:1 }}}
{% for passage in passages.all %}
& \phantom{asd asd} \phantom{asd asd} \centering \normalsize$0\leq x\leq 9$
& \phantom{asd asd} \phantom{asd asd} \centering \normalsize$0\leq x\leq 10$
{% endfor %} & \hline
{% if pool.passages.count == 4 %}
\multirow{4}{35mm}{\Large Intervention exceptionnelle}& \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\Large {{ pool.passages.last.defender.team.trigram }}}{% for passage in pool.passages.all %}{% if forloop.counter < 4 %} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\Large {{ passage.defender.team.trigram }}}{% endif %}{% endfor %} \\ \cline{2-{{ pool.passages.count|add:pool.passages.count|add:1 }}}
{% if passages.count == 4 %}
\multirow{4}{35mm}{\Large Intervention exceptionnelle}& \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\Large {{ passages.last.defender.team.trigram }}}{% for passage in passages.all %}{% if forloop.counter < 4 %} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\Large {{ passage.defender.team.trigram }}}{% endif %}{% endfor %} \\ \cline{2-{{ passages.count|add:passages.count|add:1 }}}
& \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\phantom{asd asd} \phantom{asd asd}}
& \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\phantom{asd asd} \phantom{asd asd}}
& \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\phantom{asd asd} \phantom{asd asd}}
@ -828,7 +828,18 @@ class NotationSheetTemplateView(VolunteerMixin, DetailView):
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
context['esp'] = self.object.passages.count() * '&'
passages = self.object.passages.all()
if passages.count() == 5:
page = self.request.GET.get('page', '1')
if not page.isnumeric() or page not in ['1', '2']:
page = '1'
passages = passages.filter(id__in=[passages[0].id, passages[2].id, passages[4].id]
if page == '1' else [passages[1].id, passages[3].id])
context['page'] = page
context['passages'] = passages
context['esp'] = passages.count() * '&'
context['is_jury'] = self.request.user.registration in self.object.juries.all() \
and 'blank' not in self.request.GET
context['tfjm_number'] = timezone.now().year - 2010
Reference in New Issue
Block a user