mirror of https://gitlab.crans.org/bde/nk20 synced 2025-03-25 07:01:11 +00:00

Format JS files

This commit is contained in:
Alexandre Iooss 2020-09-05 08:30:41 +02:00
parent a97a36bc9e
commit bad5fe3c22
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 6C79278F3FCDCC02
7 changed files with 1175 additions and 1229 deletions

View File

@ -2,22 +2,22 @@
* On form submit, create a new alias
function create_alias (e) {
// Do not submit HTML form
// Do not submit HTML form
// Get data and send to API
const formData = new FormData(e.target);
$.post("/api/note/alias/", {
"csrfmiddlewaretoken": formData.get("csrfmiddlewaretoken"),
"name": formData.get("name"),
"note": formData.get("note")
}).done(function () {
// Reload table
$("#alias_table").load(location.pathname + " #alias_table");
addMsg("Alias ajouté", "success");
}).fail(function (xhr, _textStatus, _error) {
// Get data and send to API
const formData = new FormData(e.target)
$.post('/api/note/alias/', {
csrfmiddlewaretoken: formData.get('csrfmiddlewaretoken'),
name: formData.get('name'),
note: formData.get('note')
}).done(function () {
// Reload table
$('#alias_table').load(location.pathname + ' #alias_table')
addMsg('Alias ajouté', 'success')
}).fail(function (xhr, _textStatus, _error) {
@ -25,19 +25,19 @@ function create_alias (e) {
* @param Integer button_id Alias id to remove
function delete_button (button_id) {
url: "/api/note/alias/" + button_id + "/",
method: "DELETE",
headers: { "X-CSRFTOKEN": CSRF_TOKEN }
}).done(function () {
addMsg('Alias supprimé', 'success');
$("#alias_table").load(location.pathname + " #alias_table");
}).fail(function (xhr, _textStatus, _error) {
url: '/api/note/alias/' + button_id + '/',
method: 'DELETE',
headers: { 'X-CSRFTOKEN': CSRF_TOKEN }
}).done(function () {
addMsg('Alias supprimé', 'success')
$('#alias_table').load(location.pathname + ' #alias_table')
}).fail(function (xhr, _textStatus, _error) {
$(document).ready(function () {
// Attach event
document.getElementById("form_alias").addEventListener("submit", create_alias);
// Attach event
document.getElementById('form_alias').addEventListener('submit', create_alias)

View File

@ -1,57 +1,53 @@
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".autocomplete").keyup(function(e) {
let target = $("#" + e.target.id);
let prefix = target.attr("id");
let api_url = target.attr("api_url");
let api_url_suffix = target.attr("api_url_suffix");
if (!api_url_suffix)
api_url_suffix = "";
let name_field = target.attr("name_field");
if (!name_field)
name_field = "name";
let input = target.val();
$("#" + prefix + "_reset").removeClass("d-none");
$('.autocomplete').keyup(function (e) {
const target = $('#' + e.target.id)
const prefix = target.attr('id')
const api_url = target.attr('api_url')
let api_url_suffix = target.attr('api_url_suffix')
if (!api_url_suffix) { api_url_suffix = '' }
let name_field = target.attr('name_field')
if (!name_field) { name_field = 'name' }
const input = target.val()
$('#' + prefix + '_reset').removeClass('d-none')
$.getJSON(api_url + (api_url.includes("?") ? "&" : "?") + "format=json&search=^" + input + api_url_suffix, function(objects) {
let html = "";
$.getJSON(api_url + (api_url.includes('?') ? '&' : '?') + 'format=json&search=^' + input + api_url_suffix, function (objects) {
let html = ''
objects.results.forEach(function (obj) {
html += li(prefix + "_" + obj.id, obj[name_field]);
objects.results.forEach(function (obj) {
html += li(prefix + '_' + obj.id, obj[name_field])
let results_list = $("#" + prefix + "_list");
const results_list = $('#' + prefix + '_list')
objects.results.forEach(function (obj) {
$("#" + prefix + "_" + obj.id).click(function() {
$("#" + prefix + "_pk").val(obj.id);
objects.results.forEach(function (obj) {
$('#' + prefix + '_' + obj.id).click(function () {
$('#' + prefix + '_pk').val(obj.id)
if (typeof autocompleted != 'undefined')
autocompleted(obj, prefix)
if (typeof autocompleted !== 'undefined') { autocompleted(obj, prefix) }
if (input === obj[name_field])
$("#" + prefix + "_pk").val(obj.id);
if (input === obj[name_field]) { $('#' + prefix + '_pk').val(obj.id) }
if (results_list.children().length === 1 && e.originalEvent.keyCode >= 32) {
if (results_list.children().length === 1 && e.originalEvent.keyCode >= 32) {
$(".autocomplete-reset").click(function() {
let name = $(this).attr("id").replace("_reset", "");
$("#" + name + "_pk").val("");
$("#" + name).val("");
$("#" + name + "_list").html("");
$('.autocomplete-reset').click(function () {
const name = $(this).attr('id').replace('_reset', '')
$('#' + name + '_pk').val('')
$('#' + name).val('')
$('#' + name + '_list').html('')

View File

@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
// Copyright (C) 2018-2020 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* Convert balance in cents to a human readable amount
* @param value the balance, in cents
* @returns {string}
function pretty_money (value) {
if (value % 100 === 0)
return (value < 0 ? "- " : "") + Math.floor(Math.abs(value) / 100) + " €";
return (value < 0 ? "- " : "") + Math.floor(Math.abs(value) / 100) + "."
+ (Math.abs(value) % 100 < 10 ? "0" : "") + (Math.abs(value) % 100) + " €";
if (value % 100 === 0) { return (value < 0 ? '- ' : '') + Math.floor(Math.abs(value) / 100) + ' €' } else {
return (value < 0 ? '- ' : '') + Math.floor(Math.abs(value) / 100) + '.' +
(Math.abs(value) % 100 < 10 ? '0' : '') + (Math.abs(value) % 100) + ' €'
@ -22,19 +20,19 @@ function pretty_money (value) {
* @param timeout The delay (in millis) after that the message is auto-closed. If negative, then it is ignored.
function addMsg (msg, alert_type, timeout = -1) {
let msgDiv = $("#messages");
let html = msgDiv.html();
let id = Math.floor(10000 * Math.random() + 1);
html += "<div class=\"alert alert-" + alert_type + " alert-dismissible\">" +
"<button id=\"close-message-" + id + "\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\" href=\"#\"><span aria-hidden=\"true\">×</span></button>"
+ msg + "</div>\n";
const msgDiv = $('#messages')
let html = msgDiv.html()
const id = Math.floor(10000 * Math.random() + 1)
html += '<div class="alert alert-' + alert_type + ' alert-dismissible">' +
'<button id="close-message-' + id + '" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" href="#"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>' +
msg + '</div>\n'
if (timeout > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
$("#close-message-" + id).click();
}, timeout);
if (timeout > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
$('#close-message-' + id).click()
}, timeout)
@ -43,34 +41,34 @@ function addMsg (msg, alert_type, timeout = -1) {
* @param timeout The delay (in millis) after that the message is auto-closed. If negative, then it is ignored.
function errMsg (errs_obj, timeout = -1) {
for (const err_msg of Object.values(errs_obj)) {
addMsg(err_msg, 'danger', timeout);
for (const err_msg of Object.values(errs_obj)) {
addMsg(err_msg, 'danger', timeout)
var reloadWithTurbolinks = (function () {
var scrollPosition;
var scrollPosition
function reload () {
scrollPosition = [window.scrollX, window.scrollY];
Turbolinks.visit(window.location.toString(), { action: 'replace' })
function reload () {
scrollPosition = [window.scrollX, window.scrollY]
Turbolinks.visit(window.location.toString(), { action: 'replace' })
document.addEventListener('turbolinks:load', function () {
if (scrollPosition) {
window.scrollTo.apply(window, scrollPosition)
scrollPosition = null
document.addEventListener('turbolinks:load', function () {
if (scrollPosition) {
window.scrollTo.apply(window, scrollPosition);
scrollPosition = null
return reload;
return reload
* Reload the balance of the user on the right top corner
function refreshBalance () {
$("#user_balance").load("/ #user_balance");
$('#user_balance').load('/ #user_balance')
@ -79,15 +77,15 @@ function refreshBalance () {
* @param fun For each found note with the matched alias `alias`, fun(note, alias) is called.
function getMatchedNotes (pattern, fun) {
$.getJSON("/api/note/alias/?format=json&alias=" + pattern + "&search=user|club", fun);
$.getJSON('/api/note/alias/?format=json&alias=' + pattern + '&search=user|club', fun)
* Generate a <li> entry with a given id and text
function li (id, text, extra_css) {
return "<li class=\"list-group-item py-1 px-2 d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center text-truncate "
+ (extra_css ? extra_css : "") + "\"" + " id=\"" + id + "\">" + text + "</li>\n";
return '<li class="list-group-item py-1 px-2 d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center text-truncate ' +
(extra_css || '') + '"' + ' id="' + id + '">' + text + '</li>\n'
@ -95,24 +93,13 @@ function li (id, text, extra_css) {
* @param note The concerned note.
function displayStyle (note) {
if (!note)
return "";
let balance = note.balance;
var css = "";
if (balance < -5000)
css += " text-danger bg-dark";
else if (balance < -1000)
css += " text-danger";
else if (balance < 0)
css += " text-warning";
else if (!note.email_confirmed)
css += " text-white bg-primary";
else if (!note.is_active || (note.membership && note.membership.date_end < new Date().toISOString()))
css += "text-white bg-info";
return css;
if (!note) { return '' }
const balance = note.balance
var css = ''
if (balance < -5000) { css += ' text-danger bg-dark' } else if (balance < -1000) { css += ' text-danger' } else if (balance < 0) { css += ' text-warning' } else if (!note.email_confirmed) { css += ' text-white bg-primary' } else if (!note.is_active || (note.membership && note.membership.date_end < new Date().toISOString())) { css += 'text-white bg-info' }
return css
* Render note name and picture
* @param note The note to render
@ -121,23 +108,22 @@ function displayStyle (note) {
* @param profile_pic_field
function displayNote (note, alias, user_note_field = null, profile_pic_field = null) {
if (!note.display_image) {
note.display_image = '/static/member/img/default_picture.png';
let img = note.display_image;
if (alias !== note.name && note.name)
alias += " (aka. " + note.name + ")";
if (user_note_field !== null) {
$("#" + user_note_field).removeAttr('class');
$("#" + user_note_field).addClass(displayStyle(note));
$("#" + user_note_field).text(alias + (note.balance == null ? "" : (" :\n" + pretty_money(note.balance))));
if (profile_pic_field != null) {
$("#" + profile_pic_field).attr('src', img);
$("#" + profile_pic_field + "_link").attr('href', note.resourcetype === "NoteUser" ?
"/accounts/user/" + note.user : note.resourcetype === "NoteClub" ?
"/accounts/club/" + note.club : "#");
if (!note.display_image) {
note.display_image = '/static/member/img/default_picture.png'
const img = note.display_image
if (alias !== note.name && note.name) { alias += ' (aka. ' + note.name + ')' }
if (user_note_field !== null) {
$('#' + user_note_field).removeAttr('class')
$('#' + user_note_field).addClass(displayStyle(note))
$('#' + user_note_field).text(alias + (note.balance == null ? '' : (' :\n' + pretty_money(note.balance))))
if (profile_pic_field != null) {
$('#' + profile_pic_field).attr('src', img)
$('#' + profile_pic_field + '_link').attr('href', note.resourcetype === 'NoteUser'
? '/accounts/user/' + note.user : note.resourcetype === 'NoteClub'
? '/accounts/club/' + note.club : '#')
@ -152,35 +138,34 @@ function displayNote (note, alias, user_note_field = null, profile_pic_field = n
* (useful in consumptions, put null if not used)
* @returns an anonymous function to be compatible with jQuery events
function removeNote (d, note_prefix = "note", notes_display, note_list_id, user_note_field = null, profile_pic_field = null) {
return (function () {
let new_notes_display = [];
let html = "";
notes_display.forEach(function (disp) {
if (disp.quantity > 1 || disp.id !== d.id) {
disp.quantity -= disp.id === d.id ? 1 : 0;
html += li(note_prefix + "_" + disp.id, disp.name
+ "<span class=\"badge badge-dark badge-pill\">" + disp.quantity + "</span>",
function removeNote (d, note_prefix = 'note', notes_display, note_list_id, user_note_field = null, profile_pic_field = null) {
return function () {
const new_notes_display = []
let html = ''
notes_display.forEach(function (disp) {
if (disp.quantity > 1 || disp.id !== d.id) {
disp.quantity -= disp.id === d.id ? 1 : 0
html += li(note_prefix + '_' + disp.id, disp.name +
'<span class="badge badge-dark badge-pill">' + disp.quantity + '</span>',
notes_display.length = 0;
new_notes_display.forEach(function (disp) {
notes_display.length = 0
new_notes_display.forEach(function (disp) {
$("#" + note_list_id).html(html);
notes_display.forEach(function (disp) {
let obj = $("#" + note_prefix + "_" + disp.id);
obj.click(removeNote(disp, note_prefix, notes_display, note_list_id, user_note_field, profile_pic_field));
obj.hover(function () {
if (disp.note)
displayNote(disp.note, disp.name, user_note_field, profile_pic_field);
$('#' + note_list_id).html(html)
notes_display.forEach(function (disp) {
const obj = $('#' + note_prefix + '_' + disp.id)
obj.click(removeNote(disp, note_prefix, notes_display, note_list_id, user_note_field, profile_pic_field))
obj.hover(function () {
if (disp.note) { displayNote(disp.note, disp.name, user_note_field, profile_pic_field) }
@ -199,203 +184,193 @@ function removeNote (d, note_prefix = "note", notes_display, note_list_id, user_
* the associated note is not displayed.
* Useful for a consumption if the item is selected before.
function autoCompleteNote (field_id, note_list_id, notes, notes_display, alias_prefix = "alias",
note_prefix = "note", user_note_field = null, profile_pic_field = null, alias_click = null) {
let field = $("#" + field_id);
function autoCompleteNote (field_id, note_list_id, notes, notes_display, alias_prefix = 'alias',
note_prefix = 'note', user_note_field = null, profile_pic_field = null, alias_click = null) {
const field = $('#' + field_id)
// Configure tooltip
html: true,
placement: 'bottom',
title: 'Loading...',
trigger: 'manual',
container: field.parent(),
fallbackPlacement: 'clockwise'
// Configure tooltip
html: true,
placement: 'bottom',
title: 'Loading...',
trigger: 'manual',
container: field.parent(),
fallbackPlacement: 'clockwise'
// When the user clicks elsewhere, we hide the tooltip
$(document).click(function(e) {
if (!e.target.id.startsWith(alias_prefix)) {
// When the user clicks elsewhere, we hide the tooltip
$(document).click(function (e) {
if (!e.target.id.startsWith(alias_prefix)) {
let old_pattern = null;
let old_pattern = null
// Clear search on click
field.click(function () {
old_pattern = "";
// Clear search on click
field.click(function () {
old_pattern = ''
// When the user type "Enter", the first alias is clicked
field.keypress(function (event) {
if (event.originalEvent.charCode === 13 && notes.length > 0) {
let li_obj = field.parent().find("ul li").first();
displayNote(notes[0], li_obj.text(), user_note_field, profile_pic_field);
// When the user type "Enter", the first alias is clicked
field.keypress(function (event) {
if (event.originalEvent.charCode === 13 && notes.length > 0) {
const li_obj = field.parent().find('ul li').first()
displayNote(notes[0], li_obj.text(), user_note_field, profile_pic_field)
// When the user type something, the matched aliases are refreshed
field.keyup(function (e) {
// When the user type something, the matched aliases are refreshed
field.keyup(function (e) {
if (e.originalEvent.charCode === 13)
if (e.originalEvent.charCode === 13) { return }
let pattern = field.val();
const pattern = field.val()
// If the pattern is not modified, we don't query the API
if (pattern === old_pattern)
old_pattern = pattern;
notes.length = 0;
// If the pattern is not modified, we don't query the API
if (pattern === old_pattern) { return }
old_pattern = pattern
notes.length = 0
// get matched Alias with note associated
if (pattern === "") {
notes.length = 0;
// get matched Alias with note associated
if (pattern === '') {
notes.length = 0
$.getJSON("/api/note/consumer/?format=json&alias=" + pattern + "&search=user|club",
function (consumers) {
// The response arrived too late, we stop the request
if (pattern !== $("#" + field_id).val())
$.getJSON('/api/note/consumer/?format=json&alias=' + pattern + '&search=user|club',
function (consumers) {
// The response arrived too late, we stop the request
if (pattern !== $('#' + field_id).val()) { return }
// Build tooltip content
let aliases_matched_html = '<ul class="list-group list-group-flush">';
consumers.results.forEach(function (consumer) {
let note = consumer.note;
note.email_confirmed = consumer.email_confirmed;
if (consumer.hasOwnProperty("membership") && consumer.membership)
note.membership = consumer.membership;
note.membership = undefined;
let extra_css = displayStyle(note);
aliases_matched_html += li(alias_prefix + '_' + consumer.id,
aliases_matched_html += '</ul>';
// Build tooltip content
let aliases_matched_html = '<ul class="list-group list-group-flush">'
consumers.results.forEach(function (consumer) {
const note = consumer.note
note.email_confirmed = consumer.email_confirmed
if (consumer.hasOwnProperty('membership') && consumer.membership) { note.membership = consumer.membership } else { note.membership = undefined }
const extra_css = displayStyle(note)
aliases_matched_html += li(alias_prefix + '_' + consumer.id,
aliases_matched_html += '</ul>'
// Show tooltip
field.attr('data-original-title', aliases_matched_html).tooltip('show');
// Show tooltip
field.attr('data-original-title', aliases_matched_html).tooltip('show')
consumers.results.forEach(function (consumer) {
let consumer_obj = $("#" + alias_prefix + "_" + consumer.id);
consumer_obj.hover(function () {
displayNote(consumer.note, consumer.name, user_note_field, profile_pic_field)
consumer_obj.click(function () {
var disp = null;
notes_display.forEach(function (d) {
// We compare the alias ids
if (d.id === consumer.id) {
d.quantity += 1;
disp = d;
// In the other case, we add a new emitter
if (disp == null) {
disp = {
name: consumer.name,
id: consumer.id,
note: consumer.note,
quantity: 1
consumers.results.forEach(function (consumer) {
const consumer_obj = $('#' + alias_prefix + '_' + consumer.id)
consumer_obj.hover(function () {
displayNote(consumer.note, consumer.name, user_note_field, profile_pic_field)
consumer_obj.click(function () {
var disp = null
notes_display.forEach(function (d) {
// We compare the alias ids
if (d.id === consumer.id) {
d.quantity += 1
disp = d
// In the other case, we add a new emitter
if (disp == null) {
disp = {
name: consumer.name,
id: consumer.id,
note: consumer.note,
quantity: 1
// If the function alias_click exists, it is called. If it doesn't return true, then the notes are
// note displayed. Useful for a consumption when a button is already clicked
if (alias_click && !alias_click())
// If the function alias_click exists, it is called. If it doesn't return true, then the notes are
// note displayed. Useful for a consumption when a button is already clicked
if (alias_click && !alias_click()) { return }
let note_list = $("#" + note_list_id);
let html = "";
notes_display.forEach(function (disp) {
html += li(note_prefix + "_" + disp.id,
+ "<span class=\"badge badge-dark badge-pill\">"
+ disp.quantity + "</span>",
const note_list = $('#' + note_list_id)
let html = ''
notes_display.forEach(function (disp) {
html += li(note_prefix + '_' + disp.id,
disp.name +
'<span class="badge badge-dark badge-pill">' +
disp.quantity + '</span>',
// Emitters are displayed
// Emitters are displayed
// Update tooltip position
// Update tooltip position
notes_display.forEach(function (disp) {
let line_obj = $("#" + note_prefix + "_" + disp.id);
// Hover an emitter display also the profile picture
line_obj.hover(function () {
displayNote(disp.note, disp.name, user_note_field, profile_pic_field);
notes_display.forEach(function (disp) {
const line_obj = $('#' + note_prefix + '_' + disp.id)
// Hover an emitter display also the profile picture
line_obj.hover(function () {
displayNote(disp.note, disp.name, user_note_field, profile_pic_field)
// When an emitter is clicked, it is removed
line_obj.click(removeNote(disp, note_prefix, notes_display, note_list_id, user_note_field,
});// end getJSON alias
// When an emitter is clicked, it is removed
line_obj.click(removeNote(disp, note_prefix, notes_display, note_list_id, user_note_field,
})// end getJSON alias
}// end function autocomplete
// When a validate button is clicked, we switch the validation status
function de_validate (id, validated, resourcetype) {
let validate_obj = $("#validate_" + id);
const validate_obj = $('#validate_' + id)
if (validate_obj.data("pending"))
// The button is already clicked
if (validate_obj.data('pending'))
// The button is already clicked
{ return }
let invalidity_reason = $("#invalidity_reason_" + id).val();
validate_obj.html("<strong style=\"font-size: 16pt;\">⟳</strong>");
validate_obj.data("pending", true);
const invalidity_reason = $('#invalidity_reason_' + id).val()
validate_obj.html('<strong style="font-size: 16pt;">⟳</strong>')
validate_obj.data('pending', true)
// Perform a PATCH request to the API in order to update the transaction
// If the user has insufficient rights, an error message will appear
"url": "/api/note/transaction/transaction/" + id + "/",
type: "PATCH",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
data: {
"resourcetype": resourcetype,
"valid": !validated,
"invalidity_reason": invalidity_reason,
success: function () {
// error if this method doesn't exist. Please define it.
error: function (err) {
let errObj = JSON.parse(err.responseText);
let error = errObj["detail"] ? errObj["detail"] : errObj["non_field_errors"];
if (!error)
error = err.responseText;
addMsg("Une erreur est survenue lors de la validation/dévalidation " +
"de cette transaction : " + error, "danger");
// Perform a PATCH request to the API in order to update the transaction
// If the user has insufficient rights, an error message will appear
url: '/api/note/transaction/transaction/' + id + '/',
type: 'PATCH',
dataType: 'json',
headers: {
data: {
resourcetype: resourcetype,
valid: !validated,
invalidity_reason: invalidity_reason
success: function () {
// error if this method doesn't exist. Please define it.
error: function (err) {
const errObj = JSON.parse(err.responseText)
let error = errObj.detail ? errObj.detail : errObj.non_field_errors
if (!error) { error = err.responseText }
addMsg('Une erreur est survenue lors de la validation/dévalidation ' +
'de cette transaction : ' + error, 'danger')
// error if this method doesn't exist. Please define it.
// error if this method doesn't exist. Please define it.
@ -404,10 +379,10 @@ function de_validate (id, validated, resourcetype) {
* @param wait Debounced milliseconds
function debounce (callback, wait) {
let timeout;
return (...args) => {
const context = this;
timeout = setTimeout(() => callback.apply(context, args), wait);
let timeout
return (...args) => {
const context = this
timeout = setTimeout(() => callback.apply(context, args), wait)

View File

@ -2,95 +2,92 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
// When a transaction is performed, lock the interface to prevent spam clicks.
var LOCK = false;
var LOCK = false
* Refresh the history table on the consumptions page.
function refreshHistory() {
$("#history").load("/note/consos/ #history");
$("#most_used").load("/note/consos/ #most_used");
function refreshHistory () {
$('#history').load('/note/consos/ #history')
$('#most_used').load('/note/consos/ #most_used')
$(document).ready(function() {
// If hash of a category in the URL, then select this category
// else select the first one
if (location.hash) {
$("a[href='" + location.hash + "']").tab("show");
} else {
$(document).ready(function () {
// If hash of a category in the URL, then select this category
// else select the first one
if (location.hash) {
$("a[href='" + location.hash + "']").tab('show')
} else {
// When selecting a category, change URL
$(document.body).on('click', "a[data-toggle='tab']", function () {
location.hash = this.getAttribute('href')
// Switching in double consumptions mode should update the layout
$('#double_conso').change(function () {
$('#user_select_div').attr('class', 'col-xl-4')
$('#infos_div').attr('class', 'col-sm-5 col-xl-6')
const note_list_obj = $('#note_list')
if (buttons.length > 0 && note_list_obj.text().length > 0) {
buttons.forEach(function (button) {
$('#conso_button_' + button.id).click(function () {
if (LOCK) { return }
removeNote(button, 'conso_button', buttons, 'consos_list')()
// When selecting a category, change URL
$(document.body).on("click", "a[data-toggle='tab']", function() {
location.hash = this.getAttribute("href");
$('#single_conso').change(function () {
$('#user_select_div').attr('class', 'col-xl-7')
$('#infos_div').attr('class', 'col-sm-5 col-md-4')
// Switching in double consumptions mode should update the layout
$("#double_conso").change(function() {
$("#user_select_div").attr('class', 'col-xl-4');
$("#infos_div").attr('class', 'col-sm-5 col-xl-6');
const consos_list_obj = $('#consos_list')
if (buttons.length > 0) {
if (notes_display.length === 0 && consos_list_obj.text().length > 0) {
buttons.forEach(function (button) {
$('#conso_button_' + button.id).click(function () {
if (LOCK) { return }
removeNote(button, 'conso_button', buttons, 'note_list')()
} else {
buttons.length = 0
let note_list_obj = $("#note_list");
if (buttons.length > 0 && note_list_obj.text().length > 0) {
// Ensure we begin in single consumption. Fix issue with TurboLinks and BootstrapJS
buttons.forEach(function(button) {
$("#conso_button_" + button.id).click(function() {
if (LOCK)
removeNote(button, "conso_button", buttons,"consos_list")();
$("#single_conso").change(function() {
$("#user_select_div").attr('class', 'col-xl-7');
$("#infos_div").attr('class', 'col-sm-5 col-md-4');
let consos_list_obj = $("#consos_list");
if (buttons.length > 0) {
if (notes_display.length === 0 && consos_list_obj.text().length > 0) {
buttons.forEach(function(button) {
$("#conso_button_" + button.id).click(function() {
if (LOCK)
removeNote(button, "conso_button", buttons,"note_list")();
else {
buttons.length = 0;
// Ensure we begin in single consumption. Fix issue with TurboLinks and BootstrapJS
notes = [];
notes_display = [];
buttons = [];
notes = []
notes_display = []
buttons = []
// When the user searches an alias, we update the auto-completion
autoCompleteNote("note", "note_list", notes, notes_display,
"alias", "note", "user_note", "profile_pic", function() {
if (buttons.length > 0 && $("#single_conso").is(":checked")) {
return false;
return true;
autoCompleteNote('note', 'note_list', notes, notes_display,
'alias', 'note', 'user_note', 'profile_pic', function () {
if (buttons.length > 0 && $('#single_conso').is(':checked')) {
return false
return true
* Add a transaction from a button.
@ -102,103 +99,98 @@ autoCompleteNote("note", "note_list", notes, notes_display,
* @param template_id The identifier of the button
* @param template_name The name of the button
function addConso(dest, amount, type, category_id, category_name, template_id, template_name) {
var button = null;
buttons.forEach(function(b) {
if (b.id === template_id) {
b.quantity += 1;
button = b;
if (button == null) {
button = {
id: template_id,
name: template_name,
dest: dest,
quantity: 1,
amount: amount,
type: type,
category_id: category_id,
category_name: category_name
function addConso (dest, amount, type, category_id, category_name, template_id, template_name) {
var button = null
buttons.forEach(function (b) {
if (b.id === template_id) {
b.quantity += 1
button = b
let dc_obj = $("#double_conso");
if (dc_obj.is(":checked") || notes_display.length === 0) {
let list = dc_obj.is(":checked") ? "consos_list" : "note_list";
let html = "";
buttons.forEach(function(button) {
html += li("conso_button_" + button.id, button.name
+ "<span class=\"badge badge-dark badge-pill\">" + button.quantity + "</span>");
$("#" + list).html(html);
buttons.forEach(function(button) {
$("#conso_button_" + button.id).click(function() {
if (LOCK)
removeNote(button, "conso_button", buttons, list)();
if (button == null) {
button = {
id: template_id,
name: template_name,
dest: dest,
quantity: 1,
amount: amount,
type: type,
category_id: category_id,
category_name: category_name
const dc_obj = $('#double_conso')
if (dc_obj.is(':checked') || notes_display.length === 0) {
const list = dc_obj.is(':checked') ? 'consos_list' : 'note_list'
let html = ''
buttons.forEach(function (button) {
html += li('conso_button_' + button.id, button.name +
'<span class="badge badge-dark badge-pill">' + button.quantity + '</span>')
$('#' + list).html(html)
buttons.forEach(function (button) {
$('#conso_button_' + button.id).click(function () {
if (LOCK) { return }
removeNote(button, 'conso_button', buttons, list)()
} else { consumeAll() }
* Reset the page as its initial state.
function reset() {
notes_display.length = 0;
notes.length = 0;
buttons.length = 0;
$("#note").attr("data-original-title", "").tooltip("hide");
$("#profile_pic").attr("src", "/static/member/img/default_picture.png");
$("#profile_pic_link").attr("href", "#");
LOCK = false;
function reset () {
notes_display.length = 0
notes.length = 0
buttons.length = 0
$('#note').attr('data-original-title', '').tooltip('hide')
$('#profile_pic').attr('src', '/static/member/img/default_picture.png')
$('#profile_pic_link').attr('href', '#')
LOCK = false
* Apply all transactions: all notes in `notes` buy each item in `buttons`
function consumeAll() {
if (LOCK)
function consumeAll () {
if (LOCK) { return }
LOCK = true;
LOCK = true
let error = false;
let error = false
if (notes_display.length === 0) {
$("#note_list").html(li("", "<strong>Ajoutez des émetteurs.</strong>", "text-danger"));
error = true;
if (notes_display.length === 0) {
$('#note_list').html(li('', '<strong>Ajoutez des émetteurs.</strong>', 'text-danger'))
error = true
if (buttons.length === 0) {
$("#consos_list").html(li("", "<strong>Ajoutez des consommations.</strong>", "text-danger"));
error = true;
if (buttons.length === 0) {
$('#consos_list').html(li('', '<strong>Ajoutez des consommations.</strong>', 'text-danger'))
error = true
if (error) {
LOCK = false;
if (error) {
LOCK = false
notes_display.forEach(function(note_display) {
buttons.forEach(function(button) {
consume(note_display.note, note_display.name, button.dest, button.quantity * note_display.quantity, button.amount,
button.name + " (" + button.category_name + ")", button.type, button.category_id, button.id);
notes_display.forEach(function (note_display) {
buttons.forEach(function (button) {
consume(note_display.note, note_display.name, button.dest, button.quantity * note_display.quantity, button.amount,
button.name + ' (' + button.category_name + ')', button.type, button.category_id, button.id)
@ -213,58 +205,60 @@ function consumeAll() {
* @param category The category id of the button (type: int)
* @param template The button id (type: int)
function consume(source, source_alias, dest, quantity, amount, reason, type, category, template) {
function consume (source, source_alias, dest, quantity, amount, reason, type, category, template) {
csrfmiddlewaretoken: CSRF_TOKEN,
quantity: quantity,
amount: amount,
reason: reason,
valid: true,
polymorphic_ctype: type,
resourcetype: 'RecurrentTransaction',
source: source.id,
source_alias: source_alias,
destination: dest,
template: template
.done(function () {
if (!isNaN(source.balance)) {
const newBalance = source.balance - quantity * amount
if (newBalance <= -5000) {
addMsg('Attention, La transaction depuis la note ' + source_alias + ' a été réalisée avec ' +
'succès, mais la note émettrice ' + source_alias + ' est en négatif sévère.',
'danger', 30000)
} else if (newBalance < 0) {
addMsg('Attention, La transaction depuis la note ' + source_alias + ' a été réalisée avec ' +
'succès, mais la note émettrice ' + source_alias + ' est en négatif.',
'warning', 30000)
if (source.membership && source.membership.date_end < new Date().toISOString()) {
addMsg('Attention : la note émettrice ' + source.name + " n'est plus adhérente.",
'danger', 30000)
}).fail(function (e) {
"csrfmiddlewaretoken": CSRF_TOKEN,
"quantity": quantity,
"amount": amount,
"reason": reason,
"valid": true,
"polymorphic_ctype": type,
"resourcetype": "RecurrentTransaction",
"source": source.id,
"source_alias": source_alias,
"destination": dest,
"template": template
.done(function () {
if (!isNaN(source.balance)) {
let newBalance = source.balance - quantity * amount;
if (newBalance <= -5000)
addMsg("Attention, La transaction depuis la note " + source_alias + " a été réalisée avec " +
"succès, mais la note émettrice " + source_alias + " est en négatif sévère.",
"danger", 30000);
else if (newBalance < 0)
addMsg("Attention, La transaction depuis la note " + source_alias + " a été réalisée avec " +
"succès, mais la note émettrice " + source_alias + " est en négatif.",
"warning", 30000);
if (source.membership && source.membership.date_end < new Date().toISOString())
addMsg("Attention : la note émettrice " + source.name + " n'est plus adhérente.",
"danger", 30000);
}).fail(function (e) {
"csrfmiddlewaretoken": CSRF_TOKEN,
"quantity": quantity,
"amount": amount,
"reason": reason,
"valid": false,
"invalidity_reason": "Solde insuffisant",
"polymorphic_ctype": type,
"resourcetype": "RecurrentTransaction",
"source": source,
"source_alias": source_alias,
"destination": dest,
"template": template
}).done(function() {
addMsg("La transaction n'a pas pu être validée pour cause de solde insuffisant.", "danger", 10000);
}).fail(function () {
csrfmiddlewaretoken: CSRF_TOKEN,
quantity: quantity,
amount: amount,
reason: reason,
valid: false,
invalidity_reason: 'Solde insuffisant',
polymorphic_ctype: type,
resourcetype: 'RecurrentTransaction',
source: source,
source_alias: source_alias,
destination: dest,
template: template
}).done(function () {
addMsg("La transaction n'a pas pu être validée pour cause de solde insuffisant.", 'danger', 10000)
}).fail(function () {

View File

@ -9,241 +9,240 @@
* Licensed under the New BSD License
* See: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
;(function($) {
$.fn.formset = function(opts)
var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.formset.defaults, opts),
flatExtraClasses = options.extraClasses.join(' '),
totalForms = $('#id_' + options.prefix + '-TOTAL_FORMS'),
maxForms = $('#id_' + options.prefix + '-MAX_NUM_FORMS'),
minForms = $('#id_' + options.prefix + '-MIN_NUM_FORMS'),
childElementSelector = 'input,select,textarea,label,div',
$$ = $(this),
;(function ($) {
$.fn.formset = function (opts) {
var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.formset.defaults, opts)
var flatExtraClasses = options.extraClasses.join(' ')
var totalForms = $('#id_' + options.prefix + '-TOTAL_FORMS')
var maxForms = $('#id_' + options.prefix + '-MAX_NUM_FORMS')
var minForms = $('#id_' + options.prefix + '-MIN_NUM_FORMS')
var childElementSelector = 'input,select,textarea,label,div'
var $$ = $(this)
applyExtraClasses = function(row, ndx) {
if (options.extraClasses) {
row.addClass(options.extraClasses[ndx % options.extraClasses.length]);
var applyExtraClasses = function (row, ndx) {
if (options.extraClasses) {
row.addClass(options.extraClasses[ndx % options.extraClasses.length])
updateElementIndex = function(elem, prefix, ndx) {
var idRegex = new RegExp(prefix + '-(\\d+|__prefix__)-'),
replacement = prefix + '-' + ndx + '-';
if (elem.attr("for")) elem.attr("for", elem.attr("for").replace(idRegex, replacement));
if (elem.attr('id')) elem.attr('id', elem.attr('id').replace(idRegex, replacement));
if (elem.attr('name')) elem.attr('name', elem.attr('name').replace(idRegex, replacement));
var updateElementIndex = function (elem, prefix, ndx) {
var idRegex = new RegExp(prefix + '-(\\d+|__prefix__)-')
var replacement = prefix + '-' + ndx + '-'
if (elem.attr('for')) elem.attr('for', elem.attr('for').replace(idRegex, replacement))
if (elem.attr('id')) elem.attr('id', elem.attr('id').replace(idRegex, replacement))
if (elem.attr('name')) elem.attr('name', elem.attr('name').replace(idRegex, replacement))
hasChildElements = function(row) {
return row.find(childElementSelector).length > 0;
var hasChildElements = function (row) {
return row.find(childElementSelector).length > 0
showAddButton = function() {
return maxForms.length == 0 || // For Django versions pre 1.2
(maxForms.val() == '' || (maxForms.val() - totalForms.val() > 0));
var showAddButton = function () {
return maxForms.length == 0 || // For Django versions pre 1.2
(maxForms.val() == '' || (maxForms.val() - totalForms.val() > 0))
* Indicates whether delete link(s) can be displayed - when total forms > min forms
showDeleteLinks = function() {
return minForms.length == 0 || // For Django versions pre 1.7
(minForms.val() == '' || (totalForms.val() - minForms.val() > 0));
var showDeleteLinks = function () {
return minForms.length == 0 || // For Django versions pre 1.7
(minForms.val() == '' || (totalForms.val() - minForms.val() > 0))
insertDeleteLink = function(row) {
var delCssSelector = $.trim(options.deleteCssClass).replace(/\s+/g, '.'),
addCssSelector = $.trim(options.addCssClass).replace(/\s+/g, '.');
var insertDeleteLink = function (row) {
var delCssSelector = $.trim(options.deleteCssClass).replace(/\s+/g, '.')
var addCssSelector = $.trim(options.addCssClass).replace(/\s+/g, '.')
var delButtonHTML = '<a class="' + options.deleteCssClass + '" href="javascript:void(0)">' + options.deleteText +'</a>';
if (options.deleteContainerClass) {
// If we have a specific container for the remove button,
// place it as the last child of that container:
row.find('[class*="' + options.deleteContainerClass + '"]').append(delButtonHTML);
} else if (row.is('TR')) {
// If the forms are laid out in table rows, insert
// the remove button into the last table cell:
} else if (row.is('UL') || row.is('OL')) {
// If they're laid out as an ordered/unordered list,
// insert an <li> after the last list item:
row.append('<li>' + delButtonHTML + '</li>');
} else {
// Otherwise, just insert the remove button as the
// last child element of the form's container:
var delButtonHTML = '<a class="' + options.deleteCssClass + '" href="javascript:void(0)">' + options.deleteText + '</a>'
if (options.deleteContainerClass) {
// If we have a specific container for the remove button,
// place it as the last child of that container:
row.find('[class*="' + options.deleteContainerClass + '"]').append(delButtonHTML)
} else if (row.is('TR')) {
// If the forms are laid out in table rows, insert
// the remove button into the last table cell:
} else if (row.is('UL') || row.is('OL')) {
// If they're laid out as an ordered/unordered list,
// insert an <li> after the last list item:
row.append('<li>' + delButtonHTML + '</li>')
} else {
// Otherwise, just insert the remove button as the
// last child element of the form's container:
// Check if we're under the minimum number of forms - not to display delete link at rendering
if (!showDeleteLinks()){
row.find('a.' + delCssSelector).hide();
// Check if we're under the minimum number of forms - not to display delete link at rendering
if (!showDeleteLinks()) {
row.find('a.' + delCssSelector).hide()
row.find('a.' + delCssSelector).click(function() {
var row = $(this).parents('.' + options.formCssClass),
del = row.find('input:hidden[id $= "-DELETE"]'),
buttonRow = row.siblings("a." + addCssSelector + ', .' + options.formCssClass + '-add'),
if (del.length) {
// We're dealing with an inline formset.
// Rather than remove this form from the DOM, we'll mark it as deleted
// and hide it, then let Django handle the deleting:
forms = $('.' + options.formCssClass).not(':hidden');
} else {
// Update the TOTAL_FORMS count:
forms = $('.' + options.formCssClass).not('.formset-custom-template');
for (var i=0, formCount=forms.length; i<formCount; i++) {
// Apply `extraClasses` to form rows so they're nicely alternating:
applyExtraClasses(forms.eq(i), i);
if (!del.length) {
// Also update names and IDs for all child controls (if this isn't
// a delete-able inline formset) so they remain in sequence:
forms.eq(i).find(childElementSelector).each(function() {
updateElementIndex($(this), options.prefix, i);
// Check if we've reached the minimum number of forms - hide all delete link(s)
if (!showDeleteLinks()){
$('a.' + delCssSelector).each(function(){$(this).hide();});
// Check if we need to show the add button:
if (buttonRow.is(':hidden') && showAddButton()) buttonRow.show();
// If a post-delete callback was provided, call it with the deleted form:
if (options.removed) options.removed(row);
return false;
$$.each(function(i) {
var row = $(this),
del = row.find('input:checkbox[id $= "-DELETE"]');
if (del.length) {
// If you specify "can_delete = True" when creating an inline formset,
// Django adds a checkbox to each form in the formset.
// Replace the default checkbox with a hidden field:
if (del.is(':checked')) {
// If an inline formset containing deleted forms fails validation, make sure
// we keep the forms hidden (thanks for the bug report and suggested fix Mike)
del.before('<input type="hidden" name="' + del.attr('name') +'" id="' + del.attr('id') +'" value="on" />');
} else {
del.before('<input type="hidden" name="' + del.attr('name') +'" id="' + del.attr('id') +'" />');
// Hide any labels associated with the DELETE checkbox:
$('label[for="' + del.attr('id') + '"]').hide();
if (hasChildElements(row)) {
if (row.is(':visible')) {
applyExtraClasses(row, i);
if ($$.length) {
var hideAddButton = !showAddButton(),
addButton, template;
if (options.formTemplate) {
// If a form template was specified, we'll clone it to generate new form instances:
template = (options.formTemplate instanceof $) ? options.formTemplate : $(options.formTemplate);
template.removeAttr('id').addClass(options.formCssClass + ' formset-custom-template');
template.find(childElementSelector).each(function() {
updateElementIndex($(this), options.prefix, '__prefix__');
} else {
// Otherwise, use the last form in the formset; this works much better if you've got
// extra (>= 1) forms (thnaks to justhamade for pointing this out):
if (options.hideLastAddForm) $('.' + options.formCssClass + ':last').hide();
template = $('.' + options.formCssClass + ':last').clone(true).removeAttr('id');
template.find('input:hidden[id $= "-DELETE"]').remove();
// Clear all cloned fields, except those the user wants to keep (thanks to brunogola for the suggestion):
template.find(childElementSelector).not(options.keepFieldValues).each(function() {
var elem = $(this);
// If this is a checkbox or radiobutton, uncheck it.
// This fixes Issue 1, reported by Wilson.Andrew.J:
if (elem.is('input:checkbox') || elem.is('input:radio')) {
elem.attr('checked', false);
} else {
// FIXME: Perhaps using $.data would be a better idea?
options.formTemplate = template;
var addButtonHTML = '<a class="' + options.addCssClass + '" href="javascript:void(0)">' + options.addText + '</a>';
if (options.addContainerClass) {
// If we have a specific container for the "add" button,
// place it as the last child of that container:
var addContainer = $('[class*="' + options.addContainerClass + '"');
addButton = addContainer.find('[class="' + options.addCssClass + '"]');
} else if ($$.is('TR')) {
// If forms are laid out as table rows, insert the
// "add" button in a new table row:
var numCols = $$.eq(0).children().length, // This is a bit of an assumption :|
buttonRow = $('<tr><td colspan="' + numCols + '">' + addButtonHTML + '</tr>').addClass(options.formCssClass + '-add');
addButton = buttonRow.find('a');
} else {
// Otherwise, insert it immediately after the last form:
addButton = $$.filter(':last').next();
if (hideAddButton) addButton.hide();
addButton.click(function() {
var formCount = parseInt(totalForms.val()),
row = options.formTemplate.clone(true).removeClass('formset-custom-template'),
buttonRow = $($(this).parents('tr.' + options.formCssClass + '-add').get(0) || this),
delCssSelector = $.trim(options.deleteCssClass).replace(/\s+/g, '.');
applyExtraClasses(row, formCount);
row.find(childElementSelector).each(function() {
updateElementIndex($(this), options.prefix, formCount);
totalForms.val(formCount + 1);
// Check if we're above the minimum allowed number of forms -> show all delete link(s)
if (showDeleteLinks()){
$('a.' + delCssSelector).each(function(){$(this).show();});
// Check if we've exceeded the maximum allowed number of forms:
if (!showAddButton()) buttonRow.hide();
// If a post-add callback was supplied, call it with the added form:
if (options.added) options.added(row);
return false;
row.find('a.' + delCssSelector).click(function () {
var row = $(this).parents('.' + options.formCssClass)
var del = row.find('input:hidden[id $= "-DELETE"]')
var buttonRow = row.siblings('a.' + addCssSelector + ', .' + options.formCssClass + '-add')
var forms
if (del.length) {
// We're dealing with an inline formset.
// Rather than remove this form from the DOM, we'll mark it as deleted
// and hide it, then let Django handle the deleting:
forms = $('.' + options.formCssClass).not(':hidden')
} else {
// Update the TOTAL_FORMS count:
forms = $('.' + options.formCssClass).not('.formset-custom-template')
for (var i = 0, formCount = forms.length; i < formCount; i++) {
// Apply `extraClasses` to form rows so they're nicely alternating:
applyExtraClasses(forms.eq(i), i)
if (!del.length) {
// Also update names and IDs for all child controls (if this isn't
// a delete-able inline formset) so they remain in sequence:
forms.eq(i).find(childElementSelector).each(function () {
updateElementIndex($(this), options.prefix, i)
// Check if we've reached the minimum number of forms - hide all delete link(s)
if (!showDeleteLinks()) {
$('a.' + delCssSelector).each(function () { $(this).hide() })
// Check if we need to show the add button:
if (buttonRow.is(':hidden') && showAddButton()) buttonRow.show()
// If a post-delete callback was provided, call it with the deleted form:
if (options.removed) options.removed(row)
return false
return $$;
$$.each(function (i) {
var row = $(this)
var del = row.find('input:checkbox[id $= "-DELETE"]')
if (del.length) {
// If you specify "can_delete = True" when creating an inline formset,
// Django adds a checkbox to each form in the formset.
// Replace the default checkbox with a hidden field:
if (del.is(':checked')) {
// If an inline formset containing deleted forms fails validation, make sure
// we keep the forms hidden (thanks for the bug report and suggested fix Mike)
del.before('<input type="hidden" name="' + del.attr('name') + '" id="' + del.attr('id') + '" value="on" />')
} else {
del.before('<input type="hidden" name="' + del.attr('name') + '" id="' + del.attr('id') + '" />')
// Hide any labels associated with the DELETE checkbox:
$('label[for="' + del.attr('id') + '"]').hide()
if (hasChildElements(row)) {
if (row.is(':visible')) {
applyExtraClasses(row, i)
/* Setup plugin defaults */
$.fn.formset.defaults = {
prefix: 'form', // The form prefix for your django formset
formTemplate: null, // The jQuery selection cloned to generate new form instances
addText: 'add another', // Text for the add link
deleteText: 'remove', // Text for the delete link
addContainerClass: null, // Container CSS class for the add link
deleteContainerClass: null, // Container CSS class for the delete link
addCssClass: 'add-row', // CSS class applied to the add link
deleteCssClass: 'delete-row', // CSS class applied to the delete link
formCssClass: 'dynamic-form', // CSS class applied to each form in a formset
extraClasses: [], // Additional CSS classes, which will be applied to each form in turn
keepFieldValues: '', // jQuery selector for fields whose values should be kept when the form is cloned
added: null, // Function called each time a new form is added
removed: null, // Function called each time a form is deleted
hideLastAddForm: false // When set to true, hide last empty add form (becomes visible when clicking on add button)
if ($$.length) {
var hideAddButton = !showAddButton()
var addButton; var template
if (options.formTemplate) {
// If a form template was specified, we'll clone it to generate new form instances:
template = (options.formTemplate instanceof $) ? options.formTemplate : $(options.formTemplate)
template.removeAttr('id').addClass(options.formCssClass + ' formset-custom-template')
template.find(childElementSelector).each(function () {
updateElementIndex($(this), options.prefix, '__prefix__')
} else {
// Otherwise, use the last form in the formset; this works much better if you've got
// extra (>= 1) forms (thnaks to justhamade for pointing this out):
if (options.hideLastAddForm) $('.' + options.formCssClass + ':last').hide()
template = $('.' + options.formCssClass + ':last').clone(true).removeAttr('id')
template.find('input:hidden[id $= "-DELETE"]').remove()
// Clear all cloned fields, except those the user wants to keep (thanks to brunogola for the suggestion):
template.find(childElementSelector).not(options.keepFieldValues).each(function () {
var elem = $(this)
// If this is a checkbox or radiobutton, uncheck it.
// This fixes Issue 1, reported by Wilson.Andrew.J:
if (elem.is('input:checkbox') || elem.is('input:radio')) {
elem.attr('checked', false)
} else {
// FIXME: Perhaps using $.data would be a better idea?
options.formTemplate = template
var addButtonHTML = '<a class="' + options.addCssClass + '" href="javascript:void(0)">' + options.addText + '</a>'
if (options.addContainerClass) {
// If we have a specific container for the "add" button,
// place it as the last child of that container:
var addContainer = $('[class*="' + options.addContainerClass + '"')
addButton = addContainer.find('[class="' + options.addCssClass + '"]')
} else if ($$.is('TR')) {
// If forms are laid out as table rows, insert the
// "add" button in a new table row:
var numCols = $$.eq(0).children().length // This is a bit of an assumption :|
var buttonRow = $('<tr><td colspan="' + numCols + '">' + addButtonHTML + '</tr>').addClass(options.formCssClass + '-add')
addButton = buttonRow.find('a')
} else {
// Otherwise, insert it immediately after the last form:
addButton = $$.filter(':last').next()
if (hideAddButton) addButton.hide()
addButton.click(function () {
var formCount = parseInt(totalForms.val())
var row = options.formTemplate.clone(true).removeClass('formset-custom-template')
var buttonRow = $($(this).parents('tr.' + options.formCssClass + '-add').get(0) || this)
var delCssSelector = $.trim(options.deleteCssClass).replace(/\s+/g, '.')
applyExtraClasses(row, formCount)
row.find(childElementSelector).each(function () {
updateElementIndex($(this), options.prefix, formCount)
totalForms.val(formCount + 1)
// Check if we're above the minimum allowed number of forms -> show all delete link(s)
if (showDeleteLinks()) {
$('a.' + delCssSelector).each(function () { $(this).show() })
// Check if we've exceeded the maximum allowed number of forms:
if (!showAddButton()) buttonRow.hide()
// If a post-add callback was supplied, call it with the added form:
if (options.added) options.added(row)
return false
return $$
/* Setup plugin defaults */
$.fn.formset.defaults = {
prefix: 'form', // The form prefix for your django formset
formTemplate: null, // The jQuery selection cloned to generate new form instances
addText: 'add another', // Text for the add link
deleteText: 'remove', // Text for the delete link
addContainerClass: null, // Container CSS class for the add link
deleteContainerClass: null, // Container CSS class for the delete link
addCssClass: 'add-row', // CSS class applied to the add link
deleteCssClass: 'delete-row', // CSS class applied to the delete link
formCssClass: 'dynamic-form', // CSS class applied to each form in a formset
extraClasses: [], // Additional CSS classes, which will be applied to each form in turn
keepFieldValues: '', // jQuery selector for fields whose values should be kept when the form is cloned
added: null, // Function called each time a new form is added
removed: null, // Function called each time a form is deleted
hideLastAddForm: false // When set to true, hide last empty add form (becomes visible when clicking on add button)

View File

@ -6,40 +6,40 @@
let cursor = 0
const KONAMI_CODE = [38, 38, 40, 40, 37, 39, 37, 39, 66, 65]
function afterKonami() {
// Load Rythm.js
var rythmScript = document.createElement('script')
function afterKonami () {
// Load Rythm.js
var rythmScript = document.createElement('script')
rythmScript.setAttribute('src', '//unpkg.com/rythm.js@2.2.5/rythm.min.js')
rythmScript.addEventListener('load', function() {
// Ker-Lyon audio courtesy of @adalan, ker-lyon.fr
const audioElement = new Audio('/static/song/konami.ogg')
audioElement.loop = true
rythmScript.addEventListener('load', function () {
// Ker-Lyon audio courtesy of @adalan, ker-lyon.fr
const audioElement = new Audio('/static/song/konami.ogg')
audioElement.loop = true
const rythm = new Rythm()
rythm.addRythm('card', 'pulse', 50, 50, {
min: 1,
max: 1.1
rythm.addRythm('d-flex', 'color', 50, 50, {
from: [64,64,64],
rythm.addRythm('nav-link', 'jump', 150, 50, {
min: 0,
max: 10
const rythm = new Rythm()
rythm.addRythm('card', 'pulse', 50, 50, {
min: 1,
max: 1.1
rythm.addRythm('d-flex', 'color', 50, 50, {
from: [64, 64, 64],
to: [128, 64, 128]
rythm.addRythm('nav-link', 'jump', 150, 50, {
min: 0,
max: 10
// Register custom event
document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
cursor = (e.keyCode == KONAMI_CODE[cursor]) ? cursor + 1 : 0;
if (cursor == KONAMI_CODE.length) {
cursor = (e.keyCode == KONAMI_CODE[cursor]) ? cursor + 1 : 0
if (cursor == KONAMI_CODE.length) {

View File

@ -1,440 +1,422 @@
var LOCK = false;
var LOCK = false
sources = [];
sources_notes_display = [];
dests = [];
dests_notes_display = [];
sources = []
sources_notes_display = []
dests = []
dests_notes_display = []
function refreshHistory() {
$("#history").load("/note/transfer/ #history");
function refreshHistory () {
$('#history').load('/note/transfer/ #history')
function reset(refresh=true) {
sources_notes_display.length = 0;
sources.length = 0;
dests_notes_display.length = 0;
dests.length = 0;
let source_field = $("#source_note");
let event = jQuery.Event("keyup");
event.originalEvent = {charCode: 97};
source_field.attr("data-original-title", "").tooltip("hide");
let dest_field = $("#dest_note");
dest_field.attr("data-original-title", "").tooltip("hide");
let amount_field = $("#amount");
let reason_field = $("#reason");
$("#profile_pic").attr("src", "/static/member/img/default_picture.png");
$("#profile_pic_link").attr("href", "#");
if (refresh) {
function reset (refresh = true) {
sources_notes_display.length = 0
sources.length = 0
dests_notes_display.length = 0
dests.length = 0
const source_field = $('#source_note')
const event = jQuery.Event('keyup')
event.originalEvent = { charCode: 97 }
source_field.attr('data-original-title', '').tooltip('hide')
const dest_field = $('#dest_note')
dest_field.attr('data-original-title', '').tooltip('hide')
const amount_field = $('#amount')
const reason_field = $('#reason')
$('#profile_pic').attr('src', '/static/member/img/default_picture.png')
$('#profile_pic_link').attr('href', '#')
if (refresh) {
LOCK = false;
LOCK = false
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).ready(function () {
* If we are in credit/debit mode, check that only one note is entered.
* More over, get first name and last name to autocomplete fields.
function checkUniqueNote() {
if ($("#type_credit").is(":checked") || $("#type_debit").is(":checked")) {
let arr = $("#type_credit").is(":checked") ? dests_notes_display : sources_notes_display;
function checkUniqueNote () {
if ($('#type_credit').is(':checked') || $('#type_debit').is(':checked')) {
const arr = $('#type_credit').is(':checked') ? dests_notes_display : sources_notes_display
if (arr.length === 0)
if (arr.length === 0) { return }
let last = arr[arr.length - 1];
arr.length = 0;
const last = arr[arr.length - 1]
arr.length = 0
last.quantity = 1;
last.quantity = 1
if (!last.note.user) {
$.getJSON("/api/note/note/" + last.note.id + "/?format=json", function(note) {
last.note.user = note.user;
$.getJSON("/api/user/" + last.note.user + "/", function(user) {
if (!last.note.user) {
$.getJSON('/api/note/note/' + last.note.id + '/?format=json', function (note) {
last.note.user = note.user
$.getJSON('/api/user/' + last.note.user + '/', function (user) {
} else {
$.getJSON('/api/user/' + last.note.user + '/', function (user) {
return true
autoCompleteNote('source_note', 'source_note_list', sources, sources_notes_display,
'source_alias', 'source_note', 'user_note', 'profile_pic', checkUniqueNote)
autoCompleteNote('dest_note', 'dest_note_list', dests, dests_notes_display,
'dest_alias', 'dest_note', 'user_note', 'profile_pic', checkUniqueNote)
const source = $('#source_note')
const dest = $('#dest_note')
$('#type_transfer').change(function () {
if (LOCK) { return }
location.hash = 'transfer'
$('#type_credit').change(function () {
if (LOCK) { return }
if (dests_notes_display.length > 1) {
dests_notes_display.length = 0
location.hash = 'credit'
$('#type_debit').change(function () {
if (LOCK) { return }
if (sources_notes_display.length > 1) {
sources_notes_display.length = 0
location.hash = 'debit'
$('#credit_type').change(function () {
const type = $('#credit_type option:selected').text()
if ($('#type_credit').is(':checked')) { source.val(type) } else { dest.val(type) }
// Ensure we begin in transfer mode. Removing these lines may cause problems when reloading.
const type_transfer = $('#type_transfer') // Default mode
if (location.hash) { $('#type_' + location.hash.substr(1)).click() } else { type_transfer.click() }
$('#source_me').click(function () {
if (LOCK) { return }
// Shortcut to set the current user as the only emitter
sources_notes_display.length = 0
sources.length = 0
const source_note = $('#source_note')
let event = jQuery.Event('keyup')
event.originalEvent = { charCode: 97 }
event = jQuery.Event('keyup')
event.originalEvent = { charCode: 97 }
const fill_note = function () {
if (sources.length === 0) {
setTimeout(fill_note, 100)
event = jQuery.Event('keypress')
event.originalEvent = { charCode: 13 }
$('#btn_transfer').click(function () {
if (LOCK) { return }
LOCK = true
let error = false
const amount_field = $('#amount')
const reason_field = $('#reason')
if (!amount_field.val() || isNaN(amount_field.val()) || amount_field.val() <= 0) {
$('#amount-required').html('<strong>Ce champ est requis et doit comporter un nombre décimal strictement positif.</strong>')
error = true
const amount = Math.floor(100 * amount_field.val())
if (amount > 2147483647) {
$('#amount-required').html('<strong>Le montant ne doit pas excéder 21474836.47 €.</strong>')
error = true
if (!reason_field.val()) {
$('#reason-required').html('<strong>Ce champ est requis.</strong>')
error = true
if (!sources_notes_display.length && !$('#type_credit').is(':checked')) {
error = true
if (!dests_notes_display.length && !$('#type_debit').is(':checked')) {
error = true
if (error) {
LOCK = false
let reason = reason_field.val()
if ($('#type_transfer').is(':checked')) {
// We copy the arrays to ensure that transactions are well-processed even if the form is reset
[...sources_notes_display].forEach(function (source) {
[...dests_notes_display].forEach(function (dest) {
if (source.note.id === dest.note.id) {
addMsg('Attention : la transaction de ' + pretty_money(amount) + ' de la note ' + source.name +
' vers la note ' + dest.name + " n'a pas été faite car il s'agit de la même note au départ" +
" et à l'arrivée.", 'warning', 10000)
LOCK = false
csrfmiddlewaretoken: CSRF_TOKEN,
quantity: source.quantity * dest.quantity,
amount: amount,
reason: reason,
valid: true,
resourcetype: 'Transaction',
source: source.note.id,
source_alias: source.name,
destination: dest.note.id,
destination_alias: dest.name
}).done(function () {
if (source.note.membership && source.note.membership.date_end < new Date().toISOString()) {
addMsg('Attention : la note émettrice ' + source.name + " n'est plus adhérente.",
'danger', 30000)
if (dest.note.membership && dest.note.membership.date_end < new Date().toISOString()) {
addMsg('Attention : la note destination ' + dest.name + " n'est plus adhérente.",
'danger', 30000)
if (!isNaN(source.note.balance)) {
const newBalance = source.note.balance - source.quantity * dest.quantity * amount
if (newBalance <= -5000) {
addMsg('Le transfert de ' +
pretty_money(source.quantity * dest.quantity * amount) + ' de la note ' +
source.name + ' vers la note ' + dest.name + ' a été fait avec succès, ' +
'mais la note émettrice est en négatif sévère.', 'danger', 10000)
} else if (newBalance < 0) {
addMsg('Le transfert de ' +
pretty_money(source.quantity * dest.quantity * amount) + ' de la note ' +
source.name + ' vers la note ' + dest.name + ' a été fait avec succès, ' +
'mais la note émettrice est en négatif.', 'warning', 10000)
else {
$.getJSON("/api/user/" + last.note.user + "/", function(user) {
addMsg('Le transfert de ' +
pretty_money(source.quantity * dest.quantity * amount) + ' de la note ' + source.name +
' vers la note ' + dest.name + ' a été fait avec succès !', 'success', 10000)
return true;
}).fail(function (err) { // do it again but valid = false
const errObj = JSON.parse(err.responseText)
if (errObj.non_field_errors) {
addMsg('Le transfert de ' +
pretty_money(source.quantity * dest.quantity * amount) + ' de la note ' + source.name +
' vers la note ' + dest.name + ' a échoué : ' + errObj.non_field_errors, 'danger')
LOCK = false
autoCompleteNote("source_note", "source_note_list", sources, sources_notes_display,
"source_alias", "source_note", "user_note", "profile_pic", checkUniqueNote);
autoCompleteNote("dest_note", "dest_note_list", dests, dests_notes_display,
"dest_alias", "dest_note", "user_note", "profile_pic", checkUniqueNote);
let source = $("#source_note");
let dest = $("#dest_note");
$("#type_transfer").change(function() {
if (LOCK)
location.hash = "transfer";
$("#type_credit").change(function() {
if (LOCK)
if (dests_notes_display.length > 1) {
dests_notes_display.length = 0;
location.hash = "credit";
$("#type_debit").change(function() {
if (LOCK)
if (sources_notes_display.length > 1) {
sources_notes_display.length = 0;
location.hash = "debit";
$("#credit_type").change(function() {
let type = $("#credit_type option:selected").text();
if ($("#type_credit").is(":checked"))
// Ensure we begin in transfer mode. Removing these lines may cause problems when reloading.
let type_transfer = $("#type_transfer"); // Default mode
if (location.hash)
$("#type_" + location.hash.substr(1)).click();
$("#source_me").click(function() {
if (LOCK)
// Shortcut to set the current user as the only emitter
sources_notes_display.length = 0;
sources.length = 0;
let source_note = $("#source_note");
let event = jQuery.Event("keyup");
event.originalEvent = {charCode: 97};
event = jQuery.Event("keyup");
event.originalEvent = {charCode: 97};
let fill_note = function() {
if (sources.length === 0) {
setTimeout(fill_note, 100);
event = jQuery.Event("keypress");
event.originalEvent = {charCode: 13};
$("#btn_transfer").click(function() {
if (LOCK)
LOCK = true;
let error = false;
let amount_field = $("#amount");
let reason_field = $("#reason");
if (!amount_field.val() || isNaN(amount_field.val()) || amount_field.val() <= 0) {
$("#amount-required").html("<strong>Ce champ est requis et doit comporter un nombre décimal strictement positif.</strong>");
error = true;
let amount = Math.floor(100 * amount_field.val());
if (amount > 2147483647) {
$("#amount-required").html("<strong>Le montant ne doit pas excéder 21474836.47 €.</strong>");
error = true;
if (!reason_field.val()) {
$("#reason-required").html("<strong>Ce champ est requis.</strong>");
error = true;
if (!sources_notes_display.length && !$("#type_credit").is(':checked')) {
error = true;
if (!dests_notes_display.length && !$("#type_debit").is(':checked')) {
error = true;
if (error) {
LOCK = false;
let reason = reason_field.val();
if ($("#type_transfer").is(':checked')) {
// We copy the arrays to ensure that transactions are well-processed even if the form is reset
[...sources_notes_display].forEach(function (source) {
[...dests_notes_display].forEach(function (dest) {
if (source.note.id === dest.note.id) {
addMsg("Attention : la transaction de " + pretty_money(amount) + " de la note " + source.name
+ " vers la note " + dest.name + " n'a pas été faite car il s'agit de la même note au départ" +
" et à l'arrivée.","warning", 10000);
LOCK = false;
"csrfmiddlewaretoken": CSRF_TOKEN,
"quantity": source.quantity * dest.quantity,
"amount": amount,
"reason": reason,
"valid": true,
"polymorphic_ctype": TRANSFER_POLYMORPHIC_CTYPE,
"resourcetype": "Transaction",
"source": source.note.id,
"source_alias": source.name,
"destination": dest.note.id,
"destination_alias": dest.name
}).done(function () {
if (source.note.membership && source.note.membership.date_end < new Date().toISOString())
addMsg("Attention : la note émettrice " + source.name + " n'est plus adhérente.",
"danger", 30000);
if (dest.note.membership && dest.note.membership.date_end < new Date().toISOString())
addMsg("Attention : la note destination " + dest.name + " n'est plus adhérente.",
"danger", 30000);
if (!isNaN(source.note.balance)) {
let newBalance = source.note.balance - source.quantity * dest.quantity * amount;
if (newBalance <= -5000) {
addMsg("Le transfert de "
+ pretty_money(source.quantity * dest.quantity * amount) + " de la note "
+ source.name + " vers la note " + dest.name + " a été fait avec succès, " +
"mais la note émettrice est en négatif sévère.", "danger", 10000);
else if (newBalance < 0) {
addMsg("Le transfert de "
+ pretty_money(source.quantity * dest.quantity * amount) + " de la note "
+ source.name + " vers la note " + dest.name + " a été fait avec succès, " +
"mais la note émettrice est en négatif.", "warning", 10000);
addMsg("Le transfert de "
+ pretty_money(source.quantity * dest.quantity * amount) + " de la note " + source.name
+ " vers la note " + dest.name + " a été fait avec succès !", "success", 10000);
}).fail(function (err) { // do it again but valid = false
let errObj = JSON.parse(err.responseText);
if (errObj["non_field_errors"]) {
addMsg("Le transfert de "
+ pretty_money(source.quantity * dest.quantity * amount) + " de la note " + source.name
+ " vers la note " + dest.name + " a échoué : " + errObj["non_field_errors"], "danger");
LOCK = false;
"csrfmiddlewaretoken": CSRF_TOKEN,
"quantity": source.quantity * dest.quantity,
"amount": amount,
"reason": reason,
"valid": false,
"invalidity_reason": "Solde insuffisant",
"polymorphic_ctype": TRANSFER_POLYMORPHIC_CTYPE,
"resourcetype": "Transaction",
"source": source.note.id,
"source_alias": source.name,
"destination": dest.note.id,
"destination_alias": dest.name
}).done(function () {
addMsg("Le transfert de "
+ pretty_money(source.quantity * dest.quantity * amount) + " de la note " + source.name
+ " vers la note " + dest.name + " a échoué : Solde insuffisant", "danger", 10000);
}).fail(function (err) {
let errObj = JSON.parse(err.responseText);
let error = errObj["detail"] ? errObj["detail"] : errObj["non_field_errors"]
if (!error)
error = err.responseText;
addMsg("Le transfert de "
+ pretty_money(source.quantity * dest.quantity * amount) + " de la note " + source.name
+ " vers la note " + dest.name + " a échoué : " + error, "danger");
LOCK = false;
} else if ($("#type_credit").is(':checked') || $("#type_debit").is(':checked')) {
let special_note;
let user_note;
let alias;
let given_reason = reason;
let source_id, dest_id;
if ($("#type_credit").is(':checked')) {
special_note = $("#credit_type").val();
user_note = dests_notes_display[0].note;
alias = dests_notes_display[0].name;
source_id = special_note;
dest_id = user_note.id;
reason = "Crédit " + $("#credit_type option:selected").text().toLowerCase();
if (given_reason.length > 0)
reason += " (" + given_reason + ")";
else {
special_note = $("#debit_type").val();
user_note = sources_notes_display[0].note;
alias = sources_notes_display[0].name;
source_id = user_note.id;
dest_id = special_note;
reason = "Retrait " + $("#credit_type option:selected").text().toLowerCase();
if (given_reason.length > 0)
reason += " (" + given_reason + ")";
"csrfmiddlewaretoken": CSRF_TOKEN,
"quantity": 1,
"amount": amount,
"reason": reason,
"valid": true,
"resourcetype": "SpecialTransaction",
"source": source_id,
"source_alias": sources_notes_display.length ? alias : null,
"destination": dest_id,
"destination_alias": dests_notes_display.length ? alias : null,
"last_name": $("#last_name").val(),
"first_name": $("#first_name").val(),
"bank": $("#bank").val()
csrfmiddlewaretoken: CSRF_TOKEN,
quantity: source.quantity * dest.quantity,
amount: amount,
reason: reason,
valid: false,
invalidity_reason: 'Solde insuffisant',
resourcetype: 'Transaction',
source: source.note.id,
source_alias: source.name,
destination: dest.note.id,
destination_alias: dest.name
}).done(function () {
addMsg("Le crédit/retrait a bien été effectué !", "success", 10000);
if (user_note.membership && user_note.membership.date_end < new Date().toISOString())
addMsg("Attention : la note " + alias + " n'est plus adhérente.", "danger", 10000);
}).fail(function (err) {
let errObj = JSON.parse(err.responseText);
let error = errObj["detail"] ? errObj["detail"] : errObj["non_field_errors"]
if (!error)
error = err.responseText;
addMsg("Le crédit/retrait a échoué : " + error, "danger", 10000);
LOCK = false;
addMsg('Le transfert de ' +
pretty_money(source.quantity * dest.quantity * amount) + ' de la note ' + source.name +
' vers la note ' + dest.name + ' a échoué : Solde insuffisant', 'danger', 10000)
}).fail(function (err) {
const errObj = JSON.parse(err.responseText)
let error = errObj.detail ? errObj.detail : errObj.non_field_errors
if (!error) { error = err.responseText }
addMsg('Le transfert de ' +
pretty_money(source.quantity * dest.quantity * amount) + ' de la note ' + source.name +
' vers la note ' + dest.name + ' a échoué : ' + error, 'danger')
LOCK = false
} else if ($('#type_credit').is(':checked') || $('#type_debit').is(':checked')) {
let special_note
let user_note
let alias
const given_reason = reason
let source_id, dest_id
if ($('#type_credit').is(':checked')) {
special_note = $('#credit_type').val()
user_note = dests_notes_display[0].note
alias = dests_notes_display[0].name
source_id = special_note
dest_id = user_note.id
reason = 'Crédit ' + $('#credit_type option:selected').text().toLowerCase()
if (given_reason.length > 0) { reason += ' (' + given_reason + ')' }
} else {
special_note = $('#debit_type').val()
user_note = sources_notes_display[0].note
alias = sources_notes_display[0].name
source_id = user_note.id
dest_id = special_note
reason = 'Retrait ' + $('#credit_type option:selected').text().toLowerCase()
if (given_reason.length > 0) { reason += ' (' + given_reason + ')' }
csrfmiddlewaretoken: CSRF_TOKEN,
quantity: 1,
amount: amount,
reason: reason,
valid: true,
resourcetype: 'SpecialTransaction',
source: source_id,
source_alias: sources_notes_display.length ? alias : null,
destination: dest_id,
destination_alias: dests_notes_display.length ? alias : null,
last_name: $('#last_name').val(),
first_name: $('#first_name').val(),
bank: $('#bank').val()
}).done(function () {
addMsg('Le crédit/retrait a bien été effectué !', 'success', 10000)
if (user_note.membership && user_note.membership.date_end < new Date().toISOString()) { addMsg('Attention : la note ' + alias + " n'est plus adhérente.", 'danger', 10000) }
}).fail(function (err) {
const errObj = JSON.parse(err.responseText)
let error = errObj.detail ? errObj.detail : errObj.non_field_errors
if (!error) { error = err.responseText }
addMsg('Le crédit/retrait a échoué : ' + error, 'danger', 10000)
LOCK = false