mirror of https://gitlab.crans.org/bde/nk20-scripts synced 2025-03-03 12:26:30 +00:00

everything is imported, without server error

This commit is contained in:
Pierre-antoine Comby 2020-05-26 23:54:24 +02:00
parent 5af336fff3
commit 0ba656d5e0
2 changed files with 152 additions and 104 deletions

View File

@ -15,6 +15,15 @@ from ._import_utils import ImportCommand, BulkCreateManager, timed
0, # BDE
4771, # Kataclist
5162, # Assurance BDE ?!
5164, #S & L
625, #Aspique
5154, #Frekens
class Command(ImportCommand):
Import command for Activities Base Data (Comptes, and Aliases)
@ -54,7 +63,7 @@ class Command(ImportCommand):
"date_start": make_aware(row["debut"]),
"date_end": make_aware(row["fin"]),
"valid": row["validepar"] is not None,
"open": row["ouvert"], # Should always be False
"open": False,
# WARNING: Fields lieu, liste, listeimprimee are missing
MAP_ACTIVITY[row["id"]] = pk_activity
@ -70,6 +79,8 @@ class Command(ImportCommand):
n = cur.rowcount
for idx, row in enumerate(cur):
self.update_line(idx, n, f"{row['nom']} {row['prenom']}")
if row["responsable"] in CLUB_RELOU:
row["responsable"] = 3508
obj_dict = {
"pk": row["id"],
"activity_id": MAP_ACTIVITY[row["activite"]],
@ -88,11 +99,13 @@ class Command(ImportCommand):
n = cur.rowcount
for idx, row in enumerate(cur):
self.update_line(idx, n, f"{row['idbde']} {row['responsable']}")
if row["idbde"] in CLUB_RELOU:
row["idbde"] = 3508
obj_dict = {
"activity_id": MAP_ACTIVITY[row["activite"]],
"time": make_aware(row["heure_entree"]),
"note_id": self.MAP_IDBDE[row["responsable"] if row['est_invite'] else row["idbde"]],
"guest_id": self.MAP_IDBDE[row["idbde"]] if row['est_invite'] else None,
"guest_id": row["idbde"] if row['est_invite'] else None,

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from note.models import (TemplateCategory,
from note.models import Note
from note.models import Note, NoteClub
from activity.models import Guest, GuestTransaction
from member.models import Membership, MembershipTransaction
@ -33,10 +33,9 @@ NOTE_SPECIAL_CODE = {
def get_date_end(date_start):
date_end = copy.deepcopy(date_start)
if date_start > 8:
date_end.year = date_start + 1
date_end.month = 9
date_end.day = 30
if date_start.month > 8:
date_end = date_start.replace(year=date_start.year+1)
date_end = date_end.replace(month=9, day=30)
return date_end
@ -50,39 +49,98 @@ class Command(ImportCommand):
parser.add_argument('-t', '--transactions', action='store', default=0, help="start id for transaction import")
def import_buttons(self, cur, chunk_size):
categories = dict()
buttons = dict()
self.categories = dict()
self.buttons = dict()
bulk_mgr = BulkCreateManager(chunk_size=chunk_size)
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM boutons;")
n = cur.rowcount
pk_category = 1
for idx, row in enumerate(cur):
self.update_line(idx, n, row["label"])
if row["categorie"] not in categories:
bulk_mgr.add(TemplateCategory(pk=pk_category, name=row["categorie"]))
pk_category += 1
categories[row["categorie"]] = pk_category
if row["categorie"] not in self.categories:
cat = TemplateCategory.objects.create(name=row["categorie"])
self.categories[row["categorie"]] = cat.pk
obj_dict = {
"pk": row["id"],
"name": row["label"],
"amount": row["montant"],
"destination_id": self.MAP_IDBDE[row["destinataire"]],
"category_id": categories[row["categorie"]],
"category_id": self.categories[row["categorie"]],
"display": row["affiche"],
"description": row["description"],
if row["label"] in buttons:
obj_dict["label"] = f"{obj_dict['label']}_{obj_dict['destination_id']}"
if row["label"] in self.buttons:
obj_dict["name"] = f"{obj_dict['name']}_{obj_dict['destination_id']}"
buttons[obj_dict["label"]] = row["id"]
self.buttons[obj_dict["name"]] = (row["id"], self.categories[row["categorie"]])
return buttons, categories
def _basic_transaction(self, row, obj_dict, child_dict):
if len(row["description"]) > 255:
obj_dict["reason"] = obj_dict["reason"][:250]+"...)"
return obj_dict, None, None
def _template_transaction(self, row, obj_dict, child_dict):
if self.categories.get(row["categorie"]):
child_dict["category_id"] = self.categories[row["categorie"]]
elif "WEI" in row["description"]:
return obj_dict, None, None
elif self.buttons.get(row["description"]):
child_dict["category_id"] = self.buttons[row["description"]][1]
child_dict["template_id"] = self.buttons[row["description"]][0]
return obj_dict, None, None
return obj_dict, child_dict, RecurrentTransaction
def _membership_transaction(self, row, obj_dict, child_dict, pk_membership):
obj_dict2 = obj_dict.copy()
child_dict2 = child_dict.copy()
child_dict2["membership_id"] = pk_membership
return obj_dict2, child_dict2, MembershipTransaction
def _special_transaction(self, row, obj_dict, child_dict):
# Some transaction uses BDE (idbde=0) as source or destination,
# lets fix that.
field_id = "source_id" if row["type"] == "crédit" else "destination_id"
if "espèce" in row["description"]:
obj_dict[field_id] = 1
elif "carte" in row["description"]:
obj_dict[field_id] = 2
elif "cheques" in row["description"]:
obj_dict[field_id] = 3
elif "virement" in row["description"]:
obj_dict[field_id] = 4
# humans and clubs have always the biggest id
actor_pk = max(row["destinataire"], row["emetteur"])
actor = Note.objects.get(id=self.MAP_IDBDE[actor_pk])
# custom fields of SpecialTransaction
if actor.__class__.__name__ == "NoteUser":
child_dict["first_name"] = actor.user.first_name
child_dict["last_name"] = actor.user.last_name
child_dict["first_name"] = actor.club.name
child_dict["last_name"] = actor.club.name
return obj_dict, child_dict, SpecialTransaction
def _guest_transaction(self, row, obj_dict, child_dict):
# Currently GuestTransaction is related to a Guest.
# This is not ideal and should be change to the Entry of this Guest.
m = re.search(r"Invitation (.*?)(?:\s\()(.*?)\s(.*?)\)", row["description"])
if m:
first_name, last_name = m.group(2), m.group(3)
guest_id = Guest.objects.filter(first_name__iexact=first_name,
child_dict["guest_id"] = guest_id
raise(f"Guest not Found {row['id']} {first_name}, last_name")
return obj_dict, child_dict, GuestTransaction
def import_transaction(self, cur, chunk_size, idmin, buttons, categories):
def import_transaction(self, cur, chunk_size, idmin):
bulk_mgr = BulkCreateManager(chunk_size=chunk_size)
f"SELECT t.date AS transac_date, t.type, t.emetteur,\
@ -117,89 +175,68 @@ class Command(ImportCommand):
# for child transaction Models
child_dict = {"pk": obj_dict["pk"]}
ttype = row["type"]
if ttype == "don" or ttype == "transfert":
child_transaction = None
if row["valide"] and (ttype == "adhésion" or row["description"].lower() == "inscription"):
note = Note.objects.get(pk=obj_dict["source_id"])
if isinstance(note, NoteClub):
child_transaction = None
user_id = note.user_id
montant = obj_dict["amount"]
obj_dict0, child_dict0, child_transaction = self._membership_transaction(row, obj_dict, child_dict,pk_membership)
bde_dict = {
"pk": pk_membership,
"user_id": user_id,
"club_id": KFET_PK,
"date_start": date.date(), # Only date, not time
"date_end": get_date_end(date.date()),
"fee": min(500, montant)
pk_membership += 1
pk_transaction += 1
obj_dict, child_dict, child_transaction = self._membership_transaction(row, obj_dict, child_dict,pk_membership)
# Kfet membership
# BDE Membership
obj_dict["pk"] = pk_transaction
child_dict["pk"] = pk_transaction
kfet_dict = {
"pk": pk_membership,
"user_id": user_id,
"club_id": BDE_PK,
"date_start": date.date(), # Only date, not time
"date_end": get_date_end(date.date()),
"fee": max(montant - 500, 0),
obj_dict0["amount"] = bde_dict["fee"]
obj_dict["amount"] = kfet_dict["fee"]
# BDE membership Transaction is inserted before the Kfet membershipTransaction
pk_membership += 1
pk_transaction += 1
elif ttype == "bouton":
child_transaction = RecurrentTransaction
child_dict["category_id"] = categories.get(row["categorie"], categories["Autre"])
child_dict["template_id"] = buttons[row["description"]]
obj_dict, child_dict, child_transaction = self._template_transaction(row, obj_dict, child_dict)
elif ttype == "crédit" or ttype == "retrait":
child_transaction = SpecialTransaction
# Some transaction uses BDE (idbde=0) as source or destination,
# lets fix that.
field_id = "source_id" if ttype == "crédit" else "destination_id"
if "espèce" in row["description"]:
obj_dict[field_id] = 1
elif "carte" in row["description"]:
obj_dict[field_id] = 2
elif "cheques" in row["description"]:
obj_dict[field_id] = 3
elif "virement" in row["description"]:
obj_dict[field_id] = 4
# humans and clubs have always the biggest id
actor_pk = max(row["destinataire"], row["emetteur"])
actor = Note.objects.get(id=self.MAP_IDBDE[actor_pk])
# custom fields of SpecialTransaction
if actor.__class__.__name__ == "NoteUser":
child_dict["first_name"] = actor.user.first_name
child_dict["last_name"] = actor.user.last_name
child_dict["first_name"] = actor.club.name
child_dict["last_name"] = actor.club.name
elif ttype == "adhésion" and row["valide"]:
child_transaction = MembershipTransaction
# Kfet membership
montant = row["montant"]
obj_dict["amount"] = min(500, montant)
child_dict["membership_id"] = pk_membership
kfet_dict = {
"pk": pk_membership,
"user": self.MAP_IDBDE[row["idbde"]],
"club": KFET_PK,
"date_start": row["date"].date(), # Only date, not time
"date_end": get_date_end(row["date"].date()),
"fee": min(500, montant)
pk_membership += 1
pk_transaction += 1
# BDE Membership
obj_dict2 = obj_dict.copy()
child_dict2 = dict()
obj_dict2["pk"] = pk_transaction
obj_dict2["amount"] = max(montant - 500, 0)
child_dict2["pk"] = pk_transaction
bde_dict = {
"pk": pk_membership,
"user": self.MAP_IDBDE[row["idbde"]],
"club": BDE_PK,
"date_start": row["date"].date(), # Only date, not time
"date_end": get_date_end(row["date"].date()),
"fee": max(montant - 500, 0),
pk_membership += 1
# BDE membership Transaction is inserted before the Kfet membershipTransaction
obj_dict, child_dict, child_transaction = self._special_transaction(row, obj_dict, child_dict)
elif ttype == "invitation":
child_transaction = GuestTransaction
m = re.search(r"Invitation (.*?)(?:\s\()(.*?)\s(.*?)\)", row["description"])
if m:
first_name, last_name = m.groups(1), m.groups(2)
guest_id = Guest.object.filter(first_name__iexact=first_name,
child_dict["guest_id"] = guest_id
raise(f"Guest not Found {row['id']} {first_name}, last_name" )
obj_dict, child_dict, child_transaction = self._guest_transaction(row, obj_dict, child_dict)
if ttype == "don" or ttype == "transfert":
obj_dict, child_dict, child_transaction = self._basic_transaction(row, obj_dict, child_dict)
child_transaction = None
# create base transaction object and typed one
if child_transaction is not None:
pk_transaction += 1
def handle(self, *args, **kwargs):
# default args, provided by ImportCommand.
nk15db, nk15user = kwargs['nk15db'], kwargs['nk15user']
@ -208,8 +245,6 @@ class Command(ImportCommand):
cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=pge.DictCursor)
if kwargs["map"]:
self.import_buttons(cur, kwargs["chunk"])
self.import_transaction(cur, kwargs["chunk"])
self.import_transaction(cur, kwargs["chunk"], 0)