mirror of https://gitlab.crans.org/nounous/ghostream.git synced 2024-12-22 10:22:19 +00:00

Use external configuration to setup multicasts

This commit is contained in:
Yohann D'ANELLO 2020-09-29 22:40:49 +02:00
parent 2920b6883c
commit 5fa492547b
4 changed files with 62 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -46,3 +46,9 @@ webrtc:
# STUN servers, you should host your own Coturn instance
- stun:stun.l.google.com:19302
# Configuration for the multicast feature
# demo:
# - rtmp://localhost:1925

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
package main
import (
@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ func loadConfiguration() {
viper.SetDefault("WebRTC.MinPortUDP", 10000)
viper.SetDefault("WebRTC.MaxPortUDP", 10005)
viper.SetDefault("WebRTC.STUNServers", []string{"stun:stun.l.google.com:19302"})
viper.SetDefault("Multicast.Outputs", make(map[string][]string))
// Copy STUN configuration to clients
viper.Set("Web.STUNServers", viper.Get("WebRTC.STUNServers"))
@ -68,6 +70,7 @@ func main() {
cfg := struct {
Auth auth.Options
Monitoring monitoring.Options
Multicast multicast.Options
Srt srt.Options
Web web.Options
WebRTC webrtc.Options
@ -93,6 +96,12 @@ func main() {
go web.Serve(remoteSdpChan, localSdpChan, &cfg.Web)
go webrtc.Serve(remoteSdpChan, localSdpChan, &cfg.WebRTC)
// Init multicast
err = multicast.New(&cfg.Multicast)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Failed to load multicast app:", err)
// Wait for routines
select {}

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@ -2,33 +2,55 @@ package multicast
import (
type Options struct {
Outputs map[string][]string
var (
options Options
ffmpegInstances = make(map[string][]*exec.Cmd)
ffmpegInputStreams = make(map[string][]io.WriteCloser)
ffmpegInputStreams = make(map[string][]*io.WriteCloser)
// Declare a new open stream and create ffmpeg instances
// New Load configuration
func New(cfg *Options) error {
options = *cfg
return nil
// RegisterStream Declare a new open stream and create ffmpeg instances
func RegisterStream(streamKey string) {
ffmpegInstances[streamKey] = []*exec.Cmd{}
ffmpegInputStreams[streamKey] = []io.WriteCloser{}
ffmpegInputStreams[streamKey] = []*io.WriteCloser{}
// TODO Export the list of multicasts
for _, stream := range []string{fmt.Sprintf("rtmp://live.twitch.tv/app/%s", "TWITCH_STREAM_KEY")} {
for _, stream := range options.Outputs[streamKey] {
// Launch FFMPEG instance
// TODO Set optimal parameters
ffmpeg := exec.Command("ffmpeg", "-re", "-i", "pipe:0", "-f", "flv", "-c:v", "libx264", "-preset",
"veryfast", "-maxrate", "3000k", "-bufsize", "6000k", "-pix_fmt", "yuv420p", "-g", "50", "-c:a", "aac",
"-b:a", "160k", "-ac", "2", "-ar", "44100", stream)
// Open pipes
input, err := ffmpeg.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
output, err := ffmpeg.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
errOutput, err := ffmpeg.StderrPipe()
if err != nil {
ffmpegInstances[streamKey] = append(ffmpegInstances[streamKey], ffmpeg)
input, _ := ffmpeg.StdinPipe()
ffmpegInputStreams[streamKey] = append(ffmpegInputStreams[streamKey], input)
output, _ := ffmpeg.StdoutPipe()
ffmpegInputStreams[streamKey] = append(ffmpegInputStreams[streamKey], &input)
if err := ffmpeg.Start(); err != nil {
@ -38,24 +60,31 @@ func RegisterStream(streamKey string) {
go func() {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(output)
for scanner.Scan() {
log.Println("[FFMPEG " + streamKey + "] " + scanner.Text())
// Log also error output
go func() {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(errOutput)
for scanner.Scan() {
log.Println("[FFMPEG ERROR " + streamKey + "] " + scanner.Text())
// When a SRT packet is received, transmit it to all FFMPEG instances related to the stream key
// SendPacket When a SRT packet is received, transmit it to all FFMPEG instances related to the stream key
func SendPacket(streamKey string, data []byte) {
for _, stdin := range ffmpegInputStreams[streamKey] {
_, err := stdin.Write(data)
_, err := (*stdin).Write(data)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Error while sending a packet to external streaming server for key "+streamKey, err)
// When the stream is ended, close FFMPEG instances
// CloseConnection When the stream is ended, close FFMPEG instances
func CloseConnection(streamKey string) {
for _, ffmpeg := range ffmpegInstances[streamKey] {
if err := ffmpeg.Process.Kill(); err != nil {

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@ -53,16 +53,18 @@ func Serve(cfg *Options) {
buff := make([]byte, 2048)
n, err := s.Read(buff, 10000)
multicast.SendPacket("demo", buff[:n])
if err != nil {
log.Println("Error occurred while reading SRT socket:", err)
if n == 0 {
// End of stream
multicast.SendPacket("demo", buff[:n])
// Unmarshal the incoming packet
packet := &rtp.Packet{}
if err = packet.Unmarshal(buff[:n]); err != nil {
@ -81,10 +83,11 @@ func Serve(cfg *Options) {
multicast.SendPacket("demo", buff[:n])
log.Printf("Received %d bytes", n)
packet := &rtp.Packet{}
multicast.SendPacket("demo", buff[:n])
if err := packet.Unmarshal(buff[:n]); err != nil {