2024-12-01 11:29:47 +00:00
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* Below are the colors that are used in the app . The colors are defined in the light and dark mode .
* There are many other ways to style your app . For example , [ Nativewind ] ( https : //www.nativewind.dev/), [Tamagui](https://tamagui.dev/), [unistyles](https://reactnativeunistyles.vercel.app), etc.
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2024-12-07 09:24:41 +00:00
const tintColorLight = '#0a7ea4'
const tintColorDark = '#fff'
2024-12-01 11:29:47 +00:00
export const Colors = {
light : {
text : '#11181C' ,
background : '#fff' ,
tint : tintColorLight ,
icon : '#687076' ,
tabIconDefault : '#687076' ,
tabIconSelected : tintColorLight ,
} ,
dark : {
text : '#ECEDEE' ,
background : '#151718' ,
tint : tintColorDark ,
icon : '#9BA1A6' ,
tabIconDefault : '#9BA1A6' ,
tabIconSelected : tintColorDark ,
} ,
2024-12-07 09:24:41 +00:00