
104 lines
2.9 KiB

import sys
import traceback
import discord
from discord.ext.commands import *
from discord.utils import maybe_coroutine
from src.core import CustomBot
from src.errors import UnwantedCommand, TfjmError
# Global variable and function because I'm too lazy to make a metaclass
handlers = {}
def handles(error_type):
This registers an error handler.
Error handlers can be coroutines or functions.
def decorator(f):
handlers[error_type] = f
return f
return decorator
class ErrorsCog(Cog):
"""This cog defines all the handles for errors."""
def __init__(self, bot: CustomBot): = bot
async def on_command_error(self, ctx: Context, error: CommandError):
print(repr(error), file=sys.stderr)
# We take the first superclass with an handler defined
handler = None
for type_ in error.__class__.__mro__:
handler = handlers.get(type_)
if handler:
if handler is None:
# Default handling
msg = repr(error)
msg = await maybe_coroutine(handler, self, ctx, error)
if msg:
message = await ctx.send(msg)
await, message)
async def on_unwanted_command(self, ctx, error: UnwantedCommand):
await ctx.message.delete()
author: discord.Message
"J'ai supprimé ton message:\n> "
+ ctx.message.clean_content
+ "\nC'est pas grave, c'est juste pour ne pas encombrer "
"le chat lors du tirage."
await"Raison: " + error.msg)
async def on_tfjm_error(self, ctx: Context, error: TfjmError):
msg = await ctx.send(error.msg)
await, msg)
async def on_command_invoke_error(self, ctx, error):
specific_handler = handlers.get(type(error.original))
if specific_handler:
return await specific_handler(self, ctx, error.original)
traceback.print_tb(error.original.__traceback__, file=sys.stderr)
return (
+ ": "
+ (str(error.original) or str(error))
def on_command_not_found(self, ctx, error):
# Here we just take advantage that the error is formatted this way:
# 'Command "NAME" is not found'
name = str(error).partition('"')[2].rpartition('"')[0]
return f"La commande {name} n'existe pas. Pour une liste des commandes, envoie `!help`."
def on_missing_role(self, ctx, error):
return (
f"Il te faut le role de {error.missing_role} pour utiliser cette commande."
def setup(bot):