import asyncio import datetime import io import itertools import random import re import urllib from collections import defaultdict, Counter from dataclasses import dataclass, field from operator import attrgetter, itemgetter from time import time from typing import List, Set, Union import aiohttp import discord import yaml from discord import Guild, Member from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands import ( Cog, command, Context, Command, CommandError, Group, group, MemberConverter, BadArgument, RoleConverter, ) from discord.utils import get from src.constants import * from src.constants import Emoji from src.core import CustomBot from src.errors import TfjmError from src.utils import has_role, start_time, send_and_bin @dataclass class Joke(yaml.YAMLObject): yaml_tag = "Joke" yaml_dumper = yaml.SafeDumper yaml_loader = yaml.SafeLoader joke: str joker: int likes: Set[int] = field(default_factory=set) dislikes: Set[int] = field(default_factory=set) file: str = None HUG_RE = re.compile(r"^(?P\d+) -> (?P\d+) \| (?P.*)$") class Hug: def __init__(self, hugger, hugged, text): self.hugger = hugger self.hugged = hugged self.text = text @classmethod def from_str(cls, line: str): match = HUG_RE.match(line) if not match: raise ValueError(f"'{line}' is not a valid hug format.") hugger = int("hugger")) hugged = int("hugged")) text ="text") return cls(hugger, hugged, text) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.hugger} -> {self.hugged} | {self.text}" class MiscCog(Cog, name="Divers"): def __init__(self, bot: CustomBot): = bot self.show_hidden = False self.verify_checks = True self.computing = False self.hugs = self.get_hugs() @command( name="choose", usage='choix1 choix2 "choix 3"...', aliases=["choice", "choix", "ch"], ) async def choose(self, ctx: Context, *args): """ Choisit une option parmi tous les arguments. Pour les options qui contiennent une espace, il suffit de mettre des guillemets (`"`) autour. """ choice = random.choice(args) msg = await ctx.send(f"J'ai choisi... **{choice}**") await, msg), @command(name="status") @commands.has_role(Role.CNO) async def status_cmd(self, ctx: Context): """(cno) Affiche des informations à propos du serveur.""" guild: Guild = ctx.guild embed = discord.Embed(title="État du serveur", color=EMBED_COLOR) benevoles = [g for g in guild.members if has_role(g, Role.BENEVOLE)] participants = [g for g in guild.members if has_role(g, Role.PARTICIPANT)] no_role = [g for g in guild.members if g.top_role == guild.default_role] uptime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=round(time() - start_time())) text = len(guild.text_channels) vocal = len(guild.voice_channels) infos = { "Bénévoles": len(benevoles), "Participants": len(participants), "Sans rôle": len(no_role), "Total": len(guild.members), "Salons texte": text, "Salons vocaux": vocal, "Bot uptime": uptime, } width = max(map(len, infos)) txt = "\n".join( f"`{key.rjust(width)}`: {value}" for key, value in infos.items() ) embed.add_field(name="Stats", value=txt) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @command(hidden=True) async def fractal(self, ctx: Context): if self.computing: return await ctx.send("Il y a déjà une fractale en cours de calcul...") try: self.computing = True await ctx.message.add_reaction(Emoji.CHECK) msg: discord.Message = ctx.message seed = msg.content[len("!fractal ") :] seed = seed or str(random.randint(0, 1_000_000_000)) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get( FRACTAL_URL.format(seed=urllib.parse.quote(seed)), timeout=120 ) as resp: if resp.status != 200: return await ctx.send( "Il y a un problème pour calculer/télécharger l'image..." ) data = io.BytesIO(await await ctx.send( f"Seed: {seed}", file=discord.File(data, f"{seed}.png") ) finally: self.computing = False @command(hidden=True, aliases=["bang", "pan"]) async def pew(self, ctx): await ctx.send("Tu t'es raté ! Kwaaack :duck:") @command(aliases=["pong"]) async def ping(self, ctx): """Affiche la latence avec le bot.""" msg: discord.Message = ctx.message ping = msg.created_at.timestamp() msg: discord.Message = await ctx.send("Pong !") pong = time() # 7200 is because we are UTC+2 delta = pong - ping - 7200 await msg.edit(content=f"Pong ! Ça a pris {int(1000 * (delta))}ms") @command(name="fan", aliases=["join", "adhere"], hidden=True) async def fan_club_cmd(self, ctx: Context, who: Member): """Permet de rejoindre le fan-club d'Ananas ou Citron Vert.""" role_id = FAN_CLUBS.get(, None) role = get(ctx.guild.roles, id=role_id) if role is not None: await await ctx.send(f"Bienvenue au {role.mention} !! :tada:") else: await ctx.send( f"{who.mention} n'a pas encore de fan club. Peut-être qu'un jour " f"iel sera un membre influent du CNO ?" ) # ----------------- Hugs ---------------- # @command(aliases=["<3", "❤️", ":heart:"]) async def hug(self, ctx: Context, who="everyone"): """Fait un câlin à quelqu'un. :heart:""" if who == "everyone": who = ctx.guild.default_role elif who == "back": return await self.hug_back(ctx) else: try: who = await RoleConverter().convert(ctx, who) except BadArgument: try: who = await MemberConverter().convert(ctx, who) except BadArgument: return await ctx.send( discord.utils.escape_mentions( f'Il n\'y a pas de "{who}". :man_shrugging:' ) ) who: Union[discord.Role, Member] bot_hug = who == bonuses = [ "C'est trop meuuuugnon !", "Ça remonte le moral ! :D", ":hugging:", ":smiling_face_with_3_hearts:", "Oh wiiii", f"{'Je me sens' if bot_hug else 'Iel se sent'} désormais prêt à travailler à fond sur les solutions de AQT", f"{who.mention} en redemande un !" if not bot_hug else "J'en veux un autre ! :heart_eyes:", "Le·a pauvre, iel est tout·e rouge !" if not bot_hug else "Un robot ne peut pas rougir, mais je crois que... :blush", "Hihi, il gratte ton pull en laine ! :sheep:", ] if ( isinstance(who, discord.Member) and has_role(who, Role.JURY) and has_role(, Role.PARTICIPANT) ): bonuses += ["Il s'agit surement là d'une tentative de corruption !"] if has_role(, Role.PRETRESSE_CALINS): bonuses += [ "C'est le plus beau calin du monde :smiling_face_with_3_hearts: :smiling_face_with_3_hearts:", f"{who.mention} est subjugué ! :smiling_face_with_3_hearts:", ] if == DIEGO: bonuses += [ "Tiens... Ça sent le mojito... :lemon:", ":green_heart: :lemon: :green_heart:", ] if in FAN_CLUBS and not get(, id=FAN_CLUBS[]): bonuses += ["Tu devrais rejoindre son fan club :wink:"] if who == msg = f"{who.mention} se fait un auto-calin !" bonuses += [ "Mais c'est un peu ridicule...", "Mais iel a les bras trop courts ! :cactus:", "Il en faut peu pour être heureux :wink:", ] elif who == ctx.guild.default_role: msg = f"{} fait un câlin a touuuut le monde !" bonuses += [ "Ça fait beaucoup de gens pour un câlin !", "Plus on est, plus on est calins !", "C'est pas très COVID-19 tout ça !", "Tout le monde est heureux maintenant !", ] elif bot_hug: msg = f"{} me fait un gros câliiiiin !" bonuses += ["Je trouve ça très bienveillant <3"] else: msg = f"{} fait un gros câlin à {who.mention} !" bonuses += [ f"Mais {who.mention} n'apprécie pas...", "Et ils s'en vont chasser des canards ensemble :wink:", "Oh ! Iel sent bon...", "Et moi quand est ce que j'ai le droit à un calin ?", f"{who.mention} a serré tellment fort qu'iel vous a coupé en deux :scream:", f"{who.mention} propose à {} de se revoir autour d'une :pizza: !", "Les drones du commissaire Winston passent par là et vous ordonnent d'arrêter.", "Après ce beau moment de tendresse, ils décident d'aller discuter en créant des puzzles.", f"{who.mention} se réfugie dans l'entrepôt d'Animath et bloque l'entrée avec un meuble.", ] bonus = random.choice(bonuses) text = f"{msg} {bonus}" self.add_hug(,, text) await ctx.send(text) async def hug_back(self, ctx: Context): hugger = last_hug: Hug = get(reversed(self.hugs), hugged=hugger) if not last_hug: return await ctx.send( f"Personne n'a jamais fait de calin à {}, il faut y remédier !" ) if "coupé en deux" in last_hug.text: return await ctx.send( "Tu ne vas quand même pas faire un câlin à quelqu'un " "que tu viens de couper en deux !" ) await ctx.invoke(self.hug, str(last_hug.hugger)) @command(name="hug-stats") @commands.has_role(Role.PRETRESSE_CALINS) async def hugs_stats_cmd(self, ctx: Context): """(prêtresse des calins) Affiche qui est le plus câliné """ medals = [ ":first_place:", ":second_place:", ":third_place:", ":medal:", ":military_medal:", ] ranks = ["Gros Nounours", "Petit Panda", "Ours en peluche"] embed = discord.Embed( title="Prix du plus câliné", color=discord.Colour.magenta(), ) diffs = defaultdict(set) stats = Counter() for h in self.hugs: diffs[h.hugged].add(h.hugger) if h.hugged != h.hugger: stats[h.hugged] += 1 for h, qte in diffs.items(): stats[h] += 42 * len(qte) top = sorted(list(stats.items()), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) for i in range(3): m = medals[i] r = ranks[i] id, qte = top[i] who = self.name_for(ctx, id) embed.add_field(name=f"{m} - {r}", value=f"{who} : {qte} :heart:") top4to7 = "\n ".join( f"{medals[3]} {self.name_for(ctx, id)} : {qte} :orange_heart:" for id, qte in top[3:8] ) embed.add_field(name="Apprentis peluches", value=top4to7) top8to13 = "\n".join( f"{medals[4]} {self.name_for(ctx, id)} : {qte} :yellow_heart:" for id, qte in top[8:13] ) embed.add_field(name="Pelotte de laine", value=top8to13) await ctx.send(embed=embed) def name_for(self, ctx, member_or_role_id): memb = ctx.guild.get_member(member_or_role_id) if memb is not None: name = memb.mention else: name = ctx.guild.get_role(member_or_role_id).mention return name def hugger_tot(self, hugger: int): return sum(1 for h in self.hugs if h.hugger == hugger) def hugged_tot(self, hugged: int): return sum(1 for h in self.hugs if h.hugged == hugged) def get_hugs(self): File.HUGS.touch() lines = File.HUGS.read_text().strip().splitlines() return [Hug.from_str(l) for l in lines] def add_hug(self, hugger: int, hugged: int, text): File.HUGS.touch() with open(File.HUGS, "a") as f: f.write(f"{hugger} -> {hugged} | {text}\n") self.hugs.append(Hug(hugger, hugged, text)) # ---------------- Jokes ---------------- # def load_jokes(self) -> List[Joke]: # Ensure it exists File.JOKES_V2.touch() with open(File.JOKES_V2) as f: jokes = list(yaml.safe_load_all(f)) return jokes def save_jokes(self, jokes): File.JOKES_V2.touch() with open(File.JOKES_V2, "w") as f: yaml.safe_dump_all(jokes, f) @group(name="joke", invoke_without_command=True, case_insensitive=True) async def joke(self, ctx: Context): """Fait discretement une blague aléatoire.""" m: discord.Message = ctx.message await m.delete() jokes = self.load_jokes() if False: joke_id = id jokes = sorted( jokes, key=lambda j: len(j.likes) - len(j.dislikes), reverse=True ) else: joke_id = random.randrange(len(jokes)) try: joke = jokes[joke_id] except IndexError: raise TfjmError("Il n'y a pas de blague avec cet ID.") if joke.file: file = discord.File(File.MEMES / joke.file) else: file = None message: discord.Message = await ctx.send(joke.joke, file=file) await message.add_reaction(Emoji.PLUS_1) await message.add_reaction(Emoji.MINUS_1) await self.wait_for_joke_reactions(joke_id, message) @joke.command(name="new") @send_and_bin async def new_joke(self, ctx: Context): """Ajoute une blague pour le concours de blague.""" jokes = self.load_jokes() joke_id = len(jokes) author: discord.Member = message: discord.Message = ctx.message msg = message.content[len("!joke new ") :] joke = Joke(msg,, set()) if message.attachments: file: discord.Attachment = message.attachments[0] joke.file = str(f"{joke_id}-{file.filename}") await / joke.file) elif not msg.strip(): return "Tu ne peux pas ajouter une blague vide..." jokes.append(joke) self.save_jokes(jokes) await message.add_reaction(Emoji.PLUS_1) await message.add_reaction(Emoji.MINUS_1) await self.wait_for_joke_reactions(joke_id, message) async def wait_for_joke_reactions(self, joke_id, message): def check(reaction: discord.Reaction, u): return ( == and str(reaction.emoji) in ( Emoji.PLUS_1, Emoji.MINUS_1, ) start = time() end = start + 24 * 60 * 60 * 5 # 5 days while time() < end: try: reaction, user = await "reaction_add", check=check, timeout=end - time() ) except asyncio.TimeoutError: return if == BOT: continue jokes = self.load_jokes() if str(reaction.emoji) == Emoji.PLUS_1: jokes[joke_id].likes.add( else: jokes[joke_id].dislikes.add( self.save_jokes(jokes) @joke.command(name="top", hidden=True, enabled=False) async def best_jokes(self, ctx: Context): """Affiche le palmares des blagues.""" jokes = self.load_jokes() s = sorted(jokes, key=lambda j: len(j.likes) - len(j.dislikes), reverse=True) embed = discord.Embed(title="Palmares des blagues.") for i, joke in enumerate(s[:10]): who = get(ctx.guild.members, id=joke.joker) text = joke.joke if joke.file: text += " - image non inclue - " embed.add_field( name=f"{i} - {who.display_name} - {len(joke.likes)}", value=text ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) # ----------------- Help ---------------- # @command(name="help", aliases=["h"]) async def help_cmd(self, ctx: Context, *args): """Affiche des détails à propos d'une commande.""" if not args: msg = await self.send_bot_help(ctx) else: msg = await self.send_command_help(ctx, args) await, msg) async def send_bot_help(self, ctx: Context): embed = discord.Embed( title="Aide pour le bot du TFJM²", description="Ici est une liste des commandes utiles (ou pas) " "durant le tournoi. Pour avoir plus de détails il " "suffit d'écrire `!help COMMANDE` en remplacant `COMMANDE` " "par le nom de la commande, par exemple `!help team channel`.", color=0xFFA500, ) commands = itertools.groupby(, attrgetter("cog_name")) for cat_name, cat in commands: cat = {c.qualified_name: c for c in cat} cat = await self.filter_commands( ctx, list(cat.values()), sort=True, key=attrgetter("qualified_name") ) if not cat: continue names = ["!" + c.qualified_name for c in cat] width = max(map(len, names)) names = [name.rjust(width) for name in names] short_help = [c.short_doc for c in cat] lines = [f"`{n}` - {h}" for n, h in zip(names, short_help)] if cat_name is None: cat_name = "Autres" c: Command text = "\n".join(lines) embed.add_field(name=cat_name, value=text, inline=False) embed.set_footer(text="Suggestion ? Problème ? Envoie un message à @Diego") return await ctx.send(embed=embed) async def send_command_help(self, ctx, args): name = " ".join(args).strip("!") comm: Command = if comm is None: return await ctx.send( f"La commande `!{name}` n'existe pas. " f"Utilise `!help` pour une liste des commandes." ) elif isinstance(comm, Group): return await self.send_group_help(ctx, comm) embed = discord.Embed( title=f"Aide pour la commande `!{comm.qualified_name}`",, color=0xFFA500, ) if comm.aliases: aliases = ", ".join(f"`{a}`" for a in comm.aliases) embed.add_field(name="Alias", value=aliases, inline=True) if comm.signature: embed.add_field( name="Usage", value=f"`!{comm.qualified_name} {comm.signature}`" ) embed.set_footer(text="Suggestion ? Problème ? Envoie un message à @Diego") return await ctx.send(embed=embed) async def send_group_help(self, ctx, group: Group): embed = discord.Embed( title=f"Aide pour le groupe de commandes `!{group.qualified_name}`",, color=0xFFA500, ) comms = await self.filter_commands(ctx, group.commands, sort=True) if not comms: embed.add_field( name="Désolé", value="Il n'y a aucune commande pour toi ici." ) else: names = ["!" + c.qualified_name for c in comms] width = max(map(len, names)) just_names = [name.rjust(width) for name in names] short_help = [c.short_doc for c in comms] lines = [f"`{n}` - {h}" for n, h in zip(just_names, short_help)] c: Command text = "\n".join(lines) embed.add_field(name="Sous-commandes", value=text, inline=False) if group.aliases: aliases = ", ".join(f"`{a}`" for a in group.aliases) embed.add_field(name="Alias", value=aliases, inline=True) if group.signature: embed.add_field( name="Usage", value=f"`!{group.qualified_name} {group.signature}`" ) embed.add_field( name="Plus d'aide", value=f"Pour plus de détails sur une commande, " f"il faut écrire `!help COMMANDE` en remplaçant " f"COMMANDE par le nom de la commande qui t'intéresse.\n" f"Exemple: `!help {random.choice(names)[1:]}`", ) embed.set_footer(text="Suggestion ? Problème ? Envoie un message à @Diego") return await ctx.send(embed=embed) def _name(self, command: Command): return f"`!{command.qualified_name}`" async def filter_commands(self, ctx, commands, *, sort=False, key=None): """|coro| Returns a filtered list of commands and optionally sorts them. This takes into account the :attr:`verify_checks` and :attr:`show_hidden` attributes. Parameters ------------ commands: Iterable[:class:`Command`] An iterable of commands that are getting filtered. sort: :class:`bool` Whether to sort the result. key: Optional[Callable[:class:`Command`, Any]] An optional key function to pass to :func:`py:sorted` that takes a :class:`Command` as its sole parameter. If ``sort`` is passed as ``True`` then this will default as the command name. Returns --------- List[:class:`Command`] A list of commands that passed the filter. """ if sort and key is None: key = lambda c: c.qualified_name iterator = ( commands if self.show_hidden else filter(lambda c: not c.hidden, commands) ) if not self.verify_checks: # if we do not need to verify the checks then we can just # run it straight through normally without using await. return sorted(iterator, key=key) if sort else list(iterator) # if we're here then we need to check every command if it can run async def predicate(cmd): try: return await cmd.can_run(ctx) except CommandError: return False ret = [] for cmd in iterator: valid = await predicate(cmd) if valid: ret.append(cmd) if sort: ret.sort(key=key) return ret def setup(bot: CustomBot): bot.add_cog(MiscCog(bot))