import asyncio import re import traceback from io import StringIO from pprint import pprint import discord from discord import TextChannel, PermissionOverwrite, Message, ChannelType from discord.ext.commands import ( command, has_role, Bot, Cog, ExtensionNotLoaded, Context, is_owner, ) from discord.utils import get from ptpython.repl import embed from src.constants import * from src.core import CustomBot from src.errors import TfjmError from src.utils import fg COGS_SHORTCUTS = { "bt": "src.base_tirage", "c": "src.constants", "d": "tirages", "e": "errors", "m": "misc", "t": "teams", "u": "src.utils", "v": "dev", } RE_QUERY = re.compile( r"^! ?e(val)? (`{1,3}py(thon)?\n)?(?P.*?)\n?(`{1,3})?\n?$", re.DOTALL ) class DevCog(Cog, name="Dev tools"): def __init__(self, bot: CustomBot): = bot @command(name="interrupt") @has_role(Role.DEV) async def interrupt_cmd(self, ctx): """ (dev) Ouvre une console là où un @dev m'a lancé. :warning: A utiliser en dernier recours: - le bot sera inactif pendant ce temps. - toutes les commandes seront executées à sa reprise. """ await ctx.send( "J'ai été arrêté et une console interactive a été ouverte là où je tourne. " "Toutes les commandes rateront tant que cette console est ouverte.\n" "Soyez rapides, je déteste les opérations à coeur ouvert... :confounded:" ) # Utility functions def send(msg, channel=None): if isinstance(channel, int): channel = channel = channel or asyncio.create_task(channel.send(msg)) try: await embed( globals(), locals(), vi_mode=True, return_asyncio_coroutine=True ) except EOFError: pass await ctx.send("Tout va mieux !") def full_cog_name(self, name): name = COGS_SHORTCUTS.get(name, name) if not "." in name: name = f"src.cogs.{name}" return name @command( name="reload", aliases=["r"], usage=f"[{'|'.join(COGS_SHORTCUTS.values())}]" ) @has_role(Role.DEV) async def reload_cmd(self, ctx, name=None): """ (dev) Recharge une catégorie de commandes. A utiliser quand le code change. Arguments possibles: `teams`, `tirages`, `dev`. """ if name is None: await ctx.send(":tada: The bot was reloaded !") return name = self.full_cog_name(name) try: except ExtensionNotLoaded: await ctx.invoke(self.load_cmd, name) return except: await ctx.send(f":grimacing: **{name}** n'a pas pu être rechargée.") raise else: await ctx.send(f":tada: L'extension **{name}** a bien été rechargée.") @command(name="load", aliases=["l"]) @has_role(Role.DEV) async def load_cmd(self, ctx, name): """ (dev) Ajoute une catégorie de commandes. Permet d'ajouter dynamiquement un cog sans redémarrer le bot. """ name = self.full_cog_name(name) try: except: await ctx.send(f":grimacing: **{name}** n'a pas pu être chargée.") raise else: await ctx.send(f":tada: L'extension **{name}** a bien été ajoutée !") # noinspection PyUnreachableCode @command(name="setup") @has_role(Role.DEV) async def setup_roles(self, ctx): """ (dev) Commande temporaire pour setup le serveur. """ return guild: discord.Guild = ctx.guild nothing = PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False) see = PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True) # orga = get(guild.roles, name=f"Orga {t}") for t in TOURNOIS[3:]: jury = get(guild.roles, name=f"Jury {t}") for p in "AB": await guild.create_voice_channel( f"blabla-jury-poule-{p}", overwrites={guild.default_role: nothing, jury: see}, category=get(guild.categories, name=t), ) return aide: TextChannel = get(guild.text_channels, name="aide") for t in TOURNOIS: await aide.set_permissions(orga, overwrite=see) await aide.set_permissions(jury, overwrite=see) return tournois = { tournoi: get(guild.categories, name=tournoi) for tournoi in TOURNOIS } for ch in guild.text_channels: print(repr(ch.category)) for tournoi, cat in tournois.items(): if tournoi == "Lyon": continue jury_channel: TextChannel = get( guild.text_channels, category=cat, name="cro" ) await jury_channel.delete() # jury = get(guild.roles, name=f"Jury {tournoi}") orga = get(guild.roles, name=f"Orga {tournoi}") ov = { guild.default_role: nothing, # jury: see, orga: see, } await guild.create_text_channel( f"cro-{tournoi}", category=cat, overwrites=ov ) await ctx.send(str(jury_channel)) @command(name="send") @has_role(Role.DEV) async def send_cmd(self, ctx, *msg): """(dev) Envoie un message.""" await ctx.message.delete() await ctx.send(" ".join(msg)) @command(name="del") @has_role(Role.CNO) async def del_range_cmd(self, ctx: Context, id1: Message, id2: Message): """ (cno) Supprime les messages entre les deux IDs en argument. """ channel: TextChannel = to_delete = [ message async for message in channel.history(before=id1, after=id2) ] + [id1, id2] await channel.delete_messages(to_delete) await ctx.message.delete() @command(name="eval", aliases=["e"]) @is_owner() async def eval_cmd(self, ctx: Context): """""" msg: Message = ctx.message guild: discord.Guild = ctx.guild query = re.match(RE_QUERY, msg.content).group("query") if not query: raise TfjmError("No query found.") if "\n" in query: lines = query.splitlines() if "return" not in lines[-1] and "=" not in lines[-1]: lines[-1] = f"return {lines[-1]}" query = "\n ".join(lines) query = f"def q():\n {query}\nresp = q()" try: if "\n" in query: q = compile(query, filename="", mode="exec") globs = {**globals(), **locals()} locs = {} exec(query, globs, locs) resp = locs["resp"] else: resp = eval(query, globals(), locals()) except Exception as e: tb = StringIO() traceback.print_tb(e.__traceback__, file=tb) embed = discord.Embed(title=str(e), embed.add_field(name="Query", value=f"```py\n{query}\n```", inline=False) embed.add_field( name="Traceback", value=f"```py\n{}```", inline=False ) else: out = StringIO() pprint(resp, out) embed = discord.Embed(title="Result", embed.add_field(name="Query", value=f"```py\n{query}```", inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Value", value=f"```py\n{}```", inline=False) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @Cog.listener() async def on_message(self, msg: Message): ch: TextChannel = if ch.type == ChannelType.private: m = f"""{fg(}: {msg.content} MSG_ID: {fg(, 0x03A678)} CHA_ID: {fg(, 0x03A678)}""" print(m) def setup(bot: CustomBot): bot.add_cog(DevCog(bot))