import asyncio import sys from importlib import reload from discord import User, Message, Reaction, NotFound, Forbidden from discord.ext.commands import Bot __all__ = ["CustomBot"] from discord.utils import get from src.constants import Emoji class CustomBot(Bot): """ This is the same as a discord bot except for class reloading and it provides hints for the type checker about the modules that are added by extensions. """ def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}:{hex(id(self.__class__))} obj at {hex(id(self))}" def reload(self): cls = self.__class__ module_name = cls.__module__ old_module = sys.modules[module_name] print("Trying to reload the bot.") try: # del sys.modules[module_name] module = reload(old_module) self.__class__ = getattr(module, cls.__name__, cls) except: print("Could not reload the bot :/") raise print("The bot has reloaded !") async def wait_for_bin(bot: Bot, user: User, *msgs: Message, timeout=300): """Wait for timeout seconds for `user` to delete the messages.""" msgs = list(msgs) assert msgs, "No messages in wait_for_bin" for m in msgs: await m.add_reaction(Emoji.BIN) def check(reaction: Reaction, u): return ( user == u and any( == for m in msgs) and str(reaction.emoji) == Emoji.BIN ) try: while msgs: reaction, u = await bot.wait_for( "reaction_add", check=check, timeout=timeout ) the_msg: Message = get(msgs, try: await the_msg.delete() except NotFound: pass # message was deleted msgs.remove(the_msg) except asyncio.TimeoutError: pass for m in msgs: try: await m.clear_reaction(Emoji.BIN) except (NotFound, Forbidden): # Message or reaction deleted / in dm channel pass