import itertools import random import datetime from operator import attrgetter from time import time import discord from discord import Guild from discord.ext.commands import ( Cog, command, Context, Bot, Command, CommandError, Group, ) from src.constants import * from src.utils import has_role class MiscCog(Cog, name="Divers"): def __init__(self, bot: Bot): = bot self.show_hidden = False self.verify_checks = True @command( name="choose", usage='choix1 choix2 "choix 3"...', aliases=["choice", "choix", "ch"], ) async def choose(self, ctx: Context, *args): """ Choisit une option parmi tous les arguments. Pour les options qui contiennent une espace, il suffit de mettre des guillemets (`"`) autour. """ choice = random.choice(args) await ctx.send(f"J'ai choisi... **{choice}**") @command(name="joke", aliases=["blague"], hidden=True) async def joke_cmd(self, ctx): await ctx.message.delete() with open(JOKES_FILE) as f: jokes ="\n\n\n") msg = random.choice(jokes) await ctx.send(msg) @command(name="status") async def status_cmd(self, ctx: Context): guild: Guild = ctx.guild embed = discord.Embed(title="État du serveur", color=EMBED_COLOR) benevoles = [g for g in guild.members if has_role(g, Role.BENEVOLE)] participants = [g for g in guild.members if has_role(g, Role.PARTICIPANT)] no_role = [g for g in guild.members if g.top_role == guild.default_role] uptime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=round(time() - START_TIME)) infos = { "Bénévoles": len(benevoles), "Participants": len(participants), "Sans rôle": len(no_role), "Total": len(guild.members), "Bot uptime": uptime, } width = max(map(len, infos)) txt = "\n".join( f"`{key.rjust(width)}`: {value}" for key, value in infos.items() ) embed.add_field(name="Stats", value=txt) await ctx.send(embed=embed) # ----------------- Help ---------------- # @command(name="help", aliases=["h"]) async def help_cmd(self, ctx: Context, *args): """Affiche ce message""" if not args: await self.send_bot_help(ctx) else: await self.send_command_help(ctx, args) async def send_bot_help(self, ctx: Context): embed = discord.Embed( title="Aide pour le bot du TFJM²", description="Ici est une liste des commandes utiles (ou pas) " "durant le tournoi. Pour avoir plus de détails il " "suffit d'écrire `!help COMMANDE` en remplacant `COMMANDE` " "par le nom de la commande, par exemple `!help team channel`.", color=0xFFA500, ) commands = itertools.groupby(, attrgetter("cog_name")) for cat_name, cat in commands: cat = {c.qualified_name: c for c in cat if not isinstance(c, Group)} cat = await self.filter_commands( ctx, list(cat.values()), sort=True, key=attrgetter("qualified_name") ) if not cat: continue names = ["!" + c.qualified_name for c in cat] width = max(map(len, names)) names = [name.rjust(width) for name in names] short_help = [c.short_doc for c in cat] lines = [f"`{n}` - {h}" for n, h in zip(names, short_help)] if cat_name is None: cat_name = "Autres" c: Command text = "\n".join(lines) embed.add_field(name=cat_name, value=text, inline=False) embed.set_footer(text="Suggestion ? Problème ? Envoie un message à @Diego") await ctx.send(embed=embed) async def send_command_help(self, ctx, args): name = " ".join(args) comm: Command = if comm is None: return await ctx.send( f"La commande `!{name}` n'existe pas. " f"Utilise `!help` pour une liste des commandes." ) elif isinstance(comm, Group): return await self.send_group_help(ctx, comm) embed = discord.Embed( title=f"Aide pour la commande `!{comm.qualified_name}`",, color=0xFFA500, ) if comm.aliases: aliases = ", ".join(f"`{a}`" for a in comm.aliases) embed.add_field(name="Alias", value=aliases, inline=True) if comm.signature: embed.add_field( name="Usage", value=f"`!{comm.qualified_name} {comm.signature}`" ) embed.set_footer(text="Suggestion ? Problème ? Envoie un message à @Diego") await ctx.send(embed=embed) async def send_group_help(self, ctx, group: Group): embed = discord.Embed( title=f"Aide pour le groupe de commandes `!{group.qualified_name}`",, color=0xFFA500, ) comms = await self.filter_commands(ctx, group.commands, sort=True) if not comms: embed.add_field( name="Désolé", value="Il n'y a aucune commande pour toi ici." ) else: names = ["!" + c.qualified_name for c in comms] width = max(map(len, names)) just_names = [name.rjust(width) for name in names] short_help = [c.short_doc for c in comms] lines = [f"`{n}` - {h}" for n, h in zip(just_names, short_help)] c: Command text = "\n".join(lines) embed.add_field(name="Sous-commandes", value=text, inline=False) if group.aliases: aliases = ", ".join(f"`{a}`" for a in group.aliases) embed.add_field(name="Alias", value=aliases, inline=True) if group.signature: embed.add_field( name="Usage", value=f"`!{group.qualified_name} {group.signature}`" ) embed.add_field( name="Plus d'aide", value=f"Pour plus de détails sur une commande, " f"il faut écrire `!help COMMANDE` en remplaçant " f"COMMANDE par le nom de la commande qui t'intéresse.\n" f"Exemple: `!help {random.choice(names)[1:]}`", ) embed.set_footer(text="Suggestion ? Problème ? Envoie un message à @Diego") await ctx.send(embed=embed) def _name(self, command: Command): return f"`!{command.qualified_name}`" async def filter_commands(self, ctx, commands, *, sort=False, key=None): """|coro| Returns a filtered list of commands and optionally sorts them. This takes into account the :attr:`verify_checks` and :attr:`show_hidden` attributes. Parameters ------------ commands: Iterable[:class:`Command`] An iterable of commands that are getting filtered. sort: :class:`bool` Whether to sort the result. key: Optional[Callable[:class:`Command`, Any]] An optional key function to pass to :func:`py:sorted` that takes a :class:`Command` as its sole parameter. If ``sort`` is passed as ``True`` then this will default as the command name. Returns --------- List[:class:`Command`] A list of commands that passed the filter. """ if sort and key is None: key = lambda c: c.qualified_name iterator = ( commands if self.show_hidden else filter(lambda c: not c.hidden, commands) ) if not self.verify_checks: # if we do not need to verify the checks then we can just # run it straight through normally without using await. return sorted(iterator, key=key) if sort else list(iterator) # if we're here then we need to check every command if it can run async def predicate(cmd): try: return await cmd.can_run(ctx) except CommandError: return False ret = [] for cmd in iterator: valid = await predicate(cmd) if valid: ret.append(cmd) if sort: ret.sort(key=key) return ret def setup(bot: Bot): bot.add_cog(MiscCog(bot))