--- - name: Queries package manager for graphical instalation package: name: - autorandr - font-bh-ttf - gsfonts - light - noto-fonts-emoji - physlock - sdl_ttf - ttf-bitstream-vera - ttf-dejavu - ttf-liberation - xorg-fonts-type1 - xorg-xinit - xorg-server - xss-lock register: pkg_result retries: 3 until: pkg_result is succeeded - name: Queries package manager for graphical instalation specific to abyme installation package: name: - nvidia register: pkg_result retries: 3 until: pkg_result is succeeded when: laptop.gpu - name: Queries package manager for graphical instalation specific to abyme installation package: name: - numlockx register: pkg_result retries: 3 until: pkg_result is succeeded when: laptop.numpad - name: Copy user configuration files template: src: 'xinitrc.j2' dest: '.xinitrc' owner: '{{ user.name }}' group: '{{ user.name }}' mode: 0644 become_user: '{{ user.name }}' - name: Copy touchpad configuration template: src: '30-touchpad.conf.j2' dest: '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/30-touchpad.conf' owner: root group: root mode: 0644 - name: Change backlight property # doing some shifty things file: path: '/sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness' owner: root group: video mode: '0664' - name: Gives user the good group user: name: '{{ user.name }}' groups: video append: yes - name: Create autorandr configuration folder file: path: '~/.config/autorandr' state: directory owner: '{{ user.name }}' group: '{{ user.name }}' mode: 0755 become_user: '{{ user.name }}' - name: Install autorandr postswitch configuration file template: src: 'postswitch.j2' dest: '~/.config/autorandr/postswitch' owner: '{{ user.name }}' group: '{{ user.name }}' mode: 0755 become_user: '{{ user.name }}' - name: Enable autorandr service service: name: autorandr enabled: yes