from enum import auto, Enum from random import choice, random, randint from ..interfaces import Map, Tile DEFAULT_PARAMS = {"split_chance" : .15, "turn_chance" : .5, "death_chance" : .1, "max_walkers" : 15, "width" : 100, "height" : 100, "fill" : .4} class Directions(Enum): up = auto() down = auto() left = auto() right = auto() class Walker: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y self.dir = choice(list(Directions)) def random_turn(self): self.dir = choice(list(Directions)) def next_pos(self): if self.dir == Directions.up: return self.x, self.y + 1 elif self.dir == Directions.down: return self.x, self.y - 1 elif self.dir == Directions.right: return self.x + 1, self.y elif self.dir == Directions.left: return self.x - 1, self.y def move_in_bounds(self, width, height): nx, ny = self.next_pos() if 0 < nx < width and 0 < ny < height: self.x, self.y = nx, ny def split(self): child = Walker(self.x, self.y) child.dir = self.dir return child class Generator: def __init__(self, params = DEFAULT_PARAMS): self.params = params def run(self): width, height = self.params["width"], self.params["height"] walkers = [Walker(width//2, height//2)] grid = [[Tile.EMPTY for _ in range(width)] for _ in range(height)] count = 0 while count < self.params["fill"] * width*height: # because we can't add or remove walkers while looping over the pop # we need lists to keep track of what will be the walkers for the # next iteration of the main loop next_walker_pop = [] for walker in walkers: if grid[walker.y][walker.x] == Tile.EMPTY: count += 1 grid[walker.y][walker.x] = Tile.FLOOR if random() < self.params["turn_chance"]: walker.random_turn() walker.move_in_bounds(width, height) if random() > self.params["death_chance"]: next_walker_pop.append(walker) # we make sure to never kill all walkers if next_walker_pop == []: next_walker_pop.append(choice(walkers)) # we use a second loop for spliting so we're not bothered by cases # like a walker not spliting because we hit the population cap even # though the next one would have died and freed a place # not a big if it happened though for walker in walkers: if len(next_walker_pop) < self.params["max_walkers"]: if random() < self.params["split_chance"]: next_walker_pop.append(walker.split()) walkers = next_walker_pop start_x, start_y = randint(0, width-1), randint(0, height-1) while grid[start_y][start_x] != Tile.FLOOR: start_x, start_y = randint(0, width-1), randint(0, height-1) return Map(width, height, grid, start_x, start_y)