# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import curses from squirrelbattle.display.creditsdisplay import CreditsDisplay from squirrelbattle.display.display import VerticalSplit, HorizontalSplit, \ Display from squirrelbattle.display.mapdisplay import MapDisplay from squirrelbattle.display.messagedisplay import MessageDisplay from squirrelbattle.display.statsdisplay import StatsDisplay from squirrelbattle.display.menudisplay import MainMenuDisplay, \ PlayerInventoryDisplay, StoreInventoryDisplay, SettingsMenuDisplay from squirrelbattle.display.logsdisplay import LogsDisplay from squirrelbattle.display.texturepack import TexturePack from typing import Any, List from squirrelbattle.game import Game, GameMode from squirrelbattle.enums import DisplayActions class DisplayManager: def __init__(self, screen: Any, g: Game): self.game = g self.screen = screen pack = TexturePack.get_pack(self.game.settings.TEXTURE_PACK) self.mapdisplay = MapDisplay(screen, pack) self.statsdisplay = StatsDisplay(screen, pack) self.logsdisplay = LogsDisplay(screen, pack) self.playerinventorydisplay = PlayerInventoryDisplay(screen, pack) self.storeinventorydisplay = StoreInventoryDisplay(screen, pack) self.mainmenudisplay = MainMenuDisplay(self.game.main_menu, screen, pack) self.settingsmenudisplay = SettingsMenuDisplay(screen, pack) self.messagedisplay = MessageDisplay(screen, pack) self.hbar = HorizontalSplit(screen, pack) self.vbar = VerticalSplit(screen, pack) self.creditsdisplay = CreditsDisplay(screen, pack) self.displays = [self.statsdisplay, self.mapdisplay, self.mainmenudisplay, self.settingsmenudisplay, self.logsdisplay, self.messagedisplay, self.playerinventorydisplay, self.storeinventorydisplay, self.creditsdisplay] self.update_game_components() def handle_display_action(self, action: DisplayActions, *params) -> None: """ Handles the differents values of display action. """ if action == DisplayActions.REFRESH: self.refresh() elif action == DisplayActions.UPDATE: self.update_game_components() elif action == DisplayActions.MOUSE: self.handle_mouse_click(*params) def update_game_components(self) -> None: """ The game state was updated. Trigger all displays of these modifications. """ for d in self.displays: d.pack = TexturePack.get_pack(self.game.settings.TEXTURE_PACK) d.update(self.game) def handle_mouse_click(self, y: int, x: int, attr: int) -> None: """ Handles the mouse clicks. """ displays = self.refresh() display = None for d in displays: top_y, top_x, height, width = d.y, d.x, d.height, d.width if top_y <= y < top_y + height and top_x <= x < top_x + width: # The click coordinates correspond to the coordinates # of that display display = d if display: display.handle_click(y - display.y, x - display.x, attr, self.game) def refresh(self) -> List[Display]: """ Refreshes all components on the screen. """ displays = [] pack = TexturePack.get_pack(self.game.settings.TEXTURE_PACK) if self.game.state == GameMode.PLAY \ or self.game.state == GameMode.INVENTORY \ or self.game.state == GameMode.STORE: # The map pad has already the good size self.mapdisplay.refresh(0, 0, self.rows * 4 // 5, self.mapdisplay.pack.tile_width * (self.cols * 4 // 5 // self.mapdisplay.pack.tile_width), resize_pad=False) self.statsdisplay.refresh(0, self.cols * 4 // 5 + 1, self.rows, self.cols // 5 - 1) self.logsdisplay.refresh(self.rows * 4 // 5 + 1, 0, self.rows // 5 - 1, self.cols * 4 // 5) self.hbar.refresh(self.rows * 4 // 5, 0, 1, self.cols * 4 // 5) self.vbar.refresh(0, self.cols * 4 // 5, self.rows, 1) displays += [self.mapdisplay, self.statsdisplay, self.logsdisplay, self.hbar, self.vbar] if self.game.state == GameMode.INVENTORY: self.playerinventorydisplay.refresh( self.rows // 10, pack.tile_width * (self.cols // (2 * pack.tile_width)), 8 * self.rows // 10, pack.tile_width * (2 * self.cols // (5 * pack.tile_width))) displays.append(self.playerinventorydisplay) elif self.game.state == GameMode.STORE: self.storeinventorydisplay.refresh( self.rows // 10, pack.tile_width * (self.cols // (2 * pack.tile_width)), 8 * self.rows // 10, pack.tile_width * (2 * self.cols // (5 * pack.tile_width))) self.playerinventorydisplay.refresh( self.rows // 10, pack.tile_width * (self.cols // (10 * pack.tile_width)), 8 * self.rows // 10, pack.tile_width * (2 * self.cols // (5 * pack.tile_width))) displays.append(self.storeinventorydisplay) displays.append(self.playerinventorydisplay) elif self.game.state == GameMode.MAINMENU: self.mainmenudisplay.refresh(0, 0, self.rows, self.cols) displays.append(self.mainmenudisplay) elif self.game.state == GameMode.SETTINGS: self.settingsmenudisplay.refresh(0, 0, self.rows, self.cols) displays.append(self.settingsmenudisplay) elif self.game.state == GameMode.CREDITS: self.creditsdisplay.refresh(0, 0, self.rows, self.cols) displays.append(self.creditsdisplay) if self.game.message: height, width = 0, 0 for line in self.game.message.split("\n"): height += 1 width = max(width, len(line)) y = pack.tile_width * (self.rows - height) // (2 * pack.tile_width) x = pack.tile_width * ((self.cols - width) // (2 * pack.tile_width)) self.messagedisplay.refresh(y, x, height, width) displays.append(self.messagedisplay) self.resize_window() return displays def resize_window(self) -> bool: """ When the window is resized, ensures that the screen size is updated. """ y, x = self.screen.getmaxyx() if self.screen else (0, 0) if self.screen and curses.is_term_resized(self.rows, self.cols): # pragma: nocover curses.resizeterm(y, x) return True return False @property def rows(self) -> int: """ Overwrites the native curses attribute of the same name, for testing purposes. """ return curses.LINES if self.screen else 42 @property def cols(self) -> int: """ Overwrites the native curses attribute of the same name, for testing purposes. """ return curses.COLS if self.screen else 42