from dungeonbattle.display.display import Display from dungeonbattle.menus import Menu from typing import Any import curses class MenuDisplay(Display): def __init__(self, screen: Any, menu: Menu, topleftx: int, toplefty: int): super().__init__(screen) self.values = menu.values = menu self.width = self.cols self.height = self.rows self.trueheight = len(menu.values) self.truewidth = max(len(item.value) for item in menu.values) self.topleftx = topleftx self.toplefty = toplefty # Menu values are printed in pad self.pad = self.newpad(self.trueheight, self.truewidth + 1) for i in range(self.trueheight): self.pad.addstr(i, 0, " " + self.values[i].value) # Menu box self.menubox = self.newpad(self.height, self.width) self.menubox.addstr(0, 0, "┏" + "━" * (self.width - 2) + "┓") for i in range(1, self.height - 2): self.menubox.addstr(i, 0, "┃" + " " * (self.width - 2) + "┃") self.menubox.addstr(self.height - 2, 0, "┗" + "━" * (self.width - 2) + "┛") def update_pad(self, position: int) -> None: for i in range(self.trueheight): self.pad.addstr(i, 0, " ") # set a marker in front of the selected line self.pad.addstr(position, 0, ">") def refresh(self) -> None: if self.height - 2 >= - 1: cornery = 0 elif self.height - 2 >= self.trueheight - cornery = self.trueheight - self.height + 2 self.menubox.refresh(0, 0, self.toplefty, self.topleftx, self.height + self.toplefty, self.width + self.topleftx) self.update_pad( self.pad.refresh(cornery, 0, self.toplefty + 1, self.topleftx + 1, self.height - 2 + self.toplefty, self.width - 2 + self.topleftx)