# Copyright (C) 2020 by ÿnérant, eichhornchen, nicomarg, charlse # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import gettext as gt import os import subprocess from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, List class Translator: """ This module uses gettext to translate strings. Translator.setlocale defines the language of the strings, then gettext() translates the message. """ SUPPORTED_LOCALES: List[str] = ["de", "en", "fr"] locale: str = "en" translators: dict = {} @classmethod def refresh_translations(cls) -> None: """ Load compiled translations. """ for language in cls.SUPPORTED_LOCALES: rep = Path(__file__).parent / "locale" / language / "LC_MESSAGES" rep.mkdir(parents=True) if not rep.is_dir() else None if os.path.isfile(rep / "squirrelbattle.mo"): cls.translators[language] = gt.translation( "squirrelbattle", localedir=Path(__file__).parent / "locale", languages=[language], ) @classmethod def setlocale(cls, lang: str) -> None: """ Define the language used to translate the game. The language must be supported, otherwise nothing is done. """ lang = lang[:2] if lang in cls.SUPPORTED_LOCALES: cls.locale = lang @classmethod def get_translator(cls) -> Any: return cls.translators.get(cls.locale, gt.NullTranslations()) @classmethod def makemessages(cls) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ Analyse all strings in the project and extract them. """ for language in cls.SUPPORTED_LOCALES: if language == "en": # Don't translate the main language continue file_name = Path(__file__).parent / "locale" / language \ / "LC_MESSAGES" / "squirrelbattle.po" args = ["find", "squirrelbattle", "-iname", "*.py"] find = subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=Path(__file__).parent.parent, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) args = ["xargs", "xgettext", "--from-code", "utf-8", "--add-comments", "--package-name=squirrelbattle", "--package-version=3.14.1", "--copyright-holder=ÿnérant, eichhornchen, " "nicomarg, charlse", "--msgid-bugs-address=squirrel-battle@crans.org", "-o", file_name] if file_name.is_file(): args.append("--join-existing") print(f"Make {language} messages...") subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=find.stdout).wait() @classmethod def compilemessages(cls) -> None: """ Compile translation messages from source files. """ for language in cls.SUPPORTED_LOCALES: args = ["msgfmt", "--check-format", "-o", Path(__file__).parent / "locale" / language / "LC_MESSAGES" / "squirrelbattle.mo", Path(__file__).parent / "locale" / language / "LC_MESSAGES" / "squirrelbattle.po"] print(f"Compiling {language} messages...") subprocess.Popen(args).wait() def gettext(message: str) -> str: """ Translate a message. """ return Translator.get_translator().gettext(message) Translator.refresh_translations()