# Copyright (C) 2020 by eichhornchen, ΓΏnΓ©rant # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from datetime import datetime from random import randint, uniform from typing import Any, Tuple, Generator # from ipaddress import IPv6Address from threading import Thread, RLock import curses import re import socket import time from .messages import Packet, DataTLV, HelloTLV, GoAwayTLV, GoAwayType, NeighbourTLV, WarningTLV class Peer: """ A connected peer, with its socket. """ def __init__(self, nickname: str = None, address: str = "localhost", port: int = 2500): self.nickname = nickname self.id = -1 self.last_hello_time = 0 self.last_long_hello_time = 0 self.symmetric = False self.active = False self.errors = 0 self.marked_as_banned = False try: # Resolve DNS as an IPv6 address = socket.getaddrinfo(address, None, socket.AF_INET6)[0][4][0] except socket.gaierror: # This is not a valid IPv6. Assume it can be resolved as an IPv4, and we use IPv4-mapping # to compute a valid IPv6. # See https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adresse_IPv6_mappant_IPv4 address = "::ffff:" + socket.getaddrinfo(address, None, socket.AF_INET)[0][4][0] self.addresses = set() self.addresses.add((address, port)) @property def potential(self) -> bool: return not self.active and not self.banned @potential.setter def potential(self, value: bool) -> None: self.active = not value @property def main_address(self) -> Tuple[str, int]: """ A client can have multiple addresses. We contact it only on one of them. """ return list(self.addresses)[0] @property def banned(self) -> bool: """ If a client send more than 5 invalid packets, we don't trust it anymore. """ return self.errors >= 5 or self.marked_as_banned def __repr__(self): return self.nickname or str(self.id) or str(self.main_address) def __str__(self): return repr(self) def merge(self, other: "Peer") -> "Peer": """ Merge two peers that are actually the same client. The symmetric and active properties are kept from the original client. """ self.errors = max(self.errors, other.errors) self.last_hello_time = max(self.last_hello_time, other.last_hello_time) self.last_long_hello_time = max(self.last_hello_time, other.last_long_hello_time) self.addresses.update(self.addresses) self.addresses.update(other.addresses) self.id = self.id if self.id > 0 else other.id self.marked_as_banned = other.marked_as_banned return self class User(Peer): """ The user of the program. It can speak with other peers. """ def __init__(self, instance: Any, nickname: str): super().__init__(nickname, instance.bind_address, instance.bind_port) # Random identifier on 64 bits self.id = randint(0, 1 << 64 - 1) self.incr_nonce = 0 # Create UDP socket self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # Bind the socket self.socket.bind(self.main_address) self.squinnondation = instance self.input_buffer = "" self.input_index = 0 self.last_line = -1 # Lock the refresh function in order to avoid concurrent refresh self.refresh_lock = RLock() # Lock function that can be used by two threads to avoid concurrent refresh self.data_lock = RLock() self.history = [] self.received_messages = dict() self.recent_messages = dict() # of the form [Pkt(DataTLV), date of first reception, # dict(neighbour, date of the next send, nb of times it has already been sent)] self.history_pad = curses.newpad(curses.LINES - 2, curses.COLS) self.input_pad = curses.newpad(1, curses.COLS) self.emoji_pad = curses.newpad(18, 12) self.emoji_panel_page = -1 curses.init_color(curses.COLOR_WHITE, 1000, 1000, 1000) for i in range(curses.COLOR_BLACK + 1, curses.COLOR_WHITE): curses.init_pair(i + 1, i, curses.COLOR_BLACK) # dictionnaries of neighbours self.neighbours = dict() self.nbNS = 0 self.minNS = 3 # minimal number of symmetric neighbours a user needs to have. self.worm = Worm(self) self.neighbour_manager = PeerManager(self) self.inondator = Inondator(self) self.add_system_message(f"Listening on {self.main_address[0]}:{self.main_address[1]}", ignore_debug=True) self.add_system_message(f"I am {self.id}") def new_peer(self, address: str, port: int) -> Peer: """ Returns a new peer (with no id nor nickname) """ peer = Peer(address=address, port=port) return peer @property def active_peers(self) -> set: return set(peer for peer in self.neighbours.values() if peer.active) @property def potential_peers(self) -> set: return set(peer for peer in self.neighbours.values() if peer.potential) def find_peer(self, address: str, port: int) -> Peer: """ Translate an address into a peer. If this peer does not exist, creates a new peer. """ self.data_lock.acquire() if (address, port) in self.neighbours: return self.neighbours[(address, port)] peer = Peer(address=address, port=port) self.neighbours[(address, port)] = peer self.data_lock.release() return peer def find_peer_by_id(self, peer_id: int) -> Peer: """ Retrieve the peer that is known by its id. Return None if it is unknown. The given identifier must be positive. """ self.data_lock.acquire() if peer_id > 0: for peer in self.neighbours.values(): if peer.id == peer_id: return peer self.data_lock.release() def find_peer_by_nickname(self, nickname: str) -> Generator[Peer, Any, None]: """ Retrieve the peers that are known by their nicknames. """ self.data_lock.acquire() for peer in self.neighbours.values(): if peer.nickname == nickname: yield peer self.data_lock.release() def send_packet(self, client: Peer, pkt: Packet) -> int: """ Send a formatted packet to a client. """ if len(pkt) > 1024: # The packet is too large to be sent by the protocol. We split the packet in subpackets. return sum(self.send_packet(client, subpkt) for subpkt in pkt.split(1024)) res = self.send_raw_data(client, pkt.marshal()) return res def send_raw_data(self, client: Peer, data: bytes) -> int: """ Send a raw packet to a client. """ return self.socket.sendto(data, client.main_address) def receive_packet(self) -> Tuple[Packet, Peer]: """ Receive a packet from the socket and translate it into a Python object. Warning: the process is blocking, it should be ran inside a dedicated thread. """ data, addr = self.receive_raw_data() peer = self.find_peer(addr[0], addr[1]) if peer.banned: # The client already sent errored packets return Packet.construct(), peer try: pkt = Packet.unmarshal(data) except ValueError as error: # The packet contains an error. We memorize it and warn the other user. peer.errors += 1 self.send_packet(peer, Packet.construct(WarningTLV.construct( f"An error occured while reading your packet: {error}"))) if peer.banned: self.send_packet(peer, Packet.construct(WarningTLV.construct( "You got banned since you sent too much errored packets."))) raise ValueError("Client is banned since there were too many errors.", error) raise error else: return pkt, peer def receive_raw_data(self) -> Tuple[bytes, Any]: """ Receive a packet from the socket. """ return self.socket.recvfrom(1024) def start_threads(self) -> None: """ Start asynchronous threads. """ # Kill subthreads when exitting the program self.worm.setDaemon(True) self.neighbour_manager.setDaemon(True) self.inondator.setDaemon(True) self.worm.start() self.neighbour_manager.start() self.inondator.start() def wait_for_key(self) -> None: """ Infinite loop where we are waiting for a key of the user. """ while True: self.refresh_history() self.refresh_input() if not self.squinnondation.no_emoji: self.refresh_emoji_pad() try: key = self.squinnondation.screen.get_wch( curses.LINES - 1, min(3 + len(self.nickname) + self.input_index, curses.COLS - 4)) except curses.error: continue except KeyboardInterrupt: # Exit the program and send GoAway to neighbours self.leave() return if key == curses.KEY_MOUSE: try: _, x, y, _, attr = curses.getmouse() self.handle_mouse_click(y, x, attr) continue except curses.error: # This is not a valid click continue self.handle_key_pressed(key) def handle_key_pressed(self, key: str) -> None: # noqa: C901 """ Process the key press from the user. """ if key == "\x7f" or key == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE: # backspace # delete character at the good position if self.input_index: self.input_index -= 1 self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer[:self.input_index] + self.input_buffer[self.input_index + 1:] return elif key == curses.KEY_DC: # key if self.input_index < len(self.input_buffer): self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer[:self.input_index] + self.input_buffer[self.input_index + 1:] return elif key == curses.KEY_LEFT: # Navigate in the message to the left self.input_index = max(0, self.input_index - 1) return elif key == curses.KEY_RIGHT: # Navigate in the message to the right self.input_index = min(len(self.input_buffer), self.input_index + 1) return elif key == curses.KEY_UP: # Scroll up in the history self.last_line = min(max(curses.LINES - 3, self.last_line - 1), len(self.history) - 1) return elif key == curses.KEY_DOWN: # Scroll down in the history self.last_line = min(len(self.history) - 1, self.last_line + 1) return elif key == curses.KEY_PPAGE: # Page up in the history self.last_line = min(max(curses.LINES - 3, self.last_line - (curses.LINES - 3)), len(self.history) - 1) return elif key == curses.KEY_NPAGE: # Page down in the history self.last_line = min(len(self.history) - 1, self.last_line + (curses.LINES - 3)) return elif key == curses.KEY_HOME: # Place the cursor at the beginning of the typing word self.input_index = 0 return elif key == curses.KEY_END: # Place the cursor at the end of the typing word self.input_index = len(self.input_buffer) return elif isinstance(key, int): # Unmanaged complex key self.add_system_message(str(key)) return elif key != "\n": # Insert the pressed key in the current message new_buffer = self.input_buffer[:self.input_index] + key + self.input_buffer[self.input_index:] if len(DataTLV.construct(f"{self.nickname}: {new_buffer}", None)) > 255 - 8 - 4: # The message is too long to be sent once. We don't allow the user to type any other character. curses.beep() return self.input_buffer = new_buffer self.input_index += 1 return # Send message to neighbours msg = self.input_buffer self.input_buffer = "" self.input_index = 0 if not msg: return if msg.startswith("/"): return self.handle_command(msg[1:]) msg = f"{self.nickname}: {msg}" self.add_message(msg) pkt = Packet.construct(DataTLV.construct(msg, self)) for peer in self.active_peers: self.send_packet(peer, pkt) def handle_mouse_click(self, y: int, x: int, attr: int) -> None: """ The user clicks on the screen, at coordinates (y, x). According to the position, we can indicate what can be done. """ if not self.squinnondation.no_emoji: if y == curses.LINES - 1 and x >= curses.COLS - 3: # Click on the emoji, open or close the emoji pad self.emoji_panel_page *= -1 elif self.emoji_panel_page > 0 and y == curses.LINES - 4 and x >= curses.COLS - 5: # Open next emoji page self.emoji_panel_page += 1 elif self.emoji_panel_page > 1 and y == curses.LINES - curses.LINES // 2 - 1 \ and x >= curses.COLS - 5: # Open previous emoji page self.emoji_panel_page -= 1 elif self.emoji_panel_page > 0 and y >= curses.LINES // 2 - 1 and x >= curses.COLS // 2 - 1: pad_y, pad_x = y - (curses.LINES - curses.LINES // 2) + 1, \ (x - (curses.COLS - curses.COLS // 3) + 1) // 2 # Click on an emoji on the pad to autocomplete an emoji self.click_on_emoji_pad(pad_y, pad_x) def click_on_emoji_pad(self, pad_y: int, pad_x: int) -> None: """ The emoji pad contains the list of all available emojis. Clicking on a emoji auto-complete the emoji in the input pad. """ import emoji from emoji import unicode_codes height, width = self.emoji_pad.getmaxyx() height -= 1 width -= 1 emojis = list(unicode_codes.UNICODE_EMOJI) emojis = [c for c in emojis if len(c) == 1] size = (height - 2) * (width - 4) // 2 page = emojis[(self.emoji_panel_page - 1) * size:self.emoji_panel_page * size] index = pad_y * (width - 4) // 2 + pad_x char = page[index] if char: demojized = emoji.demojize(char) if char != demojized: for c in reversed(demojized): curses.ungetch(c) def handle_command(self, command: str) -> None: """ The user sent a command. We analyse it and process what is needed. """ self.data_lock.acquire() def resolve_address(address: str) -> str: # Resolve address try: # Resolve DNS as an IPv6 return socket.getaddrinfo(address, None, socket.AF_INET6)[0][4][0] except socket.gaierror: # This is not a valid IPv6. Assume it can be resolved as an IPv4, and we use IPv4-mapping # to compute a valid IPv6. # See https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adresse_IPv6_mappant_IPv4 try: return "::ffff:" + socket.getaddrinfo(address, None, socket.AF_INET)[0][4][0] except socket.gaierror: raise ValueError(f"{address} is not resolvable") def resolve_port(port: str) -> int: try: port = int(port) if not 1 <= port <= 65565: raise ValueError return port except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"{port} is not a valid port") args = command.split(" ") command, args = args[0].lower(), args[1:] if command == "help" or command == "usage": self.add_system_message("**/help**\t\t\t\tDisplay this help menu", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) self.add_system_message("**/connect address port**\t\tAdd this address in the potential neighbours", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) self.add_system_message("**/hello address port**\t\tSend short hello to the given neighbour", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) self.add_system_message("**/unban address port**\t\tReset the error counter of a given neighbour", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) self.add_system_message("**/info id|nickname|addr port**\tDisplay information about a neighbour", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) self.add_system_message("**/active**\t\t\tDisplay the list of all active neighbours.", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) self.add_system_message("**/potential**\t\t\tDisplay the list of all potential neighbours.", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) self.add_system_message("**/debug**\t\t\t\tToggle debug mode", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) self.add_system_message("**/emojis**\t\t\tToggle emojis support", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) self.add_system_message("**/markdown**\t\t\tToggle markdown support", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) elif command == "connect": if len(args) != 2: self.add_system_message("Usage: /connect address port", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) return try: address, port = resolve_address(args[0]), resolve_port(args[1]) except ValueError as e: self.add_system_message(str(e), ignore_debug=True) return if (address, port) in self.neighbours: self.add_system_message("There is already a known client with this address.", ignore_debug=True) return peer = self.new_peer(address, port) self.neighbours[(address, port)] = peer self.add_system_message(f"Potential client successfully added! You can send a hello by running " f"\"/hello {address} {port}\".", ignore_debug=True) elif command == "hello": if len(args) != 2: self.add_system_message("Usage: /hello address port", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) return try: address, port = resolve_address(args[0]), resolve_port(args[1]) except ValueError as e: self.add_system_message(str(e), ignore_debug=True) return if (address, port) not in self.neighbours: self.add_system_message("This client is unknown. Please register it by running " f"\"/connect {address} {port}\"", ignore_debug=True) return peer = self.find_peer(address, port) self.send_packet(peer, Packet.construct(HelloTLV.construct(8, self))) self.add_system_message("Hello successfully sent!", ignore_debug=True) elif command == "unban": if len(args) != 2: self.add_system_message("Usage: /unban address port", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) return try: address, port = resolve_address(args[0]), resolve_port(args[1]) except ValueError as e: self.add_system_message(str(e), ignore_debug=True) return if (address, port) not in self.neighbours: self.add_system_message("This client is unknown. Please register it by running " f"\"/connect {address} {port}\"", ignore_debug=True) return peer = self.find_peer(address, port) peer.errors = 0 self.add_system_message("The client is unbanned.", ignore_debug=True) elif command == "info": if len(args) > 2: self.add_system_message("Usage: /info me|id|nickname|addr port", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) return if not args: peers = [self] elif len(args) == 2: try: address, port = resolve_address(args[0]), resolve_port(args[1]) except ValueError as e: self.add_system_message(str(e), ignore_debug=True) return if (address, port) not in self.neighbours: self.add_system_message("This client is unknown. Please register it by running " f"\"/connect {address} {port}\"", ignore_debug=True) return peers = [self.find_peer(address, port)] else: peers = list(self.find_peer_by_nickname(args[0])) if args[0].isnumeric(): identifier = int(args[0]) peers.append(self.find_peer_by_id(identifier)) if not peers: self.add_system_message("Unknown client.") return for peer in peers: self.add_system_message(f"**Identifier:** {peer.id or '<*unknown*>'}", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) self.add_system_message(f"**Nickname:** {peer.nickname or '<*unknown*>'}", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) self.add_system_message(f"**Addresses:** " + ", ".join(f"{address}:{port}" for address, port in peer.addresses), italic=False, ignore_debug=True) elif command == "active": if not self.active_peers: self.add_system_message("No active neighbour.", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) return for peer in self.active_peers: self.add_system_message(f"**Identifier:** {peer.id or '<*unknown*>'}", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) self.add_system_message(f"**Nickname:** {peer.nickname or '<*unknown*>'}", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) self.add_system_message(f"**Addresses:** " + ", ".join(f"{address}:{port}" for address, port in peer.addresses), italic=False, ignore_debug=True) elif command == "potential": if not self.potential_peers: self.add_system_message("No potential neighbour.", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) return for peer in self.potential_peers: self.add_system_message(f"**Identifier:** {peer.id or '<*unknown*>'}", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) self.add_system_message(f"**Nickname:** {peer.nickname or '<*unknown*>'}", italic=False, ignore_debug=True) self.add_system_message(f"**Addresses:** " + ", ".join(f"{address}:{port}" for address, port in peer.addresses), italic=False, ignore_debug=True) elif command == "debug": self.squinnondation.debug ^= True self.add_system_message( "Debug mode " + ("enabled" if self.squinnondation.debug else "disabled") + ".", ignore_debug=True) elif command == "emojis": self.squinnondation.no_emoji ^= True self.add_system_message( "Emojis support " + ("disabled" if self.squinnondation.no_emoji else "enabled") + ".", ignore_debug=True) elif command == "markdown": self.squinnondation.debug ^= True self.add_system_message( "Markdown support " + ("disabled" if self.squinnondation.no_markdown else "enabled") + ".", ignore_debug=True) else: self.add_system_message("Unknown command. Please do /help to see available commands.", ignore_debug=True) self.data_lock.release() def add_message(self, msg: str) -> None: """ Store a new message into the history. """ self.history.append(msg) if self.last_line == len(self.history) - 2: self.last_line += 1 def receive_message_from(self, tlv: DataTLV, msg: str, sender_id: int, nonce: int, relay: Peer) -> bool: """ This method is called by a DataTLV, sent by a real person. This add the message in the history if not already done. Returns True iff the message was not already received previously. """ self.data_lock.acquire() if (sender_id, nonce) not in self.received_messages: # If it is a new message, add it to recent_messages d = self.make_inundation_dict() pkt = Packet().construct(tlv) self.recent_messages[(sender_id, nonce)] = [pkt, time.time(), d] # in all cases, remove the sender from the list of neighbours to be inundated self.remove_from_inundation(relay, sender_id, nonce) if (sender_id, nonce) in self.received_messages: return False self.add_message(msg) # for display purposes self.received_messages[(sender_id, nonce)] = Message(msg, sender_id, nonce) self.data_lock.release() return True def make_inundation_dict(self) -> dict: """ Takes the active peers dictionnary and returns a list of [peer, date+random, 0] """ self.data_lock.acquire() res = dict() peers = self.active_peers for peer in peers: if peer.symmetric: next_send = uniform(1, 2) res[peer.main_address] = [peer, time.time() + next_send, 0] self.data_lock.release() return res def remove_from_inundation(self, peer: Peer, sender_id: int, nonce: int) -> None: """ Remove the sender from the list of neighbours to be inundated """ self.data_lock.acquire() if (sender_id, nonce) in self.recent_messages: # If a peer is late in its acknowledgement, the absence of the previous if causes an error. for addr in peer.addresses: self.recent_messages[(sender_id, nonce)][2].pop(addr, None) if not self.recent_messages[(sender_id, nonce)][2]: # If dictionnary is empty, remove the message self.recent_messages.pop((sender_id, nonce), None) self.data_lock.release() def clean_inundation(self) -> None: """ Remove messages which are overdue (older than 2 minutes) from the inundation dictionnary. """ self.data_lock.acquire() for key in self.recent_messages: if time.time() - self.recent_messages[key][1] > 120: self.recent_messages.pop(key) self.data_lock.release() def main_inundation(self) -> None: """ The main inundation function. """ for key in self.recent_messages: k = list(self.recent_messages[key][2].keys()) for key2 in k: if time.time() >= self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][1]: self.add_system_message(f"inundating {self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][0].id} with message {key}") # send the packet if it is overdue self.send_packet(self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][0], self.recent_messages[key][0]) # change the time until the next send a = self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][2] self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][2] = a + 1 next_send = uniform(2 ** (a - 1), 2 ** a) self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][1] = time.time() + next_send if self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][2] >= 5: # the neighbour is not reactive enough gatlv = GoAwayTLV().construct(GoAwayType.TIMEOUT, f"{self.id} No acknowledge") pkt = Packet().construct(gatlv) peer = self.recent_messages[key][2][key2][0] self.send_packet(peer, pkt) self.recent_messages[key][2].pop(key2) def add_system_message(self, msg: str, italic: bool = True, ignore_debug: bool = False) -> None: """ Add a new system log message. """ if self.squinnondation.debug or ignore_debug: return self.add_message( f"system: *{msg}*" if not self.squinnondation.no_markdown and italic else f"system: {msg}") def print_markdown(self, pad: Any, y: int, x: int, msg: str, bold: bool = False, italic: bool = False, underline: bool = False, strike: bool = False) -> int: """ Parse a markdown-formatted text and format the text as bold, italic or text text. ***text***: bold, italic **text**: bold *text*: italic __text__: underline _text_: italic ~~text~~: strikethrough """ # Replace :emoji_name: by the good emoji if not self.squinnondation.no_emoji: import emoji msg = emoji.emojize(msg, use_aliases=True) if self.squinnondation.no_markdown: pad.addstr(y, x, msg) return len(msg) underline_match = re.match("(.*)__(.*)__(.*)", msg) if underline_match: before, text, after = underline_match.group(1), underline_match.group(2), underline_match.group(3) len_before = self.print_markdown(pad, y, x, before, bold, italic, underline) len_mid = self.print_markdown(pad, y, x + len_before, text, bold, italic, not underline) len_after = self.print_markdown(pad, y, x + len_before + len_mid, after, bold, italic, underline) return len_before + len_mid + len_after italic_match = re.match("(.*)_(.*)_(.*)", msg) if italic_match: before, text, after = italic_match.group(1), italic_match.group(2), italic_match.group(3) len_before = self.print_markdown(pad, y, x, before, bold, italic, underline) len_mid = self.print_markdown(pad, y, x + len_before, text, bold, not italic, underline) len_after = self.print_markdown(pad, y, x + len_before + len_mid, after, bold, italic, underline) return len_before + len_mid + len_after bold_italic_match = re.match("(.*)\\*\\*\\*(.*)\\*\\*\\*(.*)", msg) if bold_italic_match: before, text, after = bold_italic_match.group(1), bold_italic_match.group(2),\ bold_italic_match.group(3) len_before = self.print_markdown(pad, y, x, before, bold, italic, underline, strike) len_mid = self.print_markdown(pad, y, x + len_before, text, not bold, not italic, underline, strike) len_after = self.print_markdown(pad, y, x + len_before + len_mid, after, bold, italic, underline, strike) return len_before + len_mid + len_after bold_match = re.match("(.*)\\*\\*(.*)\\*\\*(.*)", msg) if bold_match: before, text, after = bold_match.group(1), bold_match.group(2), bold_match.group(3) len_before = self.print_markdown(pad, y, x, before, bold, italic, underline, strike) len_mid = self.print_markdown(pad, y, x + len_before, text, not bold, italic, underline, strike) len_after = self.print_markdown(pad, y, x + len_before + len_mid, after, bold, italic, underline, strike) return len_before + len_mid + len_after italic_match = re.match("(.*)\\*(.*)\\*(.*)", msg) if italic_match: before, text, after = italic_match.group(1), italic_match.group(2), italic_match.group(3) len_before = self.print_markdown(pad, y, x, before, bold, italic, underline, strike) len_mid = self.print_markdown(pad, y, x + len_before, text, bold, not italic, underline, strike) len_after = self.print_markdown(pad, y, x + len_before + len_mid, after, bold, italic, underline, strike) return len_before + len_mid + len_after strike_match = re.match("(.*)~~(.*)~~(.*)", msg) if strike_match: before, text, after = strike_match.group(1), strike_match.group(2), strike_match.group(3) len_before = self.print_markdown(pad, y, x, before, bold, italic, underline, strike) len_mid = self.print_markdown(pad, y, x + len_before, text, bold, italic, underline, not strike) len_after = self.print_markdown(pad, y, x + len_before + len_mid, after, bold, italic, underline, strike) return len_before + len_mid + len_after size = len(msg) attrs = 0 attrs |= curses.A_BOLD if bold else 0 attrs |= curses.A_ITALIC if italic else 0 attrs |= curses.A_UNDERLINE if underline else 0 if strike: msg = "".join(c + "\u0336" for c in msg) remaining_lines = curses.LINES - 3 - (y + x // (curses.COLS - 1)) + 1 if remaining_lines > 0: # Don't print the end of the line if it is too long space_left_on_line = (curses.COLS - 2) - (x % (curses.COLS - 1)) msg = msg[:space_left_on_line + max(0, (curses.COLS - 1) * (remaining_lines - 1))] if msg: pad.addstr(y + x // (curses.COLS - 1), x % (curses.COLS - 1), msg, attrs) return size def refresh_history(self) -> None: """ Rewrite the history of the messages. """ self.refresh_lock.acquire() y, x = self.squinnondation.screen.getmaxyx() if curses.is_term_resized(curses.LINES, curses.COLS): curses.resizeterm(y, x) self.history_pad.resize(curses.LINES - 2, curses.COLS - 1) self.input_pad.resize(1, curses.COLS - 1) self.history_pad.erase() y_offset = 0 for i, msg in enumerate(self.history[max(0, self.last_line - curses.LINES + 3):self.last_line + 1]): if i + y_offset > curses.LINES - 3: break msg = re.sub("([^:]*): (.*)", "<\\1> \\2", msg, 1) if not re.match("<.*> .*", msg): msg = " " + msg match = re.match("<(.*)> (.*)", msg) nickname = match.group(1) msg = match.group(2) full_msg = f"<{nickname}> {msg}" color_id = sum(ord(c) for c in nickname) % 6 + 1 true_width = self.print_markdown(self.history_pad, i + y_offset, 0, full_msg) self.history_pad.addstr(i + y_offset, 1, nickname, curses.A_BOLD | curses.color_pair(color_id + 1)) y_offset += true_width // (curses.COLS - 1) self.history_pad.refresh(0, 0, 0, 0, curses.LINES - 2, curses.COLS) self.refresh_lock.release() def refresh_input(self) -> None: """ Redraw input line. Must not be called while the message is not sent. """ self.refresh_lock.acquire() self.input_pad.erase() color_id = sum(ord(c) for c in self.nickname) % 6 + 1 self.input_pad.addstr(0, 0, "<") self.input_pad.addstr(0, 1, self.nickname, curses.A_BOLD | curses.color_pair(color_id + 1)) self.input_pad.addstr(0, 1 + len(self.nickname), "> ") msg = self.input_buffer if self.input_index >= curses.COLS - len(self.nickname) - 7: msg = msg[self.input_index - (curses.COLS - len(self.nickname) - 7):self.input_index] msg = msg[:curses.COLS - len(self.nickname) - 7] self.input_pad.addstr(0, 3 + len(self.nickname), msg) if not self.squinnondation.no_emoji: self.input_pad.addstr(0, self.input_pad.getmaxyx()[1] - 3, "πŸ˜€") self.input_pad.refresh(0, 0, curses.LINES - 1, 0, curses.LINES - 1, curses.COLS - 1) self.refresh_lock.release() def refresh_emoji_pad(self) -> None: """ Display the emoji pad if necessary. """ if self.squinnondation.no_emoji: return from emoji import unicode_codes self.refresh_lock.acquire() self.emoji_pad.erase() if self.emoji_panel_page > 0: height, width = curses.LINES // 2, curses.COLS // 3 self.emoji_pad.resize(height + 1, width + 1) self.emoji_pad.addstr(0, 0, "┏" + (width - 2) * "━" + "β”“") self.emoji_pad.addstr(0, (width - 14) // 2, " == EMOJIS == ") for i in range(1, height): self.emoji_pad.addstr(i, 0, "┃" + (width - 2) * " " + "┃") self.emoji_pad.addstr(height - 1, 0, "β”—" + (width - 2) * "━" + "β”›") emojis = list(unicode_codes.UNICODE_EMOJI) emojis = [c for c in emojis if len(c) == 1] size = (height - 2) * (width - 4) // 2 page = emojis[(self.emoji_panel_page - 1) * size:self.emoji_panel_page * size] if self.emoji_panel_page != 1: self.emoji_pad.addstr(1, width - 2, "⬆") if len(page) == size: self.emoji_pad.addstr(height - 2, width - 2, "⬇") for i in range(height - 2): for j in range((width - 4) // 2 + 1): index = i * (width - 4) // 2 + j if index < len(page): self.emoji_pad.addstr(i + 1, 2 * j + 1, page[index]) self.emoji_pad.refresh(0, 0, curses.LINES - height - 2, curses.COLS - width - 2, curses.LINES - 2, curses.COLS - 2) self.refresh_lock.release() def potential_to_contact(self) -> list: """ Returns a list of peers the user should contact if it does not have enough symmetric neighbours. """ self.data_lock.acquire() res = [] val = list(self.potential_peers) lp = len(val) for i in range(min(lp, max(0, self.minNS - self.nbNS))): a = randint(0, lp - 1) res.append(val[a]) self.data_lock.release() return res def send_hello(self) -> None: """ Sends a long HelloTLV to all active neighbours. """ self.data_lock.acquire() for peer in self.active_peers: htlv = HelloTLV().construct(16, self, peer) pkt = Packet().construct(htlv) self.send_packet(peer, pkt) self.data_lock.release() def verify_activity(self) -> None: """ All neighbours that have not sent a HelloTLV in the last 2 minutes are considered not active. """ self.data_lock.acquire() val = list(self.active_peers) # create a copy because the dict size will change for peer in val: if time.time() - peer.last_hello_time > 2 * 60: gatlv = GoAwayTLV().construct(GoAwayType.TIMEOUT, "you did not talk to me") pkt = Packet().construct(gatlv) self.send_packet(peer, pkt) peer.active = False self.update_peer_table(peer) self.data_lock.release() def update_peer_table(self, peer: Peer) -> None: """ We insert the peer into our table of clients. If there is a collision with the address / the ID, then we merge clients into a unique one. """ self.data_lock.acquire() for addr in peer.addresses: if addr in self.neighbours: # Merge with the previous peer old_peer = self.neighbours[addr] peer.merge(old_peer) self.neighbours[addr] = peer for other_peer in list(self.neighbours.values()): if other_peer.id == peer.id > 0 and other_peer != peer: # The peer with the same id is known as a different address. We merge everything peer.merge(other_peer) self.data_lock.release() def send_neighbours(self) -> None: """ Update the number of symmetric neighbours and send all neighbours NeighbourTLV """ self.data_lock.acquire() nb_ns = 0 # could send the same to all neighbour, but it means that neighbour # A could receive a message with itself in it -> if the others do not pay attention, trouble for peer in self.active_peers: if time.time() - peer.last_long_hello_time <= 2 * 60: nb_ns += 1 peer.symmetric = True ntlv = NeighbourTLV().construct(*peer.main_address) pkt = Packet().construct(ntlv) for destination in self.active_peers: if destination.id != peer.id: self.send_packet(destination, pkt) else: peer.symmetric = False self.nbNS = nb_ns self.data_lock.release() def leave(self) -> None: """ The program is exited. We send a GoAway to our neighbours, then close the program. """ # Last inundation self.main_inundation() self.clean_inundation() # Broadcast a GoAway gatlv = GoAwayTLV().construct(GoAwayType.EXIT, "I am leaving! Good bye!") pkt = Packet.construct(gatlv) for peer in self.active_peers: self.send_packet(peer, pkt) exit(0) class Worm(Thread): """ The worm is the peer listener. It always waits for an incoming packet, then it treats it, and continues to wait. It is in a dedicated thread. """ def __init__(self, user: User, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.user = user def run(self) -> None: while True: try: pkt, peer = self.user.receive_packet() except ValueError as error: self.user.add_system_message("An error occurred while receiving a packet: {}".format(error)) self.user.refresh_history() self.user.refresh_input() else: if peer.banned: # Ignore banned peers continue for tlv in pkt.body: tlv.handle(self.user, peer) self.user.refresh_history() self.user.refresh_input() class PeerManager(Thread): """ A process to cleanly manage the user's neighbours """ def __init__(self, user: User, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.user = user self.last_potential = 0 self.last_check = 0 self.last_neighbour = 0 htlv = HelloTLV().construct(8, self.user) pkt = Packet().construct(htlv) self.hellopkt = pkt def run(self) -> None: while True: # First part of neighbour management: ensure the user has enough # symmetric neighbours. if time.time() - self.last_potential > 30: to_contact = self.user.potential_to_contact() for peer in to_contact: self.user.send_packet(peer, self.hellopkt) self.last_potential = time.time() # Second part: send long HelloTLVs to neighbours every 30 seconds if time.time() - self.last_check > 30: self.user.add_system_message(f"I have {len(self.user.active_peers)} friends") self.user.send_hello() self.last_check = time.time() # Third part: get rid of inactive neighbours self.user.verify_activity() # Fourth part: verify symmetric neighbours and send NeighbourTLV every minute if time.time() - self.last_neighbour > 60: self.user.send_neighbours() self.last_neighbour = time.time() # Avoid infinite loops time.sleep(1) class Inondator(Thread): """ A process to manage the inondation """ def __init__(self, user: User, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.user = user self.last_check = 0 def run(self) -> None: while True: # clean the dictionnary if time.time() - self.last_check > 30: self.user.clean_inundation() self.last_check = time.time() # inundate self.user.main_inundation() # Avoid infinite loops time.sleep(1) class Message: """ This class symbolises the data sent by a real client, excluding system messages. This is useful to check unicity or to save and load messages. """ content: str # TODO: Replace the id by the good (potential) peer sender_id: int nonce: int created_at: datetime def __init__(self, content: str, sender_id: int, nonce: int, created_at: datetime = None): self.content = content self.sender_id = sender_id self.nonce = nonce self.created_at = created_at or datetime.now()