
731 lines
37 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2023 by Animath
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from collections import OrderedDict
from random import randint, shuffle
from channels.generic.websocket import AsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils import translation
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from draw.models import Draw, Round, Pool, TeamDraw
from participation.models import Tournament, Participation
from registration.models import Registration
def ensure_orga(f):
async def func(self, *args, **kwargs):
reg = self.registration
if reg.is_volunteer and not reg.is_admin and self.tournament not in reg.interesting_tournaments \
or not reg.is_volunteer:
return await self.alert(_("You are not an organizer."), 'danger')
return await f(self, *args, **kwargs)
return func
class DrawConsumer(AsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer):
async def connect(self):
self.tournament_id = self.scope['url_route']['kwargs']['tournament_id']
self.tournament = await Tournament.objects.filter(pk=self.tournament_id)\
self.participations = []
async for participation in self.tournament.participations.filter(valid=True).prefetch_related('team'):
user = self.scope['user']
reg = await Registration.objects.aget(user=user)
self.registration = reg
if reg.is_volunteer and not reg.is_admin and self.tournament not in reg.interesting_tournaments \
or not reg.is_volunteer and != self.tournament:
# This user may not have access to the drawing session
await self.close()
await self.accept()
await self.channel_layer.group_add(f"tournament-{}", self.channel_name)
if not self.registration.is_volunteer:
await self.channel_layer.group_add(f"team-{}", self.channel_name)
await self.channel_layer.group_add(f"volunteer-{}", self.channel_name)
async def disconnect(self, close_code):
await self.channel_layer.group_discard(f"tournament-{}", self.channel_name)
if not self.registration.is_volunteer:
await self.channel_layer.group_discard(f"team-{}", self.channel_name)
await self.channel_layer.group_discard(f"volunteer-{}", self.channel_name)
async def alert(self, message: str, alert_type: str = 'info', **kwargs):
return await self.send_json({'type': 'alert', 'alert_type': alert_type, 'message': str(message)})
async def receive_json(self, content, **kwargs):
# Refresh tournament
self.tournament = await Tournament.objects.filter(pk=self.tournament_id)\
match content['type']:
case 'set_language':
case 'start_draw':
await self.start_draw(**content)
case 'abort':
await self.abort(**content)
case 'dice':
await self.process_dice(**content)
case 'draw_problem':
await self.select_problem(**content)
case 'accept':
await self.accept_problem(**content)
case 'reject':
await self.reject_problem(**content)
case 'export':
await self.export(**content)
case 'continue_final':
await self.continue_final(**content)
async def start_draw(self, fmt, **kwargs):
fmt = sorted(map(int, fmt.split('+')), reverse=True)
except ValueError as e:
return await self.alert(_("Invalid format"), 'danger')
if sum(fmt) != len(self.participations):
return await self.alert(
_("The sum must be equal to the number of teams: expected {len}, got {sum}")\
.format(len=len(self.participations), sum=sum(fmt)), 'danger')
if fmt.count(5) > 1:
return await self.alert(_("There can be at most one pool with 5 teams."), 'danger')
draw = await Draw.objects.acreate(tournament=self.tournament)
r1 = None
for i in [1, 2]:
r = await Round.objects.acreate(draw=draw, number=i)
if i == 1:
r1 = r
for j, f in enumerate(fmt):
await Pool.objects.acreate(round=r, letter=j + 1, size=f)
for participation in self.participations:
await TeamDraw.objects.acreate(participation=participation, round=r)
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.send_poules', 'round': r})
draw.current_round = r1
await draw.asave()
async for td in r1.teamdraw_set.prefetch_related('participation__team').all():
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"team-{}",
{'type': 'draw.dice_visibility', 'visible': True})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"volunteer-{}",
{'type': 'draw.dice_visibility', 'visible': True})
await self.alert(_("Draw started!"), 'success')
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.start', 'fmt': fmt, 'draw': draw})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.set_info', 'draw': draw})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.set_active', 'draw': self.tournament.draw})
async def draw_start(self, content):
await self.alert(_("The draw for the tournament {tournament} will start.")\
.format(, 'warning')
await self.send_json({'type': 'draw_start', 'fmt': content['fmt'],
'trigrams': [ for p in self.participations]})
async def abort(self, **kwargs):
await self.tournament.draw.adelete()
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}", {'type': 'draw_abort'})
async def draw_abort(self, content):
await self.alert(_("The draw for the tournament {tournament} is aborted.")\
.format(, 'danger')
await self.send_json({'type': 'abort'})
async def process_dice(self, trigram: str | None = None, **kwargs):
state = self.tournament.draw.get_state()
if self.registration.is_volunteer:
if trigram:
participation = await Participation.objects.filter(team__trigram=trigram)\
# First free team
if state == 'DICE_ORDER_POULE':
participation = await Participation.objects\
participation = await Participation.objects\
participation = await Participation.objects.filter(team__participants=self.registration)\
if participation is None:
return await self.alert(_("This is not the time for this."), 'danger')
trigram =
team_draw = await TeamDraw.objects.filter(participation=participation,
match state:
if team_draw.passage_dice is not None:
return await self.alert(_("You've already launched the dice."), 'danger')
if team_draw.choice_dice is not None:
return await self.alert(_("You've already launched the dice."), 'danger')
if not await self.tournament.draw.current_round.current_pool.teamdraw_set\
return await self.alert(_("It is not your turn."), 'danger')
case _:
return await self.alert(_("This is not the time for this."), 'danger')
res = randint(1, 100)
if state == 'DICE_SELECT_POULES':
team_draw.passage_dice = res
team_draw.choice_dice = res
await team_draw.asave()
await self.channel_layer.group_send(
f"tournament-{}", {'type': 'draw.dice', 'team': trigram, 'result': res})
if state == 'DICE_SELECT_POULES' and \
not await TeamDraw.objects.filter(round_id=self.tournament.draw.current_round_id,
tds = []
async for td in TeamDraw.objects.filter(round_id=self.tournament.draw.current_round_id)\
dices = {td: td.passage_dice for td in tds}
values = list(dices.values())
error = False
for v in set(values):
if values.count(v) > 1:
dups = [td for td in tds if td.passage_dice == v]
for dup in dups:
dup.passage_dice = None
await dup.asave()
await self.channel_layer.group_send(
{'type': 'draw.dice', 'team':, 'result': None})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(
{'type': 'draw.alert',
'message': _('Dices from teams {teams} are identical. Please relaunch your dices.').format(
teams=', '.join( for td in dups)),
'alert_type': 'warning'})
error = True
if error:
tds.sort(key=lambda td: td.passage_dice)
tds_copy = tds.copy()
async for p in Pool.objects.filter(round_id=self.tournament.draw.current_round_id).order_by('letter').all():
pool_tds = sorted(tds_copy[:p.size], key=lambda td: (td.passage_dice * 27) % 100)
tds_copy = tds_copy[p.size:]
for i, td in enumerate(pool_tds):
td.pool = p
td.passage_index = i
await td.asave()
tds_copy = tds.copy()
round2 = await self.tournament.draw.round_set.filter(number=2).aget()
round2_pools = [p async for p in Pool.objects.filter(round__draw__tournament=self.tournament, round=round2)\
current_pool_id, current_passage_index = 0, 0
for i, td in enumerate(tds_copy):
if i == len(tds) - 1 and round2_pools[0].size == 5:
current_pool_id = 0
current_passage_index = 4
td2 = await TeamDraw.objects.filter(participation=td.participation, round=round2).aget()
td2.pool = round2_pools[current_pool_id]
td2.passage_index = current_passage_index
current_pool_id += 1
if current_pool_id == len(round2_pools):
current_pool_id = 0
current_passage_index += 1
await td2.asave()
pool = await Pool.objects.filter(round=self.tournament.draw.current_round, letter=1).aget()
self.tournament.draw.current_round.current_pool = pool
await self.tournament.draw.current_round.asave()
msg = "Les résultats des dés sont les suivants : "
msg += ", ".join(f"<strong>{}</strong> ({td.passage_dice})" for td in tds)
msg += ". L'ordre de passage et les compositions des différentes poules sont affiché⋅es sur le côté. "
msg += "Attention : les ordres de passage sont déterminés à partir des scores des dés, mais ne sont pas "
msg += "directement l'ordre croissant des dés, afin d'avoir des poules mélangées."
self.tournament.draw.last_message = msg
await self.tournament.draw.asave()
for td in tds:
await self.channel_layer.group_send(
{'type': 'draw.dice', 'team':, 'result': None})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.dice_visibility', 'visible': False})
async for td in pool.teamdraw_set.prefetch_related('participation__team').all():
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"team-{}",
{'type': 'draw.dice_visibility', 'visible': True})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"volunteer-{}",
{'type': 'draw.dice_visibility', 'visible': True})
# First send the second pool to have the good team order
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.send_poules',
'round': await self.tournament.draw.round_set.filter(number=2).aget()})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.send_poules',
'round': self.tournament.draw.current_round})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.set_info', 'draw': self.tournament.draw})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.set_active', 'draw': self.tournament.draw})
elif state == 'DICE_ORDER_POULE' and \
not await TeamDraw.objects.filter(pool=self.tournament.draw.current_round.current_pool,
pool = self.tournament.draw.current_round.current_pool
tds = []
async for td in TeamDraw.objects.filter(pool=pool)\
dices = {td: td.choice_dice for td in tds}
values = list(dices.values())
error = False
for v in set(values):
if values.count(v) > 1:
dups = [td for td in tds if td.choice_dice == v]
for dup in dups:
dup.choice_dice = None
await dup.asave()
await self.channel_layer.group_send(
{'type': 'draw.dice', 'team':, 'result': None})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(
{'type': 'draw.alert',
'message': _('Dices from teams {teams} are identical. Please relaunch your dices.').format(
teams=', '.join( for td in dups)),
'alert_type': 'warning'})
error = True
if error:
tds.sort(key=lambda x: -x.choice_dice)
for i, td in enumerate(tds):
td.choose_index = i
await td.asave()
pool.current_team = tds[0]
await pool.asave()
self.tournament.draw.last_message = ""
await self.tournament.draw.asave()
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.set_info', 'draw': self.tournament.draw})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.set_active', 'draw': self.tournament.draw})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.dice_visibility', 'visible': False})
trigram =
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"team-{trigram}",
{'type': 'draw.box_visibility', 'visible': True})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"volunteer-{}",
{'type': 'draw.box_visibility', 'visible': True})
async def select_problem(self, **kwargs):
state = self.tournament.draw.get_state()
return await self.alert(_("This is not the time for this."), 'danger')
pool = self.tournament.draw.current_round.current_pool
td = pool.current_team
if not self.registration.is_volunteer:
participation = await Participation.objects.filter(team__participants=self.registration)\
if != td.participation_id:
return await self.alert("This is not your turn.", 'danger')
while True:
problem = randint(1, len(settings.PROBLEMS))
if await TeamDraw.objects.filter(participation_id=td.participation_id,
if await pool.teamdraw_set.filter(accepted=problem).acount() < (2 if pool.size == 5 else 1):
td.purposed = problem
await td.asave()
trigram =
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"team-{trigram}",
{'type': 'draw.box_visibility', 'visible': False})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"volunteer-{}",
{'type': 'draw.box_visibility', 'visible': False})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"team-{trigram}",
{'type': 'draw.buttons_visibility', 'visible': True})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"volunteer-{}",
{'type': 'draw.buttons_visibility', 'visible': True})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"team-{}",
{'type': 'draw.draw_problem', 'team': trigram, 'problem': problem})
self.tournament.draw.last_message = ""
await self.tournament.draw.asave()
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.set_info', 'draw': self.tournament.draw})
async def accept_problem(self, **kwargs):
state = self.tournament.draw.get_state()
return await self.alert(_("This is not the time for this."), 'danger')
r = self.tournament.draw.current_round
pool = r.current_pool
td = pool.current_team
if not self.registration.is_volunteer:
participation = await Participation.objects.filter(team__participants=self.registration)\
if != td.participation_id:
return await self.alert("This is not your turn.", 'danger')
td.accepted = td.purposed
td.purposed = None
await td.asave()
trigram =
msg = f"L'équipe <strong>{trigram}</strong> a accepté le problème <strong>{td.accepted} : " \
f"{settings.PROBLEMS[td.accepted - 1]}</strong>. "
if pool.size == 5 and await pool.teamdraw_set.filter(accepted=td.accepted).acount() < 2:
msg += "Une équipe peut encore l'accepter."
msg += "Plus personne ne peut l'accepter."
self.tournament.draw.last_message = msg
await self.tournament.draw.asave()
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"team-{trigram}",
{'type': 'draw.buttons_visibility', 'visible': False})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"volunteer-{}",
{'type': 'draw.buttons_visibility', 'visible': False})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.set_problem',
'round': r.number,
'team': trigram,
'problem': td.accepted})
if await pool.teamdraw_set.filter(accepted__isnull=True).aexists():
# Continue
next_td = await pool.next_td()
pool.current_team = next_td
await pool.asave()
new_trigram =
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"team-{new_trigram}",
{'type': 'draw.box_visibility', 'visible': True})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"volunteer-{}",
{'type': 'draw.box_visibility', 'visible': True})
# Pool is ended
if pool.size == 5:
# Maybe reorder teams if the same problem is presented twice
problems = OrderedDict()
async for td in pool.team_draws:
problems.setdefault(td.accepted, [])
p_index = 0
for pb, tds in problems.items():
if len(tds) == 2:
# Le règlement demande à ce que l'ordre soit tiré au sort
tds[0].passage_index = p_index
tds[1].passage_index = p_index + 1
p_index += 2
await tds[0].asave()
await tds[1].asave()
for pb, tds in problems.items():
if len(tds) == 1:
tds[0].passage_index = p_index
p_index += 1
await tds[0].asave()
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}", {
'type': 'draw.reorder_pool',
'round': r.number,
'pool': pool.get_letter_display(),
'teams': [
async for td in pool.team_draws.prefetch_related('participation__team')],
'problems': [td.accepted async for td in pool.team_draws],
msg += f"<br><br>Le tirage de la poule {pool.get_letter_display()}{r.number} est terminé. " \
f"Le tableau récapitulatif est en bas."
self.tournament.draw.last_message = msg
await self.tournament.draw.asave()
if await r.teamdraw_set.filter(accepted__isnull=True).aexists():
# Next pool
next_pool = await r.next_pool()
r.current_pool = next_pool
await r.asave()
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.dice_visibility', 'visible': True})
# Round is ended
if r.number == 1 and not
# Next round
r2 = await self.tournament.draw.round_set.filter(number=2).aget()
self.tournament.draw.current_round = r2
msg += "<br><br>Le tirage au sort du tour 1 est terminé."
self.tournament.draw.last_message = msg
await self.tournament.draw.asave()
for participation in self.participations:
await self.channel_layer.group_send(
{'type': 'draw.dice', 'team':, 'result': None})
# Reorder dices
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.send_poules',
'round': r2})
# The passage order for the second round is already determined by the first round
# Start the first pool of the second round
p1: Pool = await r2.pool_set.filter(letter=1).aget()
r2.current_pool = p1
await r2.asave()
async for td in p1.teamdraw_set.prefetch_related('participation__team').all():
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"team-{}",
{'type': 'draw.dice_visibility', 'visible': True})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"volunteer-{}",
{'type': 'draw.dice_visibility', 'visible': True})
elif r.number == 1 and
# For the final tournament, we wait for a manual update between the two rounds.
msg += "<br><br>Le tirage au sort du tour 1 est terminé."
self.tournament.draw.last_message = msg
await self.tournament.draw.asave()
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"volunteer-{}",
{'type': 'draw.export_visibility', 'visible': True})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.set_info', 'draw': self.tournament.draw})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.set_active', 'draw': self.tournament.draw})
async def reject_problem(self, **kwargs):
state = self.tournament.draw.get_state()
return await self.alert(_("This is not the time for this."), 'danger')
r = self.tournament.draw.current_round
pool = r.current_pool
td = pool.current_team
if not self.registration.is_volunteer:
participation = await Participation.objects.filter(team__participants=self.registration)\
if != td.participation_id:
return await self.alert("This is not your turn.", 'danger')
problem = td.purposed
already_refused = problem in td.rejected
if not already_refused:
td.purposed = None
await td.asave()
remaining = len(settings.PROBLEMS) - 5 - len(td.rejected)
trigram =
msg = f"L'équipe <strong>{trigram}</strong> a refusé le problème <strong>{problem} : " \
f"{settings.PROBLEMS[problem - 1]}</strong>. "
if remaining >= 0:
msg += f"Il lui reste {remaining} refus sans pénalité."
if already_refused:
msg += "Cela n'ajoute pas de pénalité."
msg += "Cela ajoute une pénalité de 0.5 sur le coefficient de l'oral de læ défenseur⋅se."
self.tournament.draw.last_message = msg
await self.tournament.draw.asave()
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"team-{trigram}",
{'type': 'draw.buttons_visibility', 'visible': False})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"volunteer-{}",
{'type': 'draw.buttons_visibility', 'visible': False})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.reject_problem',
'round': r.number, 'team': trigram, 'rejected': td.rejected})
if already_refused:
next_td = td
next_td = await pool.next_td()
pool.current_team = next_td
await pool.asave()
new_trigram =
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"team-{new_trigram}",
{'type': 'draw.box_visibility', 'visible': True})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"volunteer-{}",
{'type': 'draw.box_visibility', 'visible': True})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.set_info', 'draw': self.tournament.draw})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.set_active', 'draw': self.tournament.draw})
async def export(self, **kwargs):
async for r in self.tournament.draw.round_set.all():
async for pool in r.pool_set.all():
if await pool.is_exportable():
await pool.export()
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"volunteer-{}",
{'type': 'draw.export_visibility', 'visible': False})
async def continue_final(self, **kwargs):
if not
return await self.alert(_("This is only available for the final tournament."), 'danger')
r2 = await self.tournament.draw.round_set.filter(number=2).aget()
self.tournament.draw.current_round = r2
msg = "Le tirage au sort pour le tour 2 va commencer. " \
"L'ordre de passage est déterminé à partir du classement du premier tour."
self.tournament.draw.last_message = msg
await self.tournament.draw.asave()
pool = await Pool.objects.filter(round=self.tournament.draw.current_round, letter=1).aget()
r2.current_pool = pool
await r2.asave()
notes = dict()
async for participation in self.tournament.participations.filter(valid=True).prefetch_related('team').all():
notes[participation] = sum([await pool.aaverage(participation)
async for pool in self.tournament.pools.filter(participations=participation)\
if pool.results_available])
ordered_participations = sorted(notes.keys(), key=lambda x: -notes[x])
async for pool in r2.pool_set.order_by('letter').all():
for i in range(pool.size):
participation = ordered_participations.pop(0)
td = await TeamDraw.objects.aget(round=r2, participation=participation)
td.pool = pool
td.passage_index = i
await td.asave()
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.send_poules', 'round': r2})
for participation in self.participations:
await self.channel_layer.group_send(
{'type': 'draw.dice', 'team':, 'result': None})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"team-{}",
{'type': 'draw.dice_visibility', 'visible': True})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"volunteer-{}",
{'type': 'draw.dice_visibility', 'visible': True})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"volunteer-{}",
{'type': 'draw.continue_visibility', 'visible': False})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.set_info', 'draw': self.tournament.draw})
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f"tournament-{}",
{'type': 'draw.set_active', 'draw': self.tournament.draw})
async def draw_alert(self, content):
return await self.alert(**content)
async def draw_notify(self, content):
await self.send_json({'type': 'notification', 'title': content['title'], 'body': content['body']})
async def draw_set_info(self, content):
await self.send_json({'type': 'set_info', 'information': await content['draw'].ainformation()})
async def draw_dice(self, content):
await self.send_json({'type': 'dice', 'team': content['team'], 'result': content['result']})
async def draw_dice_visibility(self, content):
await self.send_json({'type': 'dice_visibility', 'visible': content['visible']})
async def draw_box_visibility(self, content):
await self.send_json({'type': 'box_visibility', 'visible': content['visible']})
async def draw_buttons_visibility(self, content):
await self.send_json({'type': 'buttons_visibility', 'visible': content['visible']})
async def draw_export_visibility(self, content):
await self.send_json({'type': 'export_visibility', 'visible': content['visible']})
async def draw_continue_visibility(self, content):
await self.send_json({'type': 'continue_visibility', 'visible': content['visible']})
async def draw_send_poules(self, content):
await self.send_json({'type': 'set_poules', 'round': content['round'].number,
'poules': [{'letter': pool.get_letter_display(), 'teams': await pool.atrigrams()}
async for pool in content['round'].pool_set.order_by('letter').all()]})
async def draw_set_active(self, content):
r = content['draw'].current_round
await self.send_json({
'type': 'set_active',
'round': r.number,
'poule': r.current_pool.get_letter_display() if r.current_pool else None,
'team': \
if r.current_pool and r.current_pool.current_team else None,
async def draw_set_problem(self, content):
await self.send_json({'type': 'set_problem', 'round': content['round'],
'team': content['team'], 'problem': content['problem']})
async def draw_reject_problem(self, content):
await self.send_json({'type': 'reject_problem', 'round': content['round'],
'team': content['team'], 'rejected': content['rejected']})
async def draw_reorder_pool(self, content):
await self.send_json({'type': 'reorder_poule', 'round': content['round'],
'poule': content['pool'], 'teams': content['teams'],
'problems': content['problems']})