{% extends "base.html" %} {% load getconfig i18n django_tables2 %} {% block content %}

{{ title }}

{% trans 'organizers'|capfirst %}
{% autoescape off %}{{ tournament.linked_organizers|join:", " }}{% endautoescape %}
{% trans 'size'|capfirst %}
{{ tournament.size }}
{% trans 'place'|capfirst %}
{{ tournament.place }}
{% trans 'price'|capfirst %}
{% if tournament.price %}{{ tournament.price }} €{% else %}{% trans "Free" %}{% endif %}
{% trans 'dates'|capfirst %}
{% trans "From" %} {{ tournament.date_start }} {% trans "to" %} {{ tournament.date_end }}
{% trans 'date of registration closing'|capfirst %}
{{ tournament.date_inscription }}
{% trans 'date of maximal solution submission'|capfirst %}
{{ tournament.date_solutions }}
{% trans 'date of maximal syntheses submission'|capfirst %}
{{ tournament.date_syntheses }}
{% trans 'description'|capfirst %}
{{ tournament.description }}
{% if user.is_authenticated and user.admin %} {% endif %}
{% if user.admin or user in tournament.organizers.all %} {% endif %}

{% trans "Teams" %}

{% render_table teams %}
{% endblock %}