from import BaseCommand, CommandError from django.db import transaction from member.models import TFJMUser, Document, Solution, Synthesis, Authorization, MotivationLetter from tournament.models import Team, Tournament class Command(BaseCommand): def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument('--tournaments', '-t', action="store", help="Import tournaments") parser.add_argument('--teams', '-T', action="store", help="Import teams") parser.add_argument('--users', '-u', action="store", help="Import users") parser.add_argument('--documents', '-d', action="store", help="Import all documents") def handle(self, *args, **options): if "tournaments" in options: self.import_tournaments() if "teams" in options: self.import_teams() if "users" in options: self.import_users() if "documents" in options: self.import_documents() @transaction.atomic def import_tournaments(self): print("Importing tournaments...") with open("import_olddb/tournaments.csv") as f: first_line = True for line in f: if first_line: first_line = False continue line = line[:-1].replace("\"", "") args = line.split(";") args = [arg if arg and arg != "NULL" else None for arg in args] if Tournament.objects.filter(pk=args[0]).exists(): continue obj_dict = { "id": args[0], "name": args[1], "size": args[2], "place": args[3], "price": args[4], "description": args[5], "date_start": args[6], "date_end": args[7], "date_inscription": args[8], "date_solutions": args[9], "date_syntheses": args[10], "date_solutions_2": args[11], "date_syntheses_2": args[12], "final": args[13], "year": args[14], } with transaction.atomic(): Tournament.objects.create(**obj_dict) print("Tournaments imported")) @staticmethod def validation_status(status): if status == "NOT_READY": return "0invalid" elif status == "WAITING": return "1waiting" elif status == "VALIDATED": return "2valid" else: raise CommandError("Unknown status: {}".format(status)) @transaction.atomic def import_teams(self): self.stdout.write("Importing teams...") with open("import_olddb/teams.csv") as f: first_line = True for line in f: if first_line: first_line = False continue line = line[:-1].replace("\"", "") args = line.split(";") args = [arg if arg and arg != "NULL" else None for arg in args] if Team.objects.filter(pk=args[0]).exists(): continue obj_dict = { "id": args[0], "name": args[1], "trigram": args[2], "tournament": Tournament.objects.get(pk=args[3]), "inscription_date": args[13], "validation_status": Command.validation_status(args[14]), "selected_for_final": args[15], "access_code": args[16], "year": args[17], } with transaction.atomic(): Team.objects.create(**obj_dict) print("Teams imported")) @staticmethod def role(role): if role == "ADMIN": return "0admin" elif role == "ORGANIZER": return "1volunteer" elif role == "ENCADRANT": return "2coach" elif role == "PARTICIPANT": return "3participant" else: raise CommandError("Unknown role: {}".format(role)) @transaction.atomic def import_users(self): self.stdout.write("Importing users...") with open("import_olddb/users.csv") as f: first_line = True for line in f: if first_line: first_line = False continue line = line[:-1].replace("\"", "") args = line.split(";") args = [arg if arg and arg != "NULL" else None for arg in args] if TFJMUser.objects.filter(pk=args[0]).exists(): continue obj_dict = { "id": args[0], "email": args[1], "username": args[1], "password": "bcrypt$" + args[2], "last_name": args[3], "first_name": args[4], "birth_date": args[5], "gender": "male" if args[6] == "M" else "female", "address": args[7], "postal_code": args[8], "city": args[9], "country": args[10], "phone_number": args[11], "school": args[12], "student_class": args[13].lower().replace('premiere', 'première') if args[13] else None, "responsible_name": args[14], "responsible_phone": args[15], "responsible_email": args[16], "description": args[17].replace("\\n", "\n") if args[17] else None, "role": Command.role(args[18]), "team": Team.objects.get(pk=args[19]) if args[19] else None, "year": args[20], "date_joined": args[23], "is_active": args[18] == "ADMIN", # TODO Replace it with "True" "is_staff": args[18] == "ADMIN", "is_superuser": args[18] == "ADMIN", } with transaction.atomic(): TFJMUser.objects.create(**obj_dict) self.stdout.write("Users imported")) self.stdout.write("Importing organizers...") with open("import_olddb/organizers.csv") as f: first_line = True for line in f: if first_line: first_line = False continue line = line[:-1].replace("\"", "") args = line.split(";") args = [arg if arg and arg != "NULL" else None for arg in args] with transaction.atomic(): tournament = Tournament.objects.get(pk=args[2]) organizer = TFJMUser.objects.get(pk=args[1]) tournament.organizers.add(organizer) self.stdout.write("Organizers imported")) @transaction.atomic def import_documents(self): self.stdout.write("Importing documents...") with open("import_olddb/documents.csv") as f: first_line = True for line in f: if first_line: first_line = False continue line = line[:-1].replace("\"", "") args = line.split(";") args = [arg if arg and arg != "NULL" else None for arg in args] if Document.objects.filter(file=args[0]).exists(): doc = Document.objects.get(file=args[0]) doc.uploaded_at = args[5].replace(" ", "T") continue obj_dict = { "file": args[0], "uploaded_at": args[5], } if args[4] != "MOTIVATION_LETTER": obj_dict["user"] = TFJMUser.objects.get(args[1]), obj_dict["type"] = args[4].lower() else: try: obj_dict["team"] = Team.objects.get(pk=args[2]) except Team.DoesNotExist: print("Team with pk {} does not exist, ignoring".format(args[2])) continue with transaction.atomic(): if args[4] != "MOTIVATION_LETTER": Authorization.objects.create(**obj_dict) else: MotivationLetter.objects.create(**obj_dict) self.stdout.write("Authorizations imported")) with open("import_olddb/solutions.csv") as f: first_line = True for line in f: if first_line: first_line = False continue line = line[:-1].replace("\"", "") args = line.split(";") args = [arg if arg and arg != "NULL" else None for arg in args] if Document.objects.filter(file=args[0]).exists(): doc = Document.objects.get(file=args[0]) doc.uploaded_at = args[4].replace(" ", "T") continue obj_dict = { "file": args[0], "team": Team.objects.get(pk=args[1]), "problem": args[3], "uploaded_at": args[4], } with transaction.atomic(): try: Solution.objects.create(**obj_dict) except: print("Solution exists") self.stdout.write("Solutions imported")) with open("import_olddb/syntheses.csv") as f: first_line = True for line in f: if first_line: first_line = False continue line = line[:-1].replace("\"", "") args = line.split(";") args = [arg if arg and arg != "NULL" else None for arg in args] if Document.objects.filter(file=args[0]).exists(): doc = Document.objects.get(file=args[0]) doc.uploaded_at = args[5].replace(" ", "T") continue obj_dict = { "file": args[0], "team": Team.objects.get(pk=args[1]), "source": "opponent" if args[3] == "1" else "rapporteur", "round": args[4], "uploaded_at": args[5], } with transaction.atomic(): try: Synthesis.objects.create(**obj_dict) except: print("Synthesis exists") self.stdout.write("Syntheses imported"))