{% load i18n static %} {% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %}{% get_current_language_bidi as LANGUAGE_BIDI %} {% block title %}{{ title }}{% endblock title %} - Plateforme du TFJM² {# Favicon #} {# Bootstrap CSS #} {# Bootstrap JavaScript #} {# bootstrap-select for beautiful selects and JQuery dependency #} {# Si un formulaire requiert des données supplémentaires (notamment JS), les données sont chargées #} {% if form.media %} {{ form.media }} {% endif %} {% block extracss %}{% endblock %} {% include "navbar.html" %}
{% block content-title %}

{{ title }}

{% endblock %} {% include "messages.html" %}
{% block content %}

Default content...

{% endblock content %}
{% include "footer.html" %} {% trans "All tournaments" as modal_title %} {% include "base_modal.html" with modal_id="tournamentList" modal_additional_class="modal-lg" %} {% if user.is_authenticated %} {% trans "All teams" as modal_title %} {% include "base_modal.html" with modal_id="teams" modal_additional_class="modal-lg" %} {% trans "Search results" as modal_title %} {% include "base_modal.html" with modal_id="search" modal_form_method="get" modal_additional_class="modal-lg" %} {% trans "Join team" as modal_title %} {% trans "Join" as modal_button %} {% url "participation:join_team" as modal_action %} {% include "base_modal.html" with modal_id="joinTeam" %} {% trans "Create team" as modal_title %} {% trans "Create" as modal_button %} {% url "participation:create_team" as modal_action %} {% include "base_modal.html" with modal_id="createTeam" modal_button_type="success" %} {% else %} {% trans "Log in" as modal_title %} {% trans "Log in" as modal_button %} {% url "login" as modal_action %} {% include "base_modal.html" with modal_id="login" %} {% endif %} {% block extrajavascript %}{% endblock %}