import django_tables2 as tables from django.urls import reverse_lazy from django.utils.html import format_html from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from django_tables2 import A from member.models import Solution, Synthesis from .models import Tournament, Team, Pool class TournamentTable(tables.Table): """ List all tournaments. """ name = tables.LinkColumn( "tournament:detail", args=[A("pk")], ) date_start = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("dates").capitalize(), ) def render_date_start(self, record): return _("From {start:%b %d %Y} to {end:%b %d %Y}").format(start=record.date_start, end=record.date_end) class Meta: model = Tournament fields = ("name", "date_start", "date_inscription", "date_solutions", "size", ) attrs = { 'class': 'table table-condensed table-striped table-hover' } order_by = ('date_start', 'name',) class TeamTable(tables.Table): """ Table of some teams. Can be filtered with a queryset (for example, teams of a tournament) """ name = tables.LinkColumn( "tournament:team_detail", args=[A("pk")], ) class Meta: model = Team fields = ("name", "trigram", "validation_status", ) attrs = { 'class': 'table table-condensed table-striped table-hover' } order_by = ('-validation_status', 'trigram',) class SolutionTable(tables.Table): """ Display a table of some solutions. """ team = tables.LinkColumn( "tournament:team_detail", args=[A("")], ) tournament = tables.LinkColumn( "tournament:detail", args=[A("")], accessor=A("tournament"), order_by=("team__tournament__date_start", "team__tournament__name",), verbose_name=_("Tournament"), ) file = tables.LinkColumn( "document", args=[A("file")], attrs={ "a": { "data-turbolinks": "false", } } ) def render_file(self): return _("Download") class Meta: model = Solution fields = ("team", "tournament", "problem", "uploaded_at", "file", ) attrs = { 'class': 'table table-condensed table-striped table-hover' } class SynthesisTable(tables.Table): """ Display a table of some syntheses. """ team = tables.LinkColumn( "tournament:team_detail", args=[A("")], ) tournament = tables.LinkColumn( "tournament:detail", args=[A("")], accessor=A("tournament"), order_by=("team__tournament__date_start", "team__tournament__name",), verbose_name=_("tournament"), ) file = tables.LinkColumn( "document", args=[A("file")], attrs={ "a": { "data-turbolinks": "false", } } ) def render_file(self): return _("Download") class Meta: model = Synthesis fields = ("team", "tournament", "round", "source", "uploaded_at", "file", ) attrs = { 'class': 'table table-condensed table-striped table-hover' } class PoolTable(tables.Table): """ Display a table of some pools. """ problems = tables.Column( verbose_name=_("Problems"), orderable=False, ) tournament = tables.LinkColumn( "tournament:detail", args=[A("")], verbose_name=_("Tournament"), order_by=("teams__tournament__date_start", "teams__tournament__name",), ) def render_teams(self, record, value): return format_html('{trigrams}', url=reverse_lazy('tournament:pool_detail', args=(,)), trigrams=", ".join(team.trigram for team in value.all())) def render_problems(self, value): return ", ".join([str(pb) for pb in value]) class Meta: model = Pool fields = ("teams", "tournament", "problems", "round", ) attrs = { 'class': 'table table-condensed table-striped table-hover' }