getRole(); if ($user->getTeamId() !== null) { $team = $_SESSION["team"] = Team::fromId($user->getTeamId()); $_SESSION["tournament"] = Tournament::fromId($team->getTournamentId()); } if (isset($_GET["be-admin"])) { quitTeam(); $user->setRole(Role::ADMIN); exit(); } if (isset($_GET["be-organizer"])) { quitTeam(); $user->setRole(Role::ORGANIZER); exit(); } if (isset($_GET["be-participant"])) { quitTeam(); $user->setRole(Role::PARTICIPANT); exit(); } if (isset($_GET["be-encadrant"])) { quitTeam(); $user->setRole(Role::ENCADRANT); exit(); } } } function quitTeam() { global $DB, $URL_BASE; header("Location: $URL_BASE"); /** @var User $user */ $user = $_SESSION["user"]; $user_id = $user->getId(); $role = $user->getRole(); if ($role == Role::ADMIN || $role == Role::ORGANIZER) return; for ($i = 1; $i <= ($role == Role::ENCADRANT ? 2 : 6); ++$i) /** @noinspection SqlResolve */ $DB->exec("UPDATE `teams` SET `" . strtolower(Role::getName($role)) . "_$i` = NULL WHERE `" . strtolower(Role::getName($role)) . "_$i` = $user_id;"); $user->setTeamId(null); $DB->exec("UPDATE `teams` SET `encadrant_1` = `encadrant_2`, `encadrant_2` = NULL WHERE `encadrant_1` IS NULL;"); for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; ++$i) { /** @noinspection SqlResolve */ $DB->exec("UPDATE `teams` SET `participant_$i` = `participant_" . strval($i + 1) . "`, `participant_" . strval($i + 1) . "` = NULL WHERE `participant_$i` IS NULL;"); } $req = $DB->query("SELECT `file_id` FROM `documents` WHERE `user` = $user_id;"); while (($data = $req->fetch()) !== false) unlink("$URL_BASE/files/" . $data["file_id"]); $DB->exec("DELETE FROM `documents` WHERE `user` = $user_id;"); if ($DB->exec("DELETE FROM `teams` WHERE `encadrant_1` IS NULL AND `participant_1` IS NULL;") > 0) { $team_id = $user->getTeamId(); $req = $DB->query("SELECT `file_id` FROM `solutions` WHERE `team` = $team_id;"); while (($data = $req->fetch()) !== false) unlink("$URL_BASE/files/" . $data["file_id"]); $DB->exec("DELETE FROM `solutions` WHERE `team` = $team_id;"); $req = $DB->query("SELECT `file_id` FROM `syntheses` WHERE `team` = $team_id;"); while (($data = $req->fetch()) !== false) unlink("$URL_BASE/files/" . $data["file_id"]); $DB->exec("DELETE FROM `syntheses` WHERE `team` = $team_id;"); } $_SESSION["team"] = null; unset($_SESSION["team"]); } function userExists($email) { global $DB, $YEAR; $req = $DB->prepare("SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `email` = ? AND `year` = '$YEAR';"); $req->execute([$email]); return $req->fetch(); } function teamExists($name) { global $DB, $YEAR; $req = $DB->prepare("SELECT `id` FROM `teams` WHERE `name` = ? AND `year` = '$YEAR';"); $req->execute([$name]); return $req->fetch(); } function trigramExists($trigram) { global $DB, $YEAR; $req = $DB->prepare("SELECT `id` FROM `teams` WHERE `trigram` = ? AND `year` = '$YEAR';"); $req->execute([$trigram]); return $req->fetch(); } function tournamentExists($name) { global $DB, $YEAR; $req = $DB->prepare("SELECT `id` FROM `tournaments` WHERE `name` = ? AND `year` = '$YEAR';"); $req->execute([$name]); return $req->fetch(); } function printDocuments($documents) { global $URL_BASE; foreach ($documents as $document) { $file_id = $document->getFileId(); $user = User::fromId($document->getUserId()); $surname = $user->getSurname(); $first_name = $user->getFirstName(); $name = DocumentType::getTranslatedName($document->getType()); $version = $document->getVersion(); echo "$name de $first_name $surname (version $version) : Télécharger
"; } }