+ {% blocktrans trimmed with price=payment.registration.team.participation.tournament.price %}
+ The price of the tournament is {{ price }} €. The participation fee is offered for coaches
+ and for students who have a scholarship. If so, please send us your scholarship attestation.
+ {% endblocktrans %}
+ {% blocktrans trimmed %}
+ You can pay with a credit card through
+ our Hello Asso page.
+ To make the validation of the payment easier, please use the same e-mail
+ address that you use on this platform. The payment verification will be checked automatically
+ under 10 minutes, you don't necessary need to fill this form.
+ {% endblocktrans %}
+ {% blocktrans trimmed %}
+ You can also send a bank transfer to the bank account of Animath. You must put in the reference of the
+ transfer the mention "TFJMpu" followed by the last name and the first name of the student.
+ {% endblocktrans %}
+ IBAN : FR76 1027 8065 0000 0206 4290 127
+ {% blocktrans trimmed %}
+ If any payment mean is available to you, please contact us at contact@tfjm.org
+ to find a solution to your difficulties.
+ {% endblocktrans %}