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# Copyright (C) 2024 by Animath
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from channels.generic.websocket import AsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from participation.models import Team, Pool, Tournament
from registration.models import Registration
from .models import Channel, Message
class ChatConsumer(AsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer):
This consumer manages the websocket of the chat interface.
async def connect(self) -> None:
This function is called when a new websocket is trying to connect to the server.
We accept only if this is a user of a team of the associated tournament, or a volunteer
of the tournament.
if '_fake_user_id' in self.scope['session']:
self.scope['user'] = await User.objects.aget(pk=self.scope['session']['_fake_user_id'])
# Fetch the registration of the current user
user = self.scope['user']
if user.is_anonymous:
# User is not authenticated
await self.close()
reg = await Registration.objects.aget(
self.registration = reg
# Accept the connection
await self.accept()
channels = await Channel.get_accessible_channels(user, 'read')
async for channel in channels.all():
await self.channel_layer.group_add(f"chat-{}", self.channel_name)
async def disconnect(self, close_code) -> None:
Called when the websocket got disconnected, for any reason.
:param close_code: The error code.
if self.scope['user'].is_anonymous:
# User is not authenticated
channels = await Channel.get_accessible_channels(self.scope['user'], 'read')
async for channel in channels.all():
await self.channel_layer.group_discard(f"chat-{}", self.channel_name)
async def receive_json(self, content, **kwargs):
Called when the client sends us some data, parsed as JSON.
:param content: The sent data, decoded from JSON text. Must content a `type` field.
match content['type']:
case 'fetch_channels':
await self.fetch_channels()
case 'send_message':
await self.receive_message(content)
case 'fetch_messages':
await self.fetch_messages(content['channel_id'])
case unknown:
print("Unknown message type:", unknown)
async def fetch_channels(self) -> None:
user = self.scope['user']
read_channels = await Channel.get_accessible_channels(user, 'read')
write_channels = await Channel.get_accessible_channels(user, 'write')
message = {
'type': 'fetch_channels',
'channels': [
'read_access': True,
'write_access': await write_channels.acontains(channel),
async for channel in read_channels.all()
await self.send_json(message)
async def receive_message(self, message: dict) -> None:
user = self.scope['user']
channel = await Channel.objects.prefetch_related('tournament__pools__juries', 'pool', 'team', 'invited') \
write_channels = await Channel.get_accessible_channels(user, 'write')
if not await write_channels.acontains(channel):
message = await Message.objects.acreate(
await self.channel_layer.group_send(f'chat-{}', {
'type': 'chat.send_message',
'timestamp': message.created_at.isoformat(),
'author': await message.aget_author_name(),
'content': message.content,
async def fetch_messages(self, channel_id: int, offset: int = 0, limit: int = 50) -> None:
channel = await Channel.objects.aget(id=channel_id)
read_channels = await Channel.get_accessible_channels(self.scope['user'], 'read')
if not await read_channels.acontains(channel):
messages = Message.objects.filter(channel=channel).order_by('created_at')[offset:offset + limit].all()
await self.send_json({
'type': 'fetch_messages',
'channel_id': channel_id,
'messages': [
'timestamp': message.created_at.isoformat(),
'author': await message.aget_author_name(),
'content': message.content,
async for message in messages
async def chat_send_message(self, message) -> None:
await self.send_json({'type': 'send_message', 'id': message['id'], 'channel_id': message['channel_id'],
'timestamp': message['timestamp'], 'author': message['author'],
'content': message['content']})