prepare("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?;"); $req->execute([htmlspecialchars($id)]); $data = $req->fetch(); if ($data === false) return null; $user = new User(); $user->fill($data); return $user; } public static function fromEmail($email) { global $DB, $YEAR; $req = $DB->prepare("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `email` = ? AND `year` = $YEAR;"); $req->execute([htmlspecialchars($email)]); $data = $req->fetch(); if ($data === false) return null; $user = new User(); $user->fill($data); return $user; } public static function getAdmins() { global $DB, $YEAR; $admins = []; $req = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `role` = 'ADMIN' AND `year` = $YEAR;"); while (($data = $req->fetch()) !== false) { $admin = new User(); $admin->fill($data); $admins[] = $admin; } return $admins; } public static function getOrphanUsers() { global $DB, $YEAR; $orphans = []; $req = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `role` != 'ADMIN' AND `team_id` IS NULL AND `year` = $YEAR ORDER BY `role`, `inscription_date`;"); while (($data = $req->fetch()) !== false) { $orphan = new User(); $orphan->fill($data); $orphans[] = $orphan; } return $orphans; } private function fill($data) { $this->id = $data["id"]; $this->email = $data["email"]; $this->pwd_hash = $data["pwd_hash"]; $this->surname = $data["surname"]; $this->first_name = $data["first_name"]; $this->school = $data["school"]; $this->city = $data["city"]; $this->country = $data["country"]; $this->class = SchoolClass::fromName($data["class"]); $this->description = $data["description"]; $this->role = Role::fromName($data["role"]); $this->team_id = $data["team_id"]; $this->year = $data["year"]; $this->confirm_email = $data["confirm_email"]; $this->forgotten_password = $data["forgotten_password"]; $this->inscription_date = $data["inscription_date"]; $this->receive_animath_mails = $data["receive_animath_mails"]; } public function getEmail() { return $this->email; } public function setEmail($email) { global $DB; $this->email = $email; $DB->prepare("UPDATE `users` SET `email` = ? WHERE `id` = ?;")->execute([$email, $this->getId()]); } public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function checkPassword($password) { return password_verify($password, $this->pwd_hash); } public function setPassword($password) { $this->setPasswordHash(password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT)); } private function setPasswordHash($password_hash) { global $DB; $this->pwd_hash = $password_hash; $DB->prepare("UPDATE `users` SET `pwd_hash` = ? WHERE `id` = ?;")->execute([$password_hash, $this->getId()]); } public function getSurname() { return $this->surname; } public function setSurname($surname) { global $DB; $this->surname = $surname; $DB->prepare("UPDATE `users` SET `surname` = ? WHERE `id` = ?;")->execute([$surname, $this->getId()]); } public function getFirstName() { return $this->first_name; } public function setFirstName($first_name) { global $DB; $this->first_name = $first_name; $DB->prepare("UPDATE `users` SET `first_name` = ? WHERE `id` = ?;")->execute([$first_name, $this->getId()]); } public function getSchool() { return $this->school; } public function setSchool($school) { global $DB; $this->school = $school; $DB->prepare("UPDATE `users` SET `school` = ? WHERE `id` = ?;")->execute([$school, $this->getId()]); } public function getCity() { return $this->city; } public function setCity($city) { global $DB; $this->city = $city; $DB->prepare("UPDATE `users` SET `city` = ? WHERE `id` = ?;")->execute([$city, $this->getId()]); } public function getCountry() { return $this->country; } public function setCountry($country) { global $DB; $this->country = $country; $DB->prepare("UPDATE `users` SET `country` = ? WHERE `id` = ?;")->execute([$country, $this->getId()]); } public function getClass() { return $this->class; } public function setClass($class) { global $DB; $this->class = $class; $DB->prepare("UPDATE `users` SET `class` = ? WHERE `id` = ?;")->execute([SchoolClass::getName($class), $this->getId()]); } public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } public function setDescription($desc) { global $DB; $this->description = $desc; $DB->prepare("UPDATE `users` SET `description` = ? WHERE `id` = ?;")->execute([$desc, $this->getId()]); } public function getRole() { return $this->role; } public function setRole($role) { global $DB; $this->role = $role; $DB->prepare("UPDATE `users` SET `role` = ? WHERE `id` = ?;")->execute([Role::getName($role), $this->getId()]); } public function getTeamId() { return $this->team_id; } public function setTeamId($team_id) { global $DB; $this->team_id = $team_id; $DB->prepare("UPDATE `users` SET `team_id` = ? WHERE `id` = ?;")->execute([$team_id, $this->getId()]); } public function getConfirmEmailToken() { return $this->confirm_email; } public function setConfirmEmailToken($token) { global $DB; $this->confirm_email = $token; $DB->prepare("UPDATE `users` SET `confirm_email` = ? WHERE `id` = ?;")->execute([$token, $this->getId()]); } public function getForgottenPasswordToken() { return $this->forgotten_password; } public function setForgottenPasswordToken($token) { global $DB; $this->forgotten_password = $token; $DB->prepare("UPDATE `users` SET `forgotten_password` = ? WHERE `id` = ?;")->execute([$token, $this->getId()]); } public function getInscriptionDate() { return $this->inscription_date; } public function doReceiveAnimathMails() { return $this->receive_animath_mails; } public function setReceiveAnimathMails($receive_animath_mails) { global $DB; $this->receive_animath_mails = $receive_animath_mails; $DB->prepare("UPDATE `users` SET `receive_animath_mails` = ? WHERE `id` = ?;")->execute([$receive_animath_mails ? 1 : 0, $this->getId()]); } public function getAllDocuments() { global $DB; $req = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM `documents` AS `t1` " . "INNER JOIN (SELECT `user`, MAX(`uploaded_at`) AS `last_upload`, COUNT(`team`) AS `version` FROM `documents` GROUP BY `problem`, `user`) `t2` " . "ON `t1`.`user` = `t2`.`user` " . "WHERE `t1`.`uploaded_at` = `t2`.`last_upload` AND `t1`.`user` = $this->id;"); $docs = []; while (($data = $req->fetch()) !== false) $docs[] = Document::fromData($data); return $docs; } // Seulement pour les encadrants public function getTeams() { global $DB; $req = $DB->query("SELECT `id` FROM `teams` WHERE `encadrant` = $this->id;"); $teams = []; while (($data =$req->fetch()) !== false) $teams[] = Team::fromId($data["id"]); return $teams; } }