prepare("SELECT * FROM `videos` WHERE `id` = ?;"); $req->execute([htmlspecialchars($id)]); $data = $req->fetch(); if ($data === false) return null; $video = new Video(); $video->fill($data); return $video; } public static function getVideos($reason, $problem, $team_id = -1) { global $DB; $req = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM `videos` AS `t1` " . "INNER JOIN (SELECT `team`, `problem`, `reason`, MAX(`uploaded_at`) AS `last_upload`, COUNT(`team`) AS `version` FROM `videos` GROUP BY `problem`, `reason`, `team`) `t2` " . "ON `t1`.`team` = `t2`.`team` AND `t1`.`reason` = `t2`.`reason` AND `t1`.`problem` = `t2`.`problem` " . "WHERE `t1`.`uploaded_at` = `t2`.`last_upload` AND `t1`.`problem` = $problem AND `t1`.`reason` = '" . Reason::getName($reason) . "'" . ($team_id >= 0 ? " AND `t1`.`team` = $team_id" : "") . " ORDER BY `t1`.`problem`, `t1`.`reason`;"); $videos = []; while (($data = $req->fetch()) !== false) { $video = new Video(); $video->fill($data); $videos[] = $video; } return $videos; } /** * @param int $reason * @param Team $team * @return Video|null */ public static function getVideo($reason, Team $team) { $videos = self::getVideos($reason, $team->getProblem(), $team->getId()); if (sizeof($videos) == 0) return null; else return $videos[0]; } private function fill($data) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) $this->$key = $value; $this->reason = Reason::fromName($this->reason); } public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function getTeam() { return $this->team; } public function getProblem() { return $this->problem; } public function getLink() { return $this->link; } public function getReason() { return $this->reason; } public function getUploadedAt() { return $this->uploaded_at; } public function getYear() { return $this->year; } public function getVersion() { return $this->version; } }