Scores Nonary Game: Ambidex Edition

Tableau des scores

{% for player in game.players.values() %} {% endfor %} {% for player in game.players.values() %} {% endfor %}
{{ }}
{{ player.score }}{% if player.score <= 0 %} ☠️ {% elif player.score >= 9 %} 9️⃣ {% endif %} {% if admin and player in game.score_overrides %} Triche {% endif %}

Récapitulatif par tour

{% for round in game.rounds if admin or game.state.value > 0 or round.round < game.rounds|length %}

Tour n°{{ round.round }}

{% for room in round.rooms %} {% for vote in room.votes %} {% if loop.index0 == 0 %} {% endif %} {% if round.round != game.rounds|length or game.state.value == 2 or admin %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
Salle Équipes Vote
{{ }}{{|default('personne')|safe }}{% if vote.player2 %}, {{ }}{% endif %} {{|default('Pas de vote')|safe }} {% if admin and vote.swapped %} Échange {% endif %} Vote en cours ...
{% endfor %}