# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import time from functools import lru_cache from random import Random from django import forms from django.db import transaction from django.db.models import Q from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from .base import WEISurvey, WEISurveyInformation, WEISurveyAlgorithm, WEIBusInformation from ...models import WEIMembership WORDS = [ '13 organisé', '3ième mi temps', 'Années 2000', 'Apéro', 'BBQ', 'BP', 'Beauf', 'Binge drinking', 'Bon enfant', 'Cartouche', 'Catacombes', 'Chansons paillardes', 'Chansons populaires', 'Chanteur', 'Chartreuse', 'Chill', 'Core', 'DJ', 'Dancefloor', 'Danse', 'David Guetta', 'Disco', 'Eau de vie', 'Électro', 'Escalade', 'Familial', 'Fanfare', 'Fracassage', 'Féria', 'Hard rock', 'Hoeggarden', 'House', 'Huit-six', 'IPA', 'Inclusif', 'Inferno', 'Introverti', 'Jager bomb', 'Jazz', 'Jeux d\'alcool', 'Jeux de rôles', 'Jeux vidéo', 'Jul', 'Jus de fruit', 'Karaoké', 'LGBTQI+', 'Lady Gaga', 'Loup garou', 'Morning beer', 'Métal', 'Nuit blanche', 'Ovalie', 'Psychedelic', 'Pétanque', 'Rave', 'Reggae', 'Rhum', 'Ricard', 'Rock', 'Rosé', 'Rétro', 'Séducteur', 'Techno', 'Thérapie taxi', 'Théâtre', 'Trap', 'Turn up', 'Underground', 'Volley', 'Wati B', 'Zinédine Zidane', ] class WEISurveyForm2021(forms.Form): """ Survey form for the year 2021. Members choose 20 words, from which we calculate the best associated bus. """ word = forms.ChoiceField( label=_("Choose a word:"), widget=forms.RadioSelect(), ) def set_registration(self, registration): """ Filter the bus selector with the buses of the current WEI. """ information = WEISurveyInformation2021(registration) if not information.seed: information.seed = int(1000 * time.time()) information.save(registration) registration._force_save = True registration.save() if self.data: self.fields["word"].choices = [(w, w) for w in WORDS] if self.is_valid(): return rng = Random((information.step + 1) * information.seed) words = None buses = WEISurveyAlgorithm2021.get_buses() informations = {bus: WEIBusInformation2021(bus) for bus in buses} scores = sum((list(informations[bus].scores.values()) for bus in buses), []) average_score = sum(scores) / len(scores) preferred_words = {bus: [word for word in WORDS if informations[bus].scores[word] >= average_score] for bus in buses} while words is None or len(set(words)) != len(words): # Ensure that there is no the same word 2 times words = [rng.choice(words) for _ignored2, words in preferred_words.items()] rng.shuffle(words) words = [(w, w) for w in words] self.fields["word"].choices = words class WEIBusInformation2021(WEIBusInformation): """ For each word, the bus has a score """ scores: dict def __init__(self, bus): self.scores = {} for word in WORDS: self.scores[word] = 0.0 super().__init__(bus) class WEISurveyInformation2021(WEISurveyInformation): """ We store the id of the selected bus. We store only the name, but is not used in the selection: that's only for humans that try to read data. """ # Random seed that is stored at the first time to ensure that words are generated only once seed = 0 step = 0 def __init__(self, registration): for i in range(1, 21): setattr(self, "word" + str(i), None) super().__init__(registration) class WEISurvey2021(WEISurvey): """ Survey for the year 2021. """ @classmethod def get_year(cls): return 2021 @classmethod def get_survey_information_class(cls): return WEISurveyInformation2021 def get_form_class(self): return WEISurveyForm2021 def update_form(self, form): """ Filter the bus selector with the buses of the WEI. """ form.set_registration(self.registration) @transaction.atomic def form_valid(self, form): word = form.cleaned_data["word"] self.information.step += 1 setattr(self.information, "word" + str(self.information.step), word) self.save() @classmethod def get_algorithm_class(cls): return WEISurveyAlgorithm2021 def is_complete(self) -> bool: """ The survey is complete once the bus is chosen. """ return self.information.step == 20 @classmethod @lru_cache() def word_mean(cls, word): """ Calculate the mid-score given by all buses. """ buses = cls.get_algorithm_class().get_buses() return sum([cls.get_algorithm_class().get_bus_information(bus).scores[word] for bus in buses]) / buses.count() @lru_cache def score(self, bus): if not self.is_complete(): raise ValueError("Survey is not ended, can't calculate score") bus_info = self.get_algorithm_class().get_bus_information(bus) # Score is the given score by the bus subtracted to the mid-score of the buses. s = sum(bus_info.scores[getattr(self.information, 'word' + str(i))] - self.word_mean(getattr(self.information, 'word' + str(i))) for i in range(1, 21)) / 20 return s @lru_cache() def scores_per_bus(self): return {bus: self.score(bus) for bus in self.get_algorithm_class().get_buses()} @lru_cache() def ordered_buses(self): values = list(self.scores_per_bus().items()) values.sort(key=lambda item: -item[1]) return values @classmethod def clear_cache(cls): cls.word_mean.cache_clear() return super().clear_cache() class WEISurveyAlgorithm2021(WEISurveyAlgorithm): """ The algorithm class for the year 2021. We use Gale-Shapley algorithm to attribute 1y students into buses. """ @classmethod def get_survey_class(cls): return WEISurvey2021 @classmethod def get_bus_information_class(cls): return WEIBusInformation2021 def run_algorithm(self, display_tqdm=False): """ Gale-Shapley algorithm implementation. We modify it to allow buses to have multiple "weddings". """ surveys = list(self.get_survey_class()(r) for r in self.get_registrations()) # All surveys surveys = [s for s in surveys if s.is_complete()] # Don't consider invalid surveys # Don't manage hardcoded people surveys = [s for s in surveys if not hasattr(s.information, 'hardcoded') or not s.information.hardcoded] # Reset previous algorithm run for survey in surveys: survey.free() survey.save() non_men = [s for s in surveys if s.registration.gender != 'male'] men = [s for s in surveys if s.registration.gender == 'male'] quotas = {} registrations = self.get_registrations() non_men_total = registrations.filter(~Q(gender='male')).count() for bus in self.get_buses(): free_seats = bus.size - WEIMembership.objects.filter(bus=bus, registration__first_year=False).count() # Remove hardcoded people free_seats -= WEIMembership.objects.filter(bus=bus, registration__first_year=True, registration__information_json__icontains="hardcoded").count() quotas[bus] = 4 + int(non_men_total / registrations.count() * free_seats) tqdm_obj = None if display_tqdm: from tqdm import tqdm tqdm_obj = tqdm(total=len(non_men), desc="Non-hommes") # Repartition for non men people first self.make_repartition(non_men, quotas, tqdm_obj=tqdm_obj) quotas = {} for bus in self.get_buses(): free_seats = bus.size - WEIMembership.objects.filter(bus=bus, registration__first_year=False).count() free_seats -= sum(1 for s in non_men if s.information.selected_bus_pk == bus.pk) # Remove hardcoded people free_seats -= WEIMembership.objects.filter(bus=bus, registration__first_year=True, registration__information_json__icontains="hardcoded").count() quotas[bus] = free_seats if display_tqdm: tqdm_obj.close() from tqdm import tqdm tqdm_obj = tqdm(total=len(men), desc="Hommes") self.make_repartition(men, quotas, tqdm_obj=tqdm_obj) if display_tqdm: tqdm_obj.close() # Clear cache information after running algorithm WEISurvey2021.clear_cache() def make_repartition(self, surveys, quotas=None, tqdm_obj=None): free_surveys = surveys.copy() # Remaining surveys while free_surveys: # Some students are not affected survey = free_surveys[0] buses = survey.ordered_buses() # Preferences of the student for bus, current_score in buses: if self.get_bus_information(bus).has_free_seats(surveys, quotas): # Selected bus has free places. Put student in the bus survey.select_bus(bus) survey.save() free_surveys.remove(survey) break else: # Current bus has not enough places. Remove the least preferred student from the bus if existing least_preferred_survey = None least_score = -1 # Find the least student in the bus that has a lower score than the current student for survey2 in surveys: if not survey2.information.valid or survey2.information.get_selected_bus() != bus: continue score2 = survey2.score(bus) if current_score <= score2: # Ignore better students continue if least_preferred_survey is None or score2 < least_score: least_preferred_survey = survey2 least_score = score2 if least_preferred_survey is not None: # Remove the least student from the bus and put the current student in. # If it does not exist, choose the next bus. least_preferred_survey.free() least_preferred_survey.save() free_surveys.append(least_preferred_survey) survey.select_bus(bus) survey.save() free_surveys.remove(survey) break else: raise ValueError(f"User {survey.registration.user} has no free seat") if tqdm_obj is not None: tqdm_obj.n = len(surveys) - len(free_surveys) tqdm_obj.refresh()