# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import io from PIL import Image, ImageSequence from django import forms from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.forms import AuthenticationForm from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.db import transaction from django.forms import CheckboxSelectMultiple from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from note.models import NoteSpecial, Alias from note_kfet.inputs import Autocomplete, AmountInput, DatePickerInput from permission.models import PermissionMask, Role from .models import Profile, Club, Membership class CustomAuthenticationForm(AuthenticationForm): permission_mask = forms.ModelChoiceField( label=_("Permission mask"), queryset=PermissionMask.objects.order_by("rank"), empty_label=None, ) class UserForm(forms.ModelForm): def _get_validation_exclusions(self): # Django usernames can only contain letters, numbers, @, ., +, - and _. # We want to allow users to have uncommon and unpractical usernames: # That is their problem, and we have normalized aliases for us. return super()._get_validation_exclusions() + ["username"] class Meta: model = User fields = ('first_name', 'last_name', 'username', 'email',) class ProfileForm(forms.ModelForm): """ A form for the extras field provided by the :model:`member.Profile` model. """ report_frequency = forms.IntegerField(required=False, initial=0, label=_("Report frequency")) last_report = forms.DateTimeField(required=False, disabled=True, label=_("Last report date")) def clean_promotion(self): promotion = self.cleaned_data["promotion"] if promotion > timezone.now().year: self.add_error("promotion", _("You can't register to the note if you come from the future.")) return promotion def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['address'].widget.attrs.update({"placeholder": "4 avenue des Sciences, 91190 GIF-SUR-YVETTE"}) self.fields['promotion'].widget.attrs.update({"max": timezone.now().year}) @transaction.atomic def save(self, commit=True): if not self.instance.section or (("department" in self.changed_data or "promotion" in self.changed_data) and "section" not in self.changed_data): self.instance.section = self.instance.section_generated return super().save(commit) class Meta: model = Profile fields = '__all__' exclude = ('user', 'email_confirmed', 'registration_valid', ) class ImageForm(forms.Form): """ Form used for the js interface for profile picture """ image = forms.ImageField(required=False, label=_('select an image'), help_text=_('Maximal size: 2MB')) x = forms.FloatField(widget=forms.HiddenInput()) y = forms.FloatField(widget=forms.HiddenInput()) width = forms.FloatField(widget=forms.HiddenInput()) height = forms.FloatField(widget=forms.HiddenInput()) def clean(self): """ Load image and crop In the future, when Pillow will support APNG we will be able to simplify this code to save only PNG/APNG. """ cleaned_data = super().clean() # Image size is limited by Django DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE image = cleaned_data.get('image') if image: # Let Pillow detect and load image # If it is an animation, then there will be multiple frames try: im = Image.open(image) except OSError: # Rare case in which Django consider the upload file as an image # but Pil is unable to load it raise forms.ValidationError(_('This image cannot be loaded.')) # Crop each frame x = cleaned_data.get('x', 0) y = cleaned_data.get('y', 0) w = cleaned_data.get('width', 200) h = cleaned_data.get('height', 200) frames = [] for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(im): frame = frame.crop((x, y, x + w, y + h)) frame = frame.resize( (settings.PIC_WIDTH, settings.PIC_RATIO * settings.PIC_WIDTH), Image.ANTIALIAS, ) frames.append(frame) # Save om = frames.pop(0) # Get first frame om.info = im.info # Copy metadata image.file = io.BytesIO() if len(frames) > 1: # Save as GIF om.save(image.file, "GIF", save_all=True, append_images=list(frames), loop=0) else: # Save as PNG om.save(image.file, "PNG") return cleaned_data class ClubForm(forms.ModelForm): def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() if not self.instance.pk: # Creating a club if Alias.objects.filter(normalized_name=Alias.normalize(self.cleaned_data["name"])).exists(): self.add_error('name', _("An alias with a similar name already exists.")) return cleaned_data class Meta: model = Club fields = '__all__' widgets = { "membership_fee_paid": AmountInput(), "membership_fee_unpaid": AmountInput(), "parent_club": Autocomplete( Club, resetable=True, attrs={ 'api_url': '/api/members/club/', } ), "membership_start": DatePickerInput(), "membership_end": DatePickerInput(), } class MembershipForm(forms.ModelForm): soge = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Inscription paid by Société Générale"), required=False, help_text=_("Check this case if the Société Générale paid the inscription."), ) credit_type = forms.ModelChoiceField( queryset=NoteSpecial.objects, label=_("Credit type"), empty_label=_("No credit"), required=False, help_text=_("You can credit the note of the user."), ) credit_amount = forms.IntegerField( label=_("Credit amount"), required=False, initial=0, widget=AmountInput(), ) last_name = forms.CharField( label=_("Last name"), required=False, ) first_name = forms.CharField( label=_("First name"), required=False, ) bank = forms.CharField( label=_("Bank"), required=False, ) class Meta: model = Membership fields = ('user', 'date_start') # Le champ d'utilisateur est remplacé par un champ d'auto-complétion. # Quand des lettres sont tapées, une requête est envoyée sur l'API d'auto-complétion # et récupère les noms d'utilisateur valides widgets = { 'user': Autocomplete( User, attrs={ 'api_url': '/api/user/', 'name_field': 'username', 'placeholder': 'Nom…', }, ), 'date_start': DatePickerInput(), } class MembershipRolesForm(forms.ModelForm): user = forms.ModelChoiceField( queryset=User.objects, label=_("User"), disabled=True, widget=Autocomplete( User, attrs={ 'api_url': '/api/user/', 'name_field': 'username', 'placeholder': 'Nom…', }, ), ) roles = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField( queryset=Role.objects.filter(weirole=None).all(), label=_("Roles"), widget=CheckboxSelectMultiple(), ) class Meta: model = Membership fields = ('user', 'roles')