stages: - test - quality-assurance - docs # Also fetch submodules variables: GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: recursive # Debian Buster py37-django22: stage: test image: otthorn/nk20_ci_37 script: tox -e py37-django22 # Ubuntu 20.04 py38-django22: stage: test image: otthorn/nk20_ci_38 script: tox -e py38-django22 # Debian Bullseye py39-django22: stage: test image: otthorn/nk20_ci_39 script: tox -e py39-django22 # Tox linter linters: stage: quality-assurance image: debian:buster-backports before_script: - apt-get update && apt-get install -y tox script: tox -e linters # Be nice to new contributors, but please use `tox` allow_failure: true # Ansible linter ansible-linter: stage: quality-assurance image: otthorn/nk20_ci_ansiblelint script: ansible-lint ansible/ # Docker linter docker-linter: stage: quality-assurance image: hadolint/hadolint script: - hadolint Dockerfile - hadolint docker_ci/Dockerfile.* # Compile documentation documentation: stage: docs image: sphinxdoc/sphinx before_script: - pip install sphinx-rtd-theme - cd docs script: - make dirhtml artifacts: paths: - docs/_build expire_in: 1 day