# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from django.db.models import Q from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django_filters.rest_framework import DjangoFilterBackend from rest_framework.filters import OrderingFilter, SearchFilter from rest_framework import viewsets from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework import status from api.viewsets import ReadProtectedModelViewSet, ReadOnlyProtectedModelViewSet from .serializers import NotePolymorphicSerializer, AliasSerializer, ConsumerSerializer,\ TemplateCategorySerializer, TransactionTemplateSerializer, TransactionPolymorphicSerializer from ..models.notes import Note, Alias from ..models.transactions import TransactionTemplate, Transaction, TemplateCategory class NotePolymorphicViewSet(ReadOnlyProtectedModelViewSet): """ REST API View set. The djangorestframework plugin will get all `Note` objects (with polymorhism), serialize it to JSON with the given serializer, then render it on /api/note/note/ """ queryset = Note.objects.all() serializer_class = NotePolymorphicSerializer filter_backends = [SearchFilter, OrderingFilter] search_fields = ['$alias__normalized_name', '$alias__name', '$polymorphic_ctype__model', ] ordering_fields = ['alias__name', 'alias__normalized_name'] def get_queryset(self): """ Parse query and apply filters. :return: The filtered set of requested notes """ queryset = super().get_queryset() alias = self.request.query_params.get("alias", ".*") queryset = queryset.filter( Q(alias__name__regex="^" + alias) | Q(alias__normalized_name__regex="^" + Alias.normalize(alias)) | Q(alias__normalized_name__regex="^" + alias.lower())) return queryset.distinct() class AliasViewSet(ReadProtectedModelViewSet): """ REST API View set. The djangorestframework plugin will get all `Alias` objects, serialize it to JSON with the given serializer, then render it on /api/aliases/ """ queryset = Alias.objects.all() serializer_class = AliasSerializer filter_backends = [SearchFilter, OrderingFilter] search_fields = ['$normalized_name', '$name', '$note__polymorphic_ctype__model', ] ordering_fields = ['name', 'normalized_name'] def get_serializer_class(self): serializer_class = self.serializer_class if self.request.method in ['PUT', 'PATCH']: #alias owner cannot be change once establish setattr(serializer_class.Meta, 'read_only_fields', ('note',)) return serializer_class def destroy(self, request, *args, **kwargs): instance = self.get_object() try: self.perform_destroy(instance) except ValidationError as e: print(e) return Response({e.code:e.message},status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) return Response(status=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) def get_queryset(self): """ Parse query and apply filters. :return: The filtered set of requested aliases """ queryset = super().get_queryset() alias = self.request.query_params.get("alias", ".*") queryset = queryset.filter( Q(name__regex="^" + alias) | Q(normalized_name__regex="^" + Alias.normalize(alias)) | Q(normalized_name__regex="^" + alias.lower())) return queryset class ConsumerViewSet(ReadOnlyProtectedModelViewSet): queryset = Alias.objects.all() serializer_class = ConsumerSerializer filter_backends = [SearchFilter, OrderingFilter] search_fields = ['$normalized_name', '$name', '$note__polymorphic_ctype__model', ] ordering_fields = ['name', 'normalized_name'] def get_queryset(self): """ Parse query and apply filters. :return: The filtered set of requested aliases """ queryset = super().get_queryset() alias = self.request.query_params.get("alias", ".*") queryset = queryset.filter( Q(name__regex="^" + alias) | Q(normalized_name__regex="^" + Alias.normalize(alias)) | Q(normalized_name__regex="^" + alias.lower())) return queryset class TemplateCategoryViewSet(ReadProtectedModelViewSet): """ REST API View set. The djangorestframework plugin will get all `TemplateCategory` objects, serialize it to JSON with the given serializer, then render it on /api/note/transaction/category/ """ queryset = TemplateCategory.objects.all() serializer_class = TemplateCategorySerializer filter_backends = [SearchFilter] search_fields = ['$name', ] class TransactionTemplateViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): """ REST API View set. The djangorestframework plugin will get all `TransactionTemplate` objects, serialize it to JSON with the given serializer, then render it on /api/note/transaction/template/ """ queryset = TransactionTemplate.objects.all() serializer_class = TransactionTemplateSerializer filter_backends = [SearchFilter, DjangoFilterBackend] filterset_fields = ['name', 'amount', 'display', 'category', ] search_fields = ['$name', ] class TransactionViewSet(ReadProtectedModelViewSet): """ REST API View set. The djangorestframework plugin will get all `Transaction` objects, serialize it to JSON with the given serializer, then render it on /api/note/transaction/transaction/ """ queryset = Transaction.objects.all() serializer_class = TransactionPolymorphicSerializer filter_backends = [SearchFilter] search_fields = ['$reason', ]