{% extends "base.html" %} {% comment %} SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later {% endcomment %} {% load i18n static django_tables2 perms %} {% block content %}

{{ title }}

{# bandeau transfert/crédit/débit/activité #}
{% if "note.notespecial"|not_empty_model_list %} {% endif %}
{# Add shortcuts for opened activites if necessary #} {% for activity in activities_open %} {% trans "Entries" %} {{ activity.name }} {% endfor %}

{# Preview note profile (picture, username and balance) #}
{% trans "Please select a note" %}
{# list of emitters #}

{# list of receiver #}

{# Information on transaction (amount, reason, name,...) #}

{% trans "Action" %}

{% include "note/amount_input.html" with widget=amount_widget %}

{# in case of special transaction add identity information #}

{# transaction history #}

{% trans "Recent transactions history" %}

{% render_table table %}
{% endblock %} {% block extrajavascript %} {% endblock %}