{% extends "base.html" %} {% comment %} SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later {% endcomment %} {% load i18n perms %} {# Use a fluid-width container #} {% block containertype %}container-fluid{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% block profile_info %}

{% if user_object %} {% trans "Account #" %}{{ user_object.pk }} {% elif club %} Club {{ club.name }} {% endif %}

{% if user_object %} {% elif club %} {% endif %}
{% if note.inactivity_reason %}
{{ note.get_inactivity_reason_display }}
{% endif %}
{% if user_object %} {% include "member/includes/profile_info.html" %} {% elif club %} {% include "member/includes/club_info.html" %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block profile_content %}{% endblock %}
{# Popup to confirm the action of locking the note. Managed by a button #} {# Popup to confirm the action of unlocking the note. Managed by a button #}
{% endblock %} {% block extrajavascript %} {% endblock %}