{% load i18n static pretty_money perms %}

{{ club.name }}

{% trans 'name'|capfirst %}
{{ club.name }}
{% if club.require_memberships %}
{% trans 'date start'|capfirst %}
{{ club.date_start }}
{% trans 'date end'|capfirst %}
{{ club.date_end }}
{% trans 'year'|capfirst %}
{{ club.year }}
{% if club.membership_fee_paid == club.membership_fee_unpaid %}
{% trans 'membership fee'|capfirst %}
{{ club.membership_fee_paid|pretty_money }}
{% else %} {% with bde_kfet_fee=club.parent_club.membership_fee_paid|add:club.parent_club.parent_club.membership_fee_paid %}
{% trans 'WEI fee / including BDE and Kfet fee (paid students)'|capfirst %}
{{ club.membership_fee_paid|pretty_money }} / {{ club.membership_fee_paid|add:bde_kfet_fee|pretty_money }}
{% endwith %} {% with bde_kfet_fee=club.parent_club.membership_fee_unpaid|add:club.parent_club.parent_club.membership_fee_unpaid %}
{% trans 'WEI fee / including BDE and Kfet fee (unpaid students)'|capfirst %}
{{ club.membership_fee_unpaid|pretty_money }} / {{ club.membership_fee_unpaid|add:bde_kfet_fee|pretty_money }}
{% endwith %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if "note.view_note"|has_perm:club.note %}
{% trans 'balance'|capfirst %}
{{ club.note.balance | pretty_money }}
{% endif %} {% if "note.change_alias"|has_perm:club.note.alias_set.first %}
{% trans 'aliases'|capfirst %}
{{ club.note.alias_set.all|join:", " }}
{% endif %}
{% trans 'email'|capfirst %}
{{ club.email }}