# Copyright (C) 2018-2024 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later from django import forms from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from note.models import NoteSpecial, Alias from note_kfet.inputs import AmountInput class SignUpForm(UserCreationForm): """ Pre-register users with all information """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['username'].widget.attrs.pop("autofocus", None) self.fields['first_name'].widget.attrs.update({"autofocus": "autofocus"}) self.fields['first_name'].required = True self.fields['last_name'].required = True self.fields['email'].required = True self.fields['email'].help_text = _("This address must be valid.") # Give some example self.fields['first_name'].widget.attrs.update({"placeholder": "Sacha"}) self.fields['last_name'].widget.attrs.update({"placeholder": "Ketchum"}) self.fields['email'].widget.attrs.update({"placeholder": "mail@example.com"}) def clean_username(self): value = self.cleaned_data["username"] if Alias.objects.filter(normalized_name=Alias.normalize(value)).exists(): self.add_error("username", _("An alias with a similar name already exists.")) return value def clean_email(self): email = self.cleaned_data["email"] if User.objects.filter(email=email).exists(): self.add_error("email", _("This email address is already used.")) return email class Meta: model = User fields = ('first_name', 'last_name', 'username', 'email', ) # class DeclareSogeAccountOpenedForm(forms.Form): # soge_account = forms.BooleanField( # label=_("I declare that I opened or I will open soon a bank account in the Société générale with the BDE " # "partnership."), # help_text=_("Warning: this engages you to open your bank account. If you finally decides to don't open your " # "account, you will have to pay the BDE membership."), # required=False, # ) class WEISignupForm(forms.Form): wei_registration = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Register to the WEI"), required=False, help_text=_("Check this case if you want to register to the WEI. If you hesitate, you will be able to register" " later, after validating your account in the Kfet."), ) class ValidationForm(forms.Form): """ Validate the inscription of the new users and pay memberships. """ # soge = forms.BooleanField( # label=_("Inscription paid by Société Générale"), # required=False, # help_text=_("Check this case if the Société Générale paid the inscription."), # ) credit_type = forms.ModelChoiceField( queryset=NoteSpecial.objects, label=_("Credit type"), empty_label=_("No credit"), required=False, ) credit_amount = forms.IntegerField( label=_("Credit amount"), required=False, initial=0, widget=AmountInput(), ) last_name = forms.CharField( label=_("Last name"), required=False, ) first_name = forms.CharField( label=_("First name"), required=False, ) bank = forms.CharField( label=_("Bank"), required=False, ) join_bde = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Join BDE Club"), required=False, initial=True, ) # The user can join the Kfet club at the inscription join_kfet = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Join Kfet Club"), required=False, initial=True, )