{% extends "base.html" %} {% load static %} {% load i18n %} {% load crispy_forms_tags %} {% load perms %} {% block content %}

{% trans "Account #" %} {{ object.pk }}

{% trans 'name'|capfirst %}, {% trans 'first name' %}
{{ object.last_name }} {{ object.first_name }}
{% trans 'username'|capfirst %}
{{ object.username }}
{% trans 'email'|capfirst %}
{{ object.email }}
{% if not object.profile.email_confirmed and "member.change_profile_email_confirmed"|has_perm:object.profile %}
{% trans "This user doesn't have confirmed his/her e-mail address." %} {% trans "Click here to resend a validation link." %}
{% endif %}
{% trans 'password'|capfirst %}
{% trans 'Change password' %}
{% trans 'section'|capfirst %}
{{ object.profile.section }}
{% trans 'address'|capfirst %}
{{ object.profile.address }}
{% trans 'phone number'|capfirst %}
{{ object.profile.phone_number }}
{% trans 'paid'|capfirst %}
{{ object.profile.paid|yesno }}

{% trans "Validate account" %}

{% csrf_token %} {{ form|crispy }}
{% endblock %}