(function () { // Browser timing remains hidden unless we can successfully access the performance object var perf = window.performance || window.msPerformance || window.webkitPerformance || window.mozPerformance; if (!perf) return; var rowCount = 0, timingOffset = perf.timing.navigationStart, timingEnd = perf.timing.loadEventEnd, totalTime = timingEnd - timingOffset; function getLeft(stat) { return ((perf.timing[stat] - timingOffset) / (totalTime)) * 100.0; } function getCSSWidth(stat, endStat) { var width = ((perf.timing[endStat] - perf.timing[stat]) / (totalTime)) * 100.0; // Calculate relative percent (same as sql panel logic) width = 100.0 * width / (100.0 - getLeft(stat)); return (width < 1) ? "2px" : width + "%"; } function addRow(stat, endStat) { rowCount++; var row = document.createElement('tr'); row.className = (rowCount % 2) ? 'djDebugOdd' : 'djDebugEven'; if (endStat) { // Render a start through end bar row.innerHTML = '<td>' + stat.replace('Start', '') + '</td>' + '<td class="djdt-timeline"><div class="djDebugTimeline"><div class="djDebugLineChart"><strong> </strong></div></div></td>' + '<td>' + (perf.timing[stat] - timingOffset) + ' (+' + (perf.timing[endStat] - perf.timing[stat]) + ')</td>'; row.querySelector('strong').style.width = getCSSWidth(stat, endStat); } else { // Render a point in time row.innerHTML = '<td>' + stat + '</td>' + '<td class="djdt-timeline"><div class="djDebugTimeline"><div class="djDebugLineChart"><strong> </strong></div></div></td>' + '<td>' + (perf.timing[stat] - timingOffset) + '</td>'; row.querySelector('strong').style.width = '2px'; } row.querySelector('.djDebugLineChart').style.left = getLeft(stat) + '%'; document.querySelector('#djDebugBrowserTimingTableBody').appendChild(row); } // This is a reasonably complete and ordered set of timing periods (2 params) and events (1 param) addRow('domainLookupStart', 'domainLookupEnd'); addRow('connectStart', 'connectEnd'); addRow('requestStart', 'responseEnd'); // There is no requestEnd addRow('responseStart', 'responseEnd'); addRow('domLoading', 'domComplete'); // Spans the events below addRow('domInteractive'); addRow('domContentLoadedEventStart', 'domContentLoadedEventEnd'); addRow('loadEventStart', 'loadEventEnd'); document.querySelector('#djDebugBrowserTiming').classList.remove('djdt-hidden'); })();