# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import sys from functools import lru_cache from time import time from django.contrib.sessions.models import Session from note_kfet.middlewares import get_current_request def memoize(f): """ Memoize results and store in sessions This decorator is useful for permissions: they are loaded once needed, then stored for next calls. The storage is contained with sessions since it depends on the selected mask. """ sess_funs = {} last_collect = time() def collect(): """ Clear cache of results when sessions are invalid, to flush useless data. This function is called every minute. """ nonlocal sess_funs new_sess_funs = {} for sess_key in sess_funs: if Session.objects.filter(session_key=sess_key).exists(): new_sess_funs[sess_key] = sess_funs[sess_key] sess_funs = new_sess_funs def func(*args, **kwargs): # if settings.DEBUG: # # Don't memoize in DEBUG mode # return f(*args, **kwargs) nonlocal last_collect if "test" in sys.argv: # In a test environment, don't memoize permissions return f(*args, **kwargs) if time() - last_collect > 60: # Clear cache collect() last_collect = time() # If there is no session, then we don't memoize anything. request = get_current_request() if request is None or request.session is None or request.session.session_key is None: return f(*args, **kwargs) sess_key = request.session.session_key if sess_key not in sess_funs: # lru_cache makes the job of memoization # We store only the 512 latest data per session. It has to be enough. sess_funs[sess_key] = lru_cache(512)(f) try: return sess_funs[sess_key](*args, **kwargs) except TypeError: # For add permissions, objects are not hashable (not yet created). Don't memoize this case. return f(*args, **kwargs) func.func_name = f.__name__ return func