mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 01:37:32 +00:00
Compare commits
No commits in common. "e4aa16986f2ff09aa5b022f9ff2d0b5af0e3ec8c" and "a5df98224f2b932bb074ba41e29749854cfcb8ad" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
# Generated by Django 4.2.15 on 2024-08-28 08:00
from django.db import migrations, models
import django.db.models.deletion
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
('note', '0006_trust'),
('activity', '0004_opener'),
operations = [
options={'verbose_name': 'Opener', 'verbose_name_plural': 'Openers'},
field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='activity_responsible', to='note.note', verbose_name='Opener'),
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
# Generated by Django 4.2.15 on 2024-08-28 08:00
from django.db import migrations, models
import django.db.models.deletion
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
('contenttypes', '0002_remove_content_type_name'),
('food', '0004_auto_20240813_2358'),
operations = [
field=models.ForeignKey(editable=False, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='polymorphic_%(app_label)s.%(class)s_set+', to='contenttypes.contenttype'),
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
# Generated by Django 4.2.15 on 2024-08-28 08:00
from django.db import migrations, models
import django.db.models.deletion
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
('contenttypes', '0002_remove_content_type_name'),
('note', '0006_trust'),
operations = [
field=models.ForeignKey(editable=False, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='polymorphic_%(app_label)s.%(class)s_set+', to='contenttypes.contenttype'),
field=models.ForeignKey(editable=False, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='polymorphic_%(app_label)s.%(class)s_set+', to='contenttypes.contenttype'),
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# Generated by Django 4.2.15 on 2024-08-28 08:00
from django.db import migrations, models
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
('note', '0007_alter_note_polymorphic_ctype_and_more'),
('treasury', '0008_auto_20240322_0045'),
operations = [
field=models.ManyToManyField(blank=True, related_name='+', to='note.membershiptransaction', verbose_name='membership transactions'),
@ -81,11 +81,6 @@ class WEIChooseBusForm(forms.Form):
class WEIMembershipForm(forms.ModelForm):
class WEIMembershipForm(forms.ModelForm):
caution_check = forms.BooleanField(
label=_("Caution check given"),
roles = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(
roles = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(
label=_("WEI Roles"),
label=_("WEI Roles"),
@ -154,7 +149,6 @@ class WEIMembership1AForm(WEIMembershipForm):
Used to confirm registrations of first year members without choosing a bus now.
Used to confirm registrations of first year members without choosing a bus now.
caution_check = None
roles = None
roles = None
def clean(self):
def clean(self):
@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from .base import WEISurvey, WEISurveyInformation, WEISurveyAlgorithm
from .base import WEISurvey, WEISurveyInformation, WEISurveyAlgorithm
from .wei2024 import WEISurvey2024
from .wei2023 import WEISurvey2023
__all__ = [
__all__ = [
'WEISurvey', 'WEISurveyInformation', 'WEISurveyAlgorithm', 'CurrentSurvey',
'WEISurvey', 'WEISurveyInformation', 'WEISurveyAlgorithm', 'CurrentSurvey',
CurrentSurvey = WEISurvey2024
CurrentSurvey = WEISurvey2023
@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2018-2024 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from functools import lru_cache
from django import forms
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.db import transaction
from django.db.models import Q
from .base import WEISurvey, WEISurveyInformation, WEISurveyAlgorithm, WEIBusInformation
from ...models import WEIMembership
buses_descr = [
"Magi[Kar]p 🐙🎮🎲", "#ef5568", 1,
"""Vous l'aurez compris au nom du bus, l'ambiance est aux jeux et à la culture geek ! Ici, vous trouverez une ambiance
calme avec une bonne dose d'autodérision et de second degré. Que vous ayez besoin de beaucoup dormir pour tenir la soirée
du lendemain, ou que vous souhaitiez faire nuit blanche pour jouer toute la nuit, vous pouvez nous rejoindre. Votre voix
n'y survivra peut-être pas à force de chanter. PS : les meilleurs cocktails du WEI sont chez nous, à déguster, pas à
siphonner !""",
"Va[car]me 🎷🍎🔊", "#fd7a28", 3,
"""Ici, c'est le bus du bruit. Si vous voulez réveiller les autres bus en musique, apprendre de merveilleuses
mélodies au kazoo tout le week-end, ou simplement profiter d'une bonne ambiance musicale, le BDA et la
F[ENS]foire sont là pour vous. Vous pourrez également goûter au célèbre cocktail de la fanfare, concocté
pour l'occasion par les tout nouveaux "meilleurs artisans v*********** de France" ! Alors que vous soyez artiste
dans l'âme ou que vous souhaitiez juste faire le plus grand Vacarme, rejoignez-nous !""",
"[Kar]aïbes 🏝️🏴☠️🥥", "#a5cfdd", 3,
"""Ahoy, explorateurs du WEI ! Le bus Karaibes t’invite à une traversée sous les tropiques, où l’ambiance est
toujours au beau fixe ! ☀️🍹 Ici, c’est soleil, rhum, et bonne humeur assurée : une atmosphère de vacances où
l’on se laisse porter par la chaleur humaine et la fête. Que tu sois un pirate en quête de sensations fortes ou
un amateur de chill avec un cocktail à la main, tu seras à ta place dans notre bus. Les soirées seront marquées
par des rythmes tropicaux qui te feront vibrer jusqu’à l’aube. Prêt à embarquer pour une aventure inoubliable
avec les meilleurs matelots du WEI ? On t’attend sur le pont du Karaibes pour lever l’ancre ensemble !""",
"[Kar]di [Bus] 🎙️💅", "#e46398", 2.5,
"""Bienvenue à bord du Kardi Bus, la seul, l’unique, l’inimitable pépite de ce weekend d’intégration ! Inspiré par les
icônes suprêmes de la pop culture telles les Bratz, les Winx et autres Mean Girls, notre bus est un sanctuaire de style,
d’audace et de pur plaisir. A nos cotés attends toi à siroter tes meilleurs Cosmo, sex on the Beach et autres cocktails
de maxi pétasse tout en papotant entre copains copines ! Si tu rejoins le Kardi Bus, tu entres dans un monde où tu
pourras te déhancher sur du Beyoncé, Britney, Aya et autres reines de la pop ! À très vite, les futures stars du Kardi
Bus !""",
"Sparta[bus] 🐺🐒🏉", "#ebdac2", 5,
"""Dans notre bus, on vous donne un avant goût des plus grandes assos de l'ENS : les Kyottes et l'Aspique (clubs de rugby
féminin et masculin, mais pas que). Bien entendu, qui dit rugby dit les copaings, le pastaga et la Pena Bayona, mais vous
verrez par vous même qu'on est ouvert⋅e à toutes propositions quand il s'agit de faire la fête. Pour les casse-cous comme
pour les plus calmes, vous trouverez au bus Aspique-Kyottes les 2A+ qui vous feront kiffer votre WEI.""",
"Zanzo[Bus] 🤩👽🐔", "#FFFF", 3,
"""Dans un entre-trois bien senti entre zinzinerie, enfance et vieillerie, le Zanzo[BUS] est un concentré de fun mêlé à
de la dinguerie à gogo. N'hésitez plus et rejoignez-nous pour un WEI toujours plus déjanté !""",
"Bran[Kar] 🍹🥳", "#6da1ac", 4,
"""Si vous ne connaissez pas le Bran[Kar], c’est comme une grande famille qui fait un apéro, qui se bourre un peu la
gueule en discutant des heures autour d’une table remplie de bouffe et de super bons cocktails (la plupart des
barmen/barwomen du bus sont les barmans de Shakens), sauf qu’on est un bus du Wei (vous comprendrez bien le nom de notre
bus en voyant l’état de certain·e·s). Il nous arrive de faire quelques conneries, mais surtout de jouer au Bière-pong en
musique !""",
"Techno [kar]ade 🔊🚩", "#8065a3", 3,
"""Avis à tous·tes les gauchos, amoureux·ses de la fête et des manifs : le Techno [kar]ade vous ouvre grand ses bras pour
finir en beauté votre première inté. Préparez-vous à vous abreuver de cocktails (savamment élaborés) à la vibration d’un
système son fabriqué pour l’occasion. Des sets technos à « Mon père était tellement de gauche » en passant par « Female
Body », le car accueillant les meilleures DJs du plateau saura animer le trajet aussi bien que les soirées. Si alcool et
musique seront au rendez-vous, les maîtres mots sont sécurité et inclusivité. Qui que vous soyez et quelle que soit votre
manière de vous amuser, notre objectif est que vous vous sentiez à l’aise pour rencontrer au mieux les 1A, les 2A et les
(nombreux⋅ses) 3A+ qui auront répondu à l’appel. Bref, rejoignez-nous, on est super cools :)"""
"[Bus]ka-P 🥇🍻🎤", "#7c4768", 4.5,
"""Booska-p, c’est le « site N°1 du Rap français ». Le [Bus]ka-p ? Le bus N°1 sur l’ambiance au WEI. Les nuits vont être
courtes, les cocktails vont couler à flots : tout sera réuni pour vivre un week-end dont tu te souviendras toute ta vie.
Au programme pas un seul temps mort et un maximum de rencontres pour bien commencer ta première année à l’ENS. Et bien
entendu, le tout accompagné des meilleurs sons, de Jul à Aya, en passant par ABBA et Sexion d’Assaut. Bref, si tu veux
vivre un WEI d’anthologie et faire la fête, de jour comme de nuit, nous t’accueillons avec plaisir !""",
def print_bus(i):
return f"""<h1 style="color:{buses_descr[i][1]};-webkit-text-stroke: 2px black;font-size: 50px;">{buses_descr[i][0]}</h1><br>
<b>Alcoolomètre : {buses_descr[i][2]} / 5 🍻</b><br><br>{buses_descr[i][3]}<br>"""
def print_all_buses():
liste = [print_bus(i) for i in range(len(buses_descr))]
return "<br><br><br><br>".join(liste)
def get_number_comment(i):
if i == 1:
return "Même pas en rêve"
elif i == 2:
return "Pas envie"
elif i == 3:
return "Mouais..."
elif i == 4:
return "Pourquoi pas !"
elif i == 5:
return "Ce bus ou rien !!!"
return ""
"""<b>Chèr⋅e 1A, te voilà arrivé⋅e au moment fatidique du choix de ton bus !<br><br><br>
Ton bus est constitué des gens avec qui tu passeras la majorité de ton temps : que ce soit le voyage d'aller et de
retour et les différentes activité qu'ils pourront te proposer tout au long du WEI donc choisis le bien !
<br><br>Tu trouveras ci-dessous la liste de tous les bus ainsi qu'une description détaillée de ces derniers.
Prends ton temps pour étudier chacun d'eux et quand tu te sens prêt⋅e, appuie sur le bouton « J'ai pris connaissance
des bus » pour continuer
<br>(pas besoin d'apprendre par cœur chaque bus, la description de chaque bus te sera rappeler avant de lui attribuer
une note !)</b><br><br><br>""" + print_all_buses(),
"1": "J'ai pris connaissance des différents bus et me sent fin prêt à choisir celui qui me convient le mieux !",
f"bus{id}": [print_bus(id), {i: f"{get_number_comment(i)} ({i}/5)" for i in range(1, 5 + 1)}] for id in range(len(buses_descr))
class WEISurveyForm2024(forms.Form):
Survey form for the year 2024.
Members score the different buses, from which we calculate the best associated bus.
def set_registration(self, registration):
Filter the bus selector with the buses of the current WEI.
information = WEISurveyInformation2024(registration)
question = information.questions[information.step]
self.fields[question] = forms.ChoiceField(
answers = [(answer, WORDS[question][1][answer]) for answer in WORDS[question][1]]
self.fields[question].choices = answers
class WEIBusInformation2024(WEIBusInformation):
For each question, the bus has ordered answers
scores: dict
def __init__(self, bus):
self.scores = {}
for question in WORDS:
self.scores[question] = []
class WEISurveyInformation2024(WEISurveyInformation):
We store the id of the selected bus. We store only the name, but is not used in the selection:
that's only for humans that try to read data.
step = 0
questions = list(WORDS.keys())
def __init__(self, registration):
for question in WORDS:
setattr(self, str(question), None)
class WEISurvey2024(WEISurvey):
Survey for the year 2024.
def get_year(cls):
return 2024
def get_survey_information_class(cls):
return WEISurveyInformation2024
def get_form_class(self):
return WEISurveyForm2024
def update_form(self, form):
Filter the bus selector with the buses of the WEI.
def form_valid(self, form):
self.information.step += 1
for question in WORDS:
if question in form.cleaned_data:
answer = form.cleaned_data[question]
setattr(self.information, question, answer)
def get_algorithm_class(cls):
return WEISurveyAlgorithm2024
def is_complete(self) -> bool:
The survey is complete once the bus is chosen.
for question in WORDS:
if not getattr(self.information, question):
return False
return True
def score(self, bus):
if not self.is_complete():
raise ValueError("Survey is not ended, can't calculate score")
bus_info = self.get_algorithm_class().get_bus_information(bus)
# Score is the given score by the bus subtracted to the mid-score of the buses.
s = 0
for question in WORDS:
s += bus_info.scores[question][str(getattr(self.information, question))]
return s
def scores_per_bus(self):
return {bus: self.score(bus) for bus in self.get_algorithm_class().get_buses()}
def ordered_buses(self):
values = list(self.scores_per_bus().items())
values.sort(key=lambda item: -item[1])
return values
def clear_cache(cls):
return super().clear_cache()
class WEISurveyAlgorithm2024(WEISurveyAlgorithm):
The algorithm class for the year 2024.
We use Gale-Shapley algorithm to attribute 1y students into buses.
def get_survey_class(cls):
return WEISurvey2024
def get_bus_information_class(cls):
return WEIBusInformation2024
def run_algorithm(self, display_tqdm=False):
Gale-Shapley algorithm implementation.
We modify it to allow buses to have multiple "weddings".
surveys = list(self.get_survey_class()(r) for r in self.get_registrations()) # All surveys
surveys = [s for s in surveys if s.is_complete()] # Don't consider invalid surveys
# Don't manage hardcoded people
surveys = [s for s in surveys if not hasattr(s.information, 'hardcoded') or not s.information.hardcoded]
# Reset previous algorithm run
for survey in surveys:
non_men = [s for s in surveys if s.registration.gender != 'male']
men = [s for s in surveys if s.registration.gender == 'male']
quotas = {}
registrations = self.get_registrations()
non_men_total = registrations.filter(~Q(gender='male')).count()
for bus in self.get_buses():
free_seats = bus.size - WEIMembership.objects.filter(bus=bus, registration__first_year=False).count()
# Remove hardcoded people
free_seats -= WEIMembership.objects.filter(bus=bus, registration__first_year=True,
quotas[bus] = 4 + int(non_men_total / registrations.count() * free_seats)
tqdm_obj = None
if display_tqdm:
from tqdm import tqdm
tqdm_obj = tqdm(total=len(non_men), desc="Non-hommes")
# Repartition for non men people first
self.make_repartition(non_men, quotas, tqdm_obj=tqdm_obj)
quotas = {}
for bus in self.get_buses():
free_seats = bus.size - WEIMembership.objects.filter(bus=bus, registration__first_year=False).count()
free_seats -= sum(1 for s in non_men if s.information.selected_bus_pk == bus.pk)
# Remove hardcoded people
free_seats -= WEIMembership.objects.filter(bus=bus, registration__first_year=True,
quotas[bus] = free_seats
if display_tqdm:
from tqdm import tqdm
tqdm_obj = tqdm(total=len(men), desc="Hommes")
self.make_repartition(men, quotas, tqdm_obj=tqdm_obj)
if display_tqdm:
# Clear cache information after running algorithm
def make_repartition(self, surveys, quotas=None, tqdm_obj=None):
free_surveys = surveys.copy() # Remaining surveys
while free_surveys: # Some students are not affected
survey = free_surveys[0]
buses = survey.ordered_buses() # Preferences of the student
for bus, current_score in buses:
if self.get_bus_information(bus).has_free_seats(surveys, quotas):
# Selected bus has free places. Put student in the bus
# Current bus has not enough places. Remove the least preferred student from the bus if existing
least_preferred_survey = None
least_score = -1
# Find the least student in the bus that has a lower score than the current student
for survey2 in surveys:
if not survey2.information.valid or survey2.information.get_selected_bus() != bus:
score2 = survey2.score(bus)
if current_score <= score2: # Ignore better students
if least_preferred_survey is None or score2 < least_score:
least_preferred_survey = survey2
least_score = score2
if least_preferred_survey is not None:
# Remove the least student from the bus and put the current student in.
# If it does not exist, choose the next bus.
raise ValueError(f"User {survey.registration.user} has no free seat")
if tqdm_obj is not None:
tqdm_obj.n = len(surveys) - len(free_surveys)
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
# Generated by Django 4.2.15 on 2024-08-28 20:47
from django.db import migrations, models
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
('wei', '0008_auto_20240111_1545'),
operations = [
field=models.TextField(blank=True, default='', verbose_name='specific diet'),
@ -232,12 +232,6 @@ class WEIRegistration(models.Model):
verbose_name=_("health issues"),
verbose_name=_("health issues"),
specific_diet = models.TextField(
verbose_name=_("specific diet"),
emergency_contact_name = models.CharField(
emergency_contact_name = models.CharField(
verbose_name=_("emergency contact name"),
verbose_name=_("emergency contact name"),
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<div class="card-body">
<div class="card-body">
{% render_table bus_repartition_table %}
{% render_table bus_repartition_table %}
<a href="{% url 'wei:wei_bus_1A_next' pk=club.pk %}" class="btn btn-block btn-success">{% trans "Start attribution !" %}</a>
<a href="{% url 'wei:wei_bus_1A_next' pk=club.pk %}" class="btn btn-block btn-success">{% trans "Start attribution!" %}</a>
{% render_table table %}
{% render_table table %}
@ -28,9 +28,6 @@
<dt class="col-xl-6">{% trans 'health issues'|capfirst %}</dt>
<dt class="col-xl-6">{% trans 'health issues'|capfirst %}</dt>
<dd class="col-xl-6">{{ object.health_issues|default:"—" }}</dd>
<dd class="col-xl-6">{{ object.health_issues|default:"—" }}</dd>
<dt class="col-xl-6">{% trans 'specific diet'|capfirst %}</dt>
<dd class="col-xl-6">{{ object.specific_diet|default:"—" }}</dd>
<dt class="col-xl-6">{% trans 'suggested bus'|capfirst %}</dt>
<dt class="col-xl-6">{% trans 'suggested bus'|capfirst %}</dt>
<dd class="col-xl-6">{{ survey.information.selected_bus_name }}</dd>
<dd class="col-xl-6">{{ survey.information.selected_bus_name }}</dd>
@ -67,9 +67,6 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
<dt class="col-xl-6">{% trans 'health issues'|capfirst %}</dt>
<dt class="col-xl-6">{% trans 'health issues'|capfirst %}</dt>
<dd class="col-xl-6">{{ registration.health_issues }}</dd>
<dd class="col-xl-6">{{ registration.health_issues }}</dd>
<dt class="col-xl-6">{% trans 'specific diet'|capfirst %}</dt>
<dd class="col-xl-6">{{ registration.specific_diet }}</dd>
<dt class="col-xl-6">{% trans 'emergency contact name'|capfirst %}</dt>
<dt class="col-xl-6">{% trans 'emergency contact name'|capfirst %}</dt>
<dd class="col-xl-6">{{ registration.emergency_contact_name }}</dd>
<dd class="col-xl-6">{{ registration.emergency_contact_name }}</dd>
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ from datetime import date, timedelta
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.test import TestCase
from django.test import TestCase
from django.urls import reverse
from note.models import NoteUser
from ..forms.surveys.wei2023 import WEIBusInformation2023, WEISurvey2023, WORDS, WEISurveyInformation2023
from ..forms.surveys.wei2023 import WEIBusInformation2023, WEISurvey2023, WORDS, WEISurveyInformation2023
from ..models import Bus, WEIClub, WEIRegistration
from ..models import Bus, WEIClub, WEIRegistration
@ -125,3 +127,44 @@ class TestWEIAlgorithm(TestCase):
self.assertLessEqual(max_score - score, 25) # Always less than 25 % of tolerance
self.assertLessEqual(max_score - score, 25) # Always less than 25 % of tolerance
self.assertLessEqual(penalty / 100, 25) # Tolerance of 5 %
self.assertLessEqual(penalty / 100, 25) # Tolerance of 5 %
def test_register_1a(self):
Test register a first year member to the WEI and complete the survey
response = self.client.get(reverse("wei:wei_register_1A", kwargs=dict(wei_pk=self.wei.pk)))
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
user = User.objects.create(username="toto", email="toto@example.com")
response = self.client.post(reverse("wei:wei_register_1A", kwargs=dict(wei_pk=self.wei.pk)), dict(
birth_date=date(2000, 1, 1),
health_issues='I am a bot',
qs = WEIRegistration.objects.filter(user_id=user.id)
registration = qs.get()
self.assertRedirects(response, reverse("wei:wei_survey", kwargs=dict(pk=registration.pk)), 302, 200)
for question in WORDS:
# Fill 1A Survey, 20 pages
# be careful if questionnary form change (number of page, type of answer...)
response = self.client.post(reverse("wei:wei_survey", kwargs=dict(pk=registration.pk)), {
question: "1"
survey = WEISurvey2023(registration)
self.assertRedirects(response, reverse("wei:wei_survey", kwargs=dict(pk=registration.pk)), 302,
302 if survey.is_complete() else 200)
self.assertIsNotNone(getattr(survey.information, question), "Survey page " + question + " failed")
survey = WEISurvey2023(registration)
@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2018-2024 by BDE ENS Paris-Saclay
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import random
from datetime import date, timedelta
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.test import TestCase
from django.urls import reverse
from note.models import NoteUser
from ..forms.surveys.wei2024 import WEIBusInformation2024, WEISurvey2024, WORDS, WEISurveyInformation2024
from ..models import Bus, WEIClub, WEIRegistration
class TestWEIAlgorithm(TestCase):
Run some tests to ensure that the WEI algorithm is working well.
fixtures = ('initial',)
def setUp(self):
Create some test data, with one WEI and 10 buses with random score attributions.
self.user = User.objects.create_superuser(
sess = self.client.session
sess["permission_mask"] = 42
self.wei = WEIClub.objects.create(
name="WEI 2024",
date_start=date.today() + timedelta(days=2),
self.buses = []
for i in range(10):
bus = Bus.objects.create(wei=self.wei, name=f"Bus {i}", size=10)
information = WEIBusInformation2024(bus)
for question in WORDS:
information.scores[question] = {answer: random.randint(1, 5) for answer in WORDS[question][1]}
def test_survey_algorithm_small(self):
There are only a few people in each bus, ensure that each person has its best bus
# Add a few users
for i in range(10):
user = User.objects.create(username=f"user{i}")
registration = WEIRegistration.objects.create(
information = WEISurveyInformation2024(registration)
for question in WORDS:
options = list(WORDS[question][1].keys())
setattr(information, question, random.choice(options))
information.step = 20
# Run algorithm
# Ensure that everyone has its first choice
for r in WEIRegistration.objects.filter(wei=self.wei).all():
survey = WEISurvey2024(r)
preferred_bus = survey.ordered_buses()[0][0]
chosen_bus = survey.information.get_selected_bus()
self.assertEqual(preferred_bus, chosen_bus)
def test_survey_algorithm_full(self):
Buses are full of first year people, ensure that they are happy
# Add a lot of users
for i in range(95):
user = User.objects.create(username=f"user{i}")
registration = WEIRegistration.objects.create(
information = WEISurveyInformation2024(registration)
for question in WORDS:
options = list(WORDS[question][1].keys())
setattr(information, question, random.choice(options))
information.step = 20
# Run algorithm
penalty = 0
# Ensure that everyone seems to be happy
# We attribute a penalty for each user that didn't have its first choice
# The penalty is the square of the distance between the score of the preferred bus
# and the score of the attributed bus
# We consider it acceptable if the mean of this distance is lower than 5 %
for r in WEIRegistration.objects.filter(wei=self.wei).all():
survey = WEISurvey2024(r)
chosen_bus = survey.information.get_selected_bus()
buses = survey.ordered_buses()
score = min(v for bus, v in buses if bus == chosen_bus)
max_score = buses[0][1]
penalty += (max_score - score) ** 2
self.assertLessEqual(max_score - score, 25) # Always less than 25 % of tolerance
self.assertLessEqual(penalty / 100, 25) # Tolerance of 5 %
def test_register_1a(self):
Test register a first year member to the WEI and complete the survey
response = self.client.get(reverse("wei:wei_register_1A", kwargs=dict(wei_pk=self.wei.pk)))
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
user = User.objects.create(username="toto", email="toto@example.com")
response = self.client.post(reverse("wei:wei_register_1A", kwargs=dict(wei_pk=self.wei.pk)), dict(
birth_date=date(2000, 1, 1),
health_issues='I am a bot',
qs = WEIRegistration.objects.filter(user_id=user.id)
registration = qs.get()
self.assertRedirects(response, reverse("wei:wei_survey", kwargs=dict(pk=registration.pk)), 302, 200)
for question in WORDS:
# Fill 1A Survey, 10 pages
# be careful if questionnary form change (number of page, type of answer...)
response = self.client.post(reverse("wei:wei_survey", kwargs=dict(pk=registration.pk)), {
question: "1"
survey = WEISurvey2024(registration)
self.assertRedirects(response, reverse("wei:wei_survey", kwargs=dict(pk=registration.pk)), 302,
302 if survey.is_complete() else 200)
self.assertIsNotNone(getattr(survey.information, question), "Survey page " + question + " failed")
survey = WEISurvey2024(registration)
@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ class TestDefaultWEISurvey(TestCase):
WEISurvey.update_form(None, None)
WEISurvey.update_form(None, None)
self.assertEqual(CurrentSurvey.get_algorithm_class().get_survey_class(), CurrentSurvey)
self.assertEqual(CurrentSurvey.get_algorithm_class().get_survey_class(), CurrentSurvey)
self.assertEqual(CurrentSurvey.get_year(), 2024)
self.assertEqual(CurrentSurvey.get_year(), 2023)
class TestWeiAPI(TestAPI):
class TestWeiAPI(TestAPI):
@ -900,9 +900,6 @@ class WEIValidateRegistrationView(ProtectQuerysetMixin, ProtectedCreateView):
form.fields["last_name"].initial = registration.user.last_name
form.fields["last_name"].initial = registration.user.last_name
form.fields["first_name"].initial = registration.user.first_name
form.fields["first_name"].initial = registration.user.first_name
if "caution_check" in form.fields:
form.fields["caution_check"].initial = registration.caution_check
if registration.soge_credit:
if registration.soge_credit:
form.fields["credit_type"].disabled = True
form.fields["credit_type"].disabled = True
form.fields["credit_type"].initial = NoteSpecial.objects.get(special_type="Virement bancaire")
form.fields["credit_type"].initial = NoteSpecial.objects.get(special_type="Virement bancaire")
@ -944,9 +941,6 @@ class WEIValidateRegistrationView(ProtectQuerysetMixin, ProtectedCreateView):
club = registration.wei
club = registration.wei
user = registration.user
user = registration.user
if "caution_check" in form.data:
registration.caution_check = form.data["caution_check"] == "on"
membership = form.instance
membership = form.instance
membership.user = user
membership.user = user
membership.club = club
membership.club = club
@ -3001,7 +3001,6 @@ msgid "Credit from Société générale"
msgstr "Crédit de la Société générale"
msgstr "Crédit de la Société générale"
#: apps/wei/models.py:188
#: apps/wei/models.py:188
#: apps/wei/forms/registration.py:84
msgid "Caution check given"
msgid "Caution check given"
msgstr "Chèque de caution donné"
msgstr "Chèque de caution donné"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user