#!/usr/bin/env python3 import psycopg2 as pg import psycopg2.extras as pge import datetime from django.utils.timezone import make_aware, now from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.db import transaction from django.db import IntegrityError from note.models import Note, NoteUser, NoteClub from note.models import Alias from member.models import Club, Profile from ._import_utils import ImportCommand, BulkCreateManager M_DURATION = 396 M_START = datetime.date(2019, 8, 31) M_END = datetime.date(2020, 9, 30) MAP_IDBDE = { -4: 2, # Carte Bancaire -3: 4, # Virement -2: 1, # Especes -1: 3, # Chèque 0: 5, # BDE } note_user_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label="note", model="noteuser") note_club_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label="note", model="noteclub") class Command(ImportCommand): """ Import command for People base data (Comptes, and Aliases) """ def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument('-a', '--alias', action='store', help="import alias") parser.add_argument('-c', '--chunk', type=int, default=100, help="chunk size for bulk_create") @transaction.atomic def import_account(self, cur, chunk_size): """ Import every account of the nk15 in a batch fashion. Every Model has to be manually created, and no magic `.save()` function is being called. """ cur.execute("SELECT * FROM comptes WHERE idbde > 0 ORDER BY idbde;") pk_club = 3 pk_user = 1 pk_profile = 1 pk_note = 7 # pk 6 is Kfet! n = cur.rowcount bulk_mgr = BulkCreateManager(chunk_size=chunk_size) pseudo_list = set() for idx, row in enumerate(cur): pseudo = row["pseudo"] pseudo_norm = Alias.normalize(pseudo) self.update_line(idx, n, pseudo) # clean pseudo (normalized pseudo must be unique) if pseudo_norm in pseudo_list: pseudo = pseudo+str(row["idbde"]) else: pseudo_list.add(pseudo_norm) # clean date note_dict = { "pk": pk_note, "balance": 0, "last_negative": None, "is_active": True, "display_image": "", "created_at": now() } if row["last_negatif"] is not None: note_dict["last_negative"] = make_aware(row["last_negatif"]) if row["type"] == "personne": # sanitize password if row["passwd"] != "*|*" and not row["deleted"]: passwd_nk15 = "$".join(["custom_nk15", "1", row["passwd"]]) else: passwd_nk15 = '' obj_dict = { "pk": pk_user, "username": row["pseudo"], "password": passwd_nk15, "first_name": row["nom"], "last_name": row["prenom"], "email": row["mail"], "is_active": True, # temporary } profile_dict = { "pk": pk_profile, "user_id": pk_user, "phone_number": row['tel'], "address": row['adresse'], "paid": row['normalien'], "registration_valid": True, "email_confirmed": True, } note_dict["polymorphic_ctype"] = note_user_type note_user_dict = { "pk": pk_note, "user_id": pk_user, } alias_dict = { "pk": pk_note, "name": pseudo, "normalized_name": Alias.normalize(pseudo), "note_id": pk_note, } bulk_mgr.add(User(**obj_dict), Profile(**profile_dict), Note(**note_dict), NoteUser(**note_user_dict), Alias(**alias_dict),) pk_user += 1 pk_profile += 1 else: # club obj_dict = { "pk": pk_club, "name": row["pseudo"], "email": row["mail"], "membership_duration": M_DURATION, "membership_start": M_START, "membership_end": M_END, "membership_fee_paid": 0, "membership_fee_unpaid": 0, } note_club_dict = { "pk": pk_note, "club_id": pk_club, } alias_dict = { "pk": pk_note, "name": pseudo, "normalized_name": Alias.normalize(pseudo), "note_id": pk_note } note_dict["polymorphic_ctype"] = note_club_type bulk_mgr.add(Club(**obj_dict), Note(**note_dict), NoteClub(**note_club_dict), Alias(**alias_dict)) pk_club += 1 # row import completed MAP_IDBDE[row["idbde"]] = pk_note pk_note += 1 self.print_success("comptes table imported") def import_alias(self, cur): """ Import Alias from nk15 We rely on validation of the models, but it is slow. """ cur.execute("SELECT * FROM aliases ORDER by id") n = cur.rowcount for idx, row in enumerate(cur): self.update_line(idx, n, row["alias"]) alias_name = row["alias"] alias_name_good = (alias_name[:252] + '...') if len(alias_name) > 255 else alias_name obj_dict = { "note_id": MAP_IDBDE[row["idbde"]], "name": alias_name_good, "normalized_name": Alias.normalize(alias_name_good), } try: with transaction.atomic(): alias, created = Alias.objects.get_or_create(**obj_dict) except IntegrityError as e: if "unique" in e.args[0]: continue else: raise e alias.save() return None def handle(self, *args, **kwargs): global MAP_IDBDE # default args, provided by ImportCommand. nk15db, nk15user = kwargs['nk15db'], kwargs['nk15user'] # connecting to nk15 database conn = pg.connect(database=nk15db, user=nk15user) cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=pge.DictCursor) self.import_account(cur,kwargs["chunk"]) if kwargs["save"]: filename = kwargs["save"] with open(filename, 'w') as fp: json.dump(MAP_IDBDE, fp, sort_keys=True, indent=2) # Alias Management if kwargs["alias"]: self.impot_alias(cur)