#!/usr/env/bin python3 from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand from django.core.management import call_command from django.utils import timezone import psycopg2 as pg import psycopg2.extras as pge from django.db import transaction import collections from datetime import timedelta from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.utils.timezone import make_aware from django.db import IntegrityError from django.contrib.auth.models import User from note.models import Note, NoteSpecial, NoteUser, NoteClub from note.models import Alias from note.models import Transaction, TransactionTemplate,\ TemplateCategory, RecurrentTransaction, MembershipTransaction from member.models import Profile, Club, Membership """ Script d'import de la nk15: TODO: import transactions TODO: import adhesion TODO: import activite TODO: import ... """ M_DURATION = timedelta(days=396) M_START = timedelta(days=213) M_END = timedelta(days=273) @transaction.atomic def import_special(cur): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM comptes WHERE idbde <0 ORDER BY idbde;") map_idbde = dict() for row in cur: obj,created = NoteSpecial.objects.get_or_create(special_type = row["pseudo"], balance = row["solde"], is_active =True) if created: obj.save() map_idbde[row["idbde"]] = obj.pk cur.execute("SELECT * FROM comptes WHERE idbde=0;") res = cur.fetchone() clubBde, c = Club.objects.get_or_create(pk = 1, name = "Bde", email = "bureau.bde@lists.crans.org", membership_duration = M_DURATION, membership_start = M_START, membership_end = M_END, membership_fee = 5, ) clubKfet, c = Club.objects.get_or_create(pk = 2, name = "Kfet", email = "tresorerie.bde@lists.crans.org", membership_duration = M_DURATION, membership_start = M_START, membership_end = M_END, membership_fee = 35, ) clubBde.save() clubKfet.save() clubBde.note.solde=res["solde"] map_idbde[0] = clubKfet.note.pk return map_idbde @transaction.atomic def import_comptes(cur,map_idbde): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM comptes WHERE idbde > 0 ORDER BY idbde;") pkclub = 3 for row in cur: if row["type"] == "personne": #sanitize password if row["passwd"] != "*|*": passwd_nk15 = "$".join(["custom_nk15","1",row["passwd"]]) else: passwd_nk15 = '' try: obj_dict = { "username": row["pseudo"], "password": passwd_nk15, "first_name": row["nom"], "last_name": row["prenom"], "email": row["mail"], "is_active" : False, # temporary } user = User.objects.create(**obj_dict) #sanitize duplicate aliases (nk12) except ValidationError as e: if e.code == 'same_alias': obj_dict["username"] = row["pseudo"]+str(row["idbde"]) user = User.objects.create(**obj_dict) else: raise(e) # profile and note created via signal. profile = user.profile profile.phone_number = row["tel"] profile.address = row["adresse"] profile.paid = row["normalien"] note = user.note date = row.get("last_negatif",None) if date != None: note.last_negative = make_aware(date) note.balance = row["solde"] obj_list =[user, profile, note] else: # club obj_dict = { "pk":pkclub, "name": row["pseudo"], "email": row["mail"], "membership_duration": M_DURATION, "membership_start": M_START, "membership_end": M_END, "membership_fee": 0, } club,c = Club.objects.get_or_create(**obj_dict) pkclub +=1 note = club.note note.balance = row["solde"] obj_list = [club,note] for obj in obj_list: obj.save() map_idbde[row["idbde"]] = note.pk return map_idbde @transaction.atomic def import_boutons(cur,map_idbde): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM boutons;") for row in cur: cat, created = TemplateCategory.objects.get_or_create(name=row["categorie"]) if created: cat.save() obj_dict = { "pk": row["id"], "name": row["label"], "amount": row["montant"], "destination_id": map_idbde[row["destinataire"]], "category": cat, "display" : row["affiche"], "description": row["description"], } try: with transaction.atomic(): # required for error management button = TransactionTemplate.objects.create(**obj_dict) except IntegrityError as e: # button with the same name is not possible in NK20. if "unique" in e.args[0]: qs = Club.objects.filter(note__id=map_idbde[row["destinataire"]]).values('name') note_name = qs[0]["name"] #rename button name obj_dict["name"] ="{} {}".format(obj_dict["name"],note_name) button = TransactionTemplate.objects.create(**obj_dict) else: raise(e) button.save() @transaction.atomic def import_transaction(cur, map_idbde): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM transactions LEFT JOIN adhesions ON transactions.id = adhesions.idtransaction ORDER BY -id;") for row in cur: obj_dict = { # "pk": row["id"], "destination_id" : map_idbde[row["destinataire"]], "source_id": map_idbde[row["emetteur"]], "created_at":make_aware(row["date"]), "amount":row["montant"], "quantity":row["quantite"], "reason":row["description"], "valid":row["valide"], } if row["type"] == "bouton": cat_name = row["categorie"] if cat_name == None: cat_name = 'None' cat, created = TemplateCategory.objects.get_or_create(name=cat_name) if created: cat.save() obj_dict["category"] = cat transac = RecurrentTransaction.objects.create(**obj_dict) transac.save() elif row["type"] == "adhésion": print("adhesion not supported yet") else: print("other type not supported yet") @transaction.atomic def import_aliases(cur,map_idbde): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM aliases ORDER by id") for row in cur: alias_name = row["alias"] alias_name_good = (alias_name[:252]+'...') if len(alias_name) > 255 else alias_name obj_dict = { "note_id":map_idbde[row["idbde"]], "name":alias_name_good, "normalized_name":Alias.normalize(alias_name_good) } try: with transaction.atomic(): alias, created = Alias.objects.get_or_create(**obj_dict) print(alias) except IntegrityError as e: if "unique" in e.args[0]: print("error, {}".format(alias)) continue else: raise(e) alias.save() class Command(BaseCommand): """ Command for importing the database of NK15. Need to be run by a user with a registered role in postgres for the database nk15. """ def print_success(self,to_print): return self.stdout.write(self.style.SUCCESS(to_print)) def add_arguments(self,parser): parser.add_argument('-s', '--special', action = 'store_true', help="create Minimum instance (special note and clubs)") parser.add_argument('-c', '--comptes', action = 'store_true', help="import accounts") parser.add_argument('-b', '--boutons', action = 'store_true', help="import boutons") parser.add_argument('-t', '--transactions', action = 'store_true',help="import transaction") parser.add_argument('-a', '--aliases', action = 'store_true',help="import aliases") def handle(self, *args, **kwargs): #reset database. call_command("flush") self.print_success("flush nk20 database") # connecting to nk15 database conn = pg.connect(database="nk15",user="nk15_user") cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory = pge.DictCursor) if kwargs["special"]: map_idbde = import_special(cur) self.print_success("Minimal setup created") if kwargs["comptes"]: map_idbde = import_comptes(cur,map_idbde) self.print_success("comptes table imported") if kwargs["boutons"]: import_boutons(cur,map_idbde) self.print_success("boutons table imported") if kwargs["transactions"]: import_transaction(cur,map_idbde) self.print_success("transaction imported") if kwargs["aliases"]: import_aliases(cur,map_idbde) self.print_success("aliases imported")