//go:generate pkger // Package main provides the full-featured server with configuration loading // and communication between routines. package main import ( "gitlab.crans.org/nounous/ghostream/stream/telnet" "log" "gitlab.crans.org/nounous/ghostream/auth" "gitlab.crans.org/nounous/ghostream/internal/config" "gitlab.crans.org/nounous/ghostream/internal/monitoring" "gitlab.crans.org/nounous/ghostream/stream/forwarding" "gitlab.crans.org/nounous/ghostream/stream/srt" "gitlab.crans.org/nounous/ghostream/stream/webrtc" "gitlab.crans.org/nounous/ghostream/web" ) func main() { // Configure logger log.SetFlags(log.Ldate | log.Ltime | log.Lshortfile) // Load configuration cfg, err := config.Load() if err != nil { log.Fatalln("Failed to load configuration:", err) } // Init authentification authBackend, err := auth.New(&cfg.Auth) if err != nil { log.Fatalln("Failed to load authentification backend:", err) } if authBackend != nil { defer authBackend.Close() } // WebRTC session description channels remoteSdpChan := make(chan struct { StreamID string RemoteDescription webrtc.SessionDescription }) localSdpChan := make(chan webrtc.SessionDescription) // SRT channel for forwarding and webrtc forwardingChannel := make(chan srt.Packet, 65536) webrtcChannel := make(chan srt.Packet, 65536) // Start routines go forwarding.Serve(forwardingChannel, cfg.Forwarding) go monitoring.Serve(&cfg.Monitoring) go srt.Serve(&cfg.Srt, authBackend, forwardingChannel, webrtcChannel) go telnet.Serve(&cfg.Telnet) go web.Serve(remoteSdpChan, localSdpChan, &cfg.Web) go webrtc.Serve(remoteSdpChan, localSdpChan, webrtcChannel, &cfg.WebRTC) // Wait for routines select {} }