# Example configuration # Authentification auth: backend: basic basic: credentials: # Demo user with password "demo" demo: $2b$15$LRnG3eIHFlYIguTxZOLH7eHwbQC/vqjnLq6nDFiHSUDKIU.f5/1H6 # Example to bypass login, dangerous! #backend: bypass # # Example of LDAP server login #backend: ldap #ldap: # uri: ldap:// # userdn: cn=users,dc=example,dc=com # Prometheus monitoring endpoint monitoring: listenAddress: # Configure SRT server srt: listenAddress: # Max number of active SRT connections maxClients: 64 # Configure web server web: listenAddress: name: Demo hostname: localhost favicon: https://www.crans.org/images/favicon.ico widgetURL: https://example.com/ viewersCounterRefreshPeriod: 20000 # Configure WebRTC server webrtc: # UDP port range used to stream minPortUDP: 10000 maxPortUDP: 10005 # STUN servers, you should host your own Coturn instance STUNServers: - stun:stun.l.google.com:19302 # Configuration for the multicast feature multicast: outputs: # demo: # - rtmp://localhost:1925