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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License version 3 for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# (c) 2015-2016 Valentin Samir
"""Some util function for the app"""
from .default_settings import settings
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponse
from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.messages import constants as DEFAULT_MESSAGE_LEVELS
from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
import random
import string
import json
import hashlib
import crypt
import base64
import six
import requests
import time
import logging
from importlib import import_module
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse, parse_qsl, urlencode
from . import VERSION
#: logger facility
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def json_encode(obj):
"""Encode a python object to json"""
return json_encode.encoder.encode(obj)
except AttributeError:
json_encode.encoder = DjangoJSONEncoder(default=six.text_type)
return json_encode(obj)
def context(params):
Function that add somes variable to the context before template rendering
:param dict params: The context dictionary used to render templates.
:return: The ``params`` dictionary with the key ``settings`` set to
:rtype: dict
params["settings"] = settings
params["message_levels"] = DEFAULT_MESSAGE_LEVELS
LAST_VERSION = last_version()
if LAST_VERSION is not None:
params["upgrade_available"] = decode_version(VERSION) < decode_version(LAST_VERSION)
params["upgrade_available"] = False
return params
def json_response(request, data):
Wrapper dumping `data` to a json and sending it to the user with an HttpResponse
:param django.http.HttpRequest request: The request object used to generate this response.
:param dict data: The python dictionnary to return as a json
:return: The content of ``data`` serialized in json
:rtype: django.http.HttpResponse
data["messages"] = []
for msg in messages.get_messages(request):
data["messages"].append({'message': msg.message, 'level': msg.level_tag})
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), content_type="application/json")
def import_attr(path):
transform a python dotted path to the attr
:param path: A dotted path to a python object or a python object
:type path: :obj:`unicode` or anything
:return: The python object pointed by the dotted path or the python object unchanged
if not isinstance(path, str):
return path
if "." not in path:
ValueError("%r should be of the form `module.attr` and we just got `attr`" % path)
module, attr = path.rsplit('.', 1)
return getattr(import_module(module), attr)
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("Module %r not found" % module)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError("Module %r has not attribut %r" % (module, attr))
def redirect_params(url_name, params=None):
Redirect to ``url_name`` with ``params`` as querystring
:param unicode url_name: a URL pattern name
:param params: Some parameter to append to the reversed URL
:type params: :obj:`dict` or :obj:`NoneType<types.NoneType>`
:return: A redirection to the URL with name ``url_name`` with ``params`` as querystring.
:rtype: django.http.HttpResponseRedirect
url = reverse(url_name)
params = urlencode(params if params else {})
return HttpResponseRedirect(url + "?%s" % params)
def reverse_params(url_name, params=None, **kwargs):
compute the reverse url of ``url_name`` and add to it parameters from ``params``
as querystring
:param unicode url_name: a URL pattern name
:param params: Some parameter to append to the reversed URL
:type params: :obj:`dict` or :obj:`NoneType<types.NoneType>`
:param **kwargs: additional parameters needed to compure the reverse URL
:return: The computed reverse URL of ``url_name`` with possible querystring from ``params``
:rtype: unicode
url = reverse(url_name, **kwargs)
params = urlencode(params if params else {})
if params:
return u"%s?%s" % (url, params)
return url
def copy_params(get_or_post_params, ignore=None):
copy a :class:`django.http.QueryDict` in a :obj:`dict` ignoring keys in the set ``ignore``
:param django.http.QueryDict get_or_post_params: A GET or POST
:param set ignore: An optinal set of keys to ignore during the copy
:return: A copy of get_or_post_params
:rtype: dict
if ignore is None:
ignore = set()
params = {}
for key in get_or_post_params:
if key not in ignore and get_or_post_params[key]:
params[key] = get_or_post_params[key]
return params
def set_cookie(response, key, value, max_age):
Set the cookie ``key`` on ``response`` with value ``value`` valid for ``max_age`` secondes
:param django.http.HttpResponse response: a django response where to set the cookie
:param unicode key: the cookie key
:param unicode value: the cookie value
:param int max_age: the maximum validity age of the cookie
expires = datetime.strftime(
datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=max_age),
"%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT"
secure=settings.SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE or None
def get_current_url(request, ignore_params=None):
Giving a django request, return the current http url, possibly ignoring some GET parameters
:param django.http.HttpRequest request: The current request object.
:param set ignore_params: An optional set of GET parameters to ignore
:return: The URL of the current page, possibly omitting some parameters from
``ignore_params`` in the querystring.
:rtype: unicode
if ignore_params is None:
ignore_params = set()
protocol = u'https' if request.is_secure() else u"http"
service_url = u"%s://%s%s" % (protocol, request.get_host(), request.path)
if request.GET:
params = copy_params(request.GET, ignore_params)
if params:
service_url += u"?%s" % urlencode(params)
return service_url
def update_url(url, params):
update parameters using ``params`` in the ``url`` query string
:param url: An URL possibily with a querystring
:type url: :obj:`unicode` or :obj:`str`
:param dict params: A dictionary of parameters for updating the url querystring
:return: The URL with an updated querystring
:rtype: unicode
if not isinstance(url, bytes):
url = url.encode('utf-8')
for key, value in list(params.items()):
if not isinstance(key, bytes):
del params[key]
key = key.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(value, bytes):
value = value.encode('utf-8')
params[key] = value
url_parts = list(urlparse(url))
query = dict(parse_qsl(url_parts[4]))
# make the params order deterministic
query = list(query.items())
url_query = urlencode(query)
if not isinstance(url_query, bytes): # pragma: no cover in python3 urlencode return an unicode
url_query = url_query.encode("utf-8")
url_parts[4] = url_query
return urlunparse(url_parts).decode('utf-8')
def unpack_nested_exception(error):
If exception are stacked, return the first one
:param error: A python exception with possible exception embeded within
:return: A python exception with no exception embeded within
i = 0
while True:
if error.args[i:]:
if isinstance(error.args[i], Exception):
error = error.args[i]
i = 0
i += 1
return error
def _gen_ticket(prefix=None, lg=settings.CAS_TICKET_LEN):
Generate a ticket with prefix ``prefix`` and length ``lg``
:param unicode prefix: An optional prefix (probably ST, PT, PGT or PGTIOU)
:param int lg: The length of the generated ticket (with the prefix)
:return: A randomlly generated ticket of length ``lg``
:rtype: unicode
random_part = u''.join(
string.ascii_letters + string.digits
) for _ in range(lg - len(prefix or "") - 1)
if prefix is not None:
return u'%s-%s' % (prefix, random_part)
return random_part
def gen_lt():
Generate a Login Ticket
:return: A ticket with prefix ``settings.CAS_LOGIN_TICKET_PREFIX`` and length
:rtype: unicode
return _gen_ticket(settings.CAS_LOGIN_TICKET_PREFIX, settings.CAS_LT_LEN)
def gen_st():
Generate a Service Ticket
:return: A ticket with prefix ``settings.CAS_SERVICE_TICKET_PREFIX`` and length
:rtype: unicode
return _gen_ticket(settings.CAS_SERVICE_TICKET_PREFIX, settings.CAS_ST_LEN)
def gen_pt():
Generate a Proxy Ticket
:return: A ticket with prefix ``settings.CAS_PROXY_TICKET_PREFIX`` and length
:rtype: unicode
return _gen_ticket(settings.CAS_PROXY_TICKET_PREFIX, settings.CAS_PT_LEN)
def gen_pgt():
Generate a Proxy Granting Ticket
:return: A ticket with prefix ``settings.CAS_PROXY_GRANTING_TICKET_PREFIX`` and length
:rtype: unicode
return _gen_ticket(settings.CAS_PROXY_GRANTING_TICKET_PREFIX, settings.CAS_PGT_LEN)
def gen_pgtiou():
Generate a Proxy Granting Ticket IOU
:return: A ticket with prefix ``settings.CAS_PROXY_GRANTING_TICKET_IOU_PREFIX`` and length
:rtype: unicode
return _gen_ticket(settings.CAS_PROXY_GRANTING_TICKET_IOU_PREFIX, settings.CAS_PGTIOU_LEN)
def gen_saml_id():
Generate an saml id
:return: A random id of length ``settings.CAS_TICKET_LEN``
:rtype: unicode
return _gen_ticket()
def get_tuple(nuplet, index, default=None):
:param tuple nuplet: A tuple
:param int index: An index
:param default: An optional default value
:return: ``nuplet[index]`` if defined, else ``default`` (possibly ``None``)
if nuplet is None:
return default
return nuplet[index]
except IndexError:
return default
def crypt_salt_is_valid(salt):
Validate a salt as crypt salt
:param str salt: a password salt
:return: ``True`` if ``salt`` is a valid crypt salt on this system, ``False`` otherwise
:rtype: bool
if len(salt) < 2:
return False
if salt[0] == '$':
if salt[1] == '$':
return False
if '$' not in salt[1:]:
return False
hashed = crypt.crypt("", salt)
if not hashed or '$' not in hashed[1:]:
return False
return True
return True
class LdapHashUserPassword(object):
Class to deal with hashed password as defined at
#: valide schemes that require a salt
schemes_salt = {b"{SMD5}", b"{SSHA}", b"{SSHA256}", b"{SSHA384}", b"{SSHA512}", b"{CRYPT}"}
#: valide sschemes that require no slat
schemes_nosalt = {b"{MD5}", b"{SHA}", b"{SHA256}", b"{SHA384}", b"{SHA512}"}
#: map beetween scheme and hash function
_schemes_to_hash = {
b"{SMD5}": hashlib.md5,
b"{MD5}": hashlib.md5,
b"{SSHA}": hashlib.sha1,
b"{SHA}": hashlib.sha1,
b"{SSHA256}": hashlib.sha256,
b"{SHA256}": hashlib.sha256,
b"{SSHA384}": hashlib.sha384,
b"{SHA384}": hashlib.sha384,
b"{SSHA512}": hashlib.sha512,
b"{SHA512}": hashlib.sha512
#: map between scheme and hash length
_schemes_to_len = {
b"{SMD5}": 16,
b"{SSHA}": 20,
b"{SSHA256}": 32,
b"{SSHA384}": 48,
b"{SSHA512}": 64,
class BadScheme(ValueError):
Error raised then the hash scheme is not in
:attr:`LdapHashUserPassword.schemes_salt` + :attr:`LdapHashUserPassword.schemes_nosalt`
class BadHash(ValueError):
"""Error raised then the hash is too short"""
class BadSalt(ValueError):
"""Error raised then, with the scheme ``{CRYPT}``, the salt is invalid"""
def _raise_bad_scheme(cls, scheme, valid, msg):
Raise :attr:`BadScheme` error for ``scheme``, possible valid scheme are
in ``valid``, the error message is ``msg``
:param bytes scheme: A bad scheme
:param list valid: A list a valid scheme
:param str msg: The error template message
:raises LdapHashUserPassword.BadScheme: always
valid_schemes = [s.decode() for s in valid]
raise cls.BadScheme(msg % (scheme, u", ".join(valid_schemes)))
def _test_scheme(cls, scheme):
Test if a scheme is valide or raise BadScheme
:param bytes scheme: A scheme
:raises BadScheme: if ``scheme`` is not a valid scheme
if scheme not in cls.schemes_salt and scheme not in cls.schemes_nosalt:
cls.schemes_salt | cls.schemes_nosalt,
"The scheme %r is not valid. Valide schemes are %s."
def _test_scheme_salt(cls, scheme):
Test if the scheme need a salt or raise BadScheme
:param bytes scheme: A scheme
:raises BadScheme: if ``scheme` require no salt
if scheme not in cls.schemes_salt:
"The scheme %r is only valid without a salt. Valide schemes with salt are %s."
def _test_scheme_nosalt(cls, scheme):
Test if the scheme need no salt or raise BadScheme
:param bytes scheme: A scheme
:raises BadScheme: if ``scheme` require a salt
if scheme not in cls.schemes_nosalt:
"The scheme %r is only valid with a salt. Valide schemes without salt are %s."
def hash(cls, scheme, password, salt=None, charset="utf8"):
Hash ``password`` with ``scheme`` using ``salt``.
This three variable beeing encoded in ``charset``.
:param bytes scheme: A valid scheme
:param bytes password: A byte string to hash using ``scheme``
:param bytes salt: An optional salt to use if ``scheme`` requires any
:param str charset: The encoding of ``scheme``, ``password`` and ``salt``
:return: The hashed password encoded with ``charset``
:rtype: bytes
scheme = scheme.upper()
if salt is None or salt == b"":
salt = b""
return scheme + base64.b64encode(
cls._schemes_to_hash[scheme](password + salt).digest() + salt
except KeyError:
if six.PY3:
password = password.decode(charset)
salt = salt.decode(charset)
if not crypt_salt_is_valid(salt):
raise cls.BadSalt("System crypt implementation do not support the salt %r" % salt)
hashed_password = crypt.crypt(password, salt)
if six.PY3:
hashed_password = hashed_password.encode(charset)
return scheme + hashed_password
def get_scheme(cls, hashed_passord):
Return the scheme of ``hashed_passord`` or raise :attr:`BadHash`
:param bytes hashed_passord: A hashed password
:return: The scheme used by the hashed password
:rtype: bytes
:raises BadHash: if no valid scheme is found within ``hashed_passord``
if not hashed_passord[0] == b'{'[0] or b'}' not in hashed_passord:
raise cls.BadHash("%r should start with the scheme enclosed with { }" % hashed_passord)
scheme = hashed_passord.split(b'}', 1)[0]
scheme = scheme.upper() + b"}"
return scheme
def get_salt(cls, hashed_passord):
Return the salt of ``hashed_passord`` possibly empty
:param bytes hashed_passord: A hashed password
:return: The salt used by the hashed password (empty if no salt is used)
:rtype: bytes
:raises BadHash: if no valid scheme is found within ``hashed_passord`` or if the
hashed password is too short for the scheme found.
scheme = cls.get_scheme(hashed_passord)
if scheme in cls.schemes_nosalt:
return b""
elif scheme == b'{CRYPT}':
return b'$'.join(hashed_passord.split(b'$', 3)[:-1])[len(scheme):]
hashed_passord = base64.b64decode(hashed_passord[len(scheme):])
except TypeError as error:
raise cls.BadHash("Bad base64: %s" % error)
if len(hashed_passord) < cls._schemes_to_len[scheme]:
raise cls.BadHash("Hash too short for the scheme %s" % scheme)
return hashed_passord[cls._schemes_to_len[scheme]:]
def check_password(method, password, hashed_password, charset):
Check that ``password`` match `hashed_password` using ``method``,
assuming the encoding is ``charset``.
:param str method: on of ``"crypt"``, ``"ldap"``, ``"hex_md5"``, ``"hex_sha1"``,
``"hex_sha224"``, ``"hex_sha256"``, ``"hex_sha384"``, ``"hex_sha512"``, ``"plain"``
:param password: The user inputed password
:type password: :obj:`str` or :obj:`unicode`
:param hashed_password: The hashed password as stored in the database
:type hashed_password: :obj:`str` or :obj:`unicode`
:param str charset: The used char encoding (also used internally, so it must be valid for
the charset used by ``password`` when it was initially )
:return: True if ``password`` match ``hashed_password`` using ``method``,
``False`` otherwise
:rtype: bool
if not isinstance(password, six.binary_type):
password = password.encode(charset)
if not isinstance(hashed_password, six.binary_type):
hashed_password = hashed_password.encode(charset)
if method == "plain":
return password == hashed_password
elif method == "crypt":
if hashed_password.startswith(b'$'):
salt = b'$'.join(hashed_password.split(b'$', 3)[:-1])
elif hashed_password.startswith(b'_'): # pragma: no cover old BSD format not supported
salt = hashed_password[:9]
salt = hashed_password[:2]
if six.PY3:
password = password.decode(charset)
salt = salt.decode(charset)
hashed_password = hashed_password.decode(charset)
if not crypt_salt_is_valid(salt):
raise ValueError("System crypt implementation do not support the salt %r" % salt)
crypted_password = crypt.crypt(password, salt)
return crypted_password == hashed_password
elif method == "ldap":
scheme = LdapHashUserPassword.get_scheme(hashed_password)
salt = LdapHashUserPassword.get_salt(hashed_password)
return LdapHashUserPassword.hash(scheme, password, salt, charset=charset) == hashed_password
elif (
method.startswith("hex_") and
method[4:] in {"md5", "sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512"}
return getattr(
)(password).hexdigest().encode("ascii") == hashed_password.lower()
raise ValueError("Unknown password method check %r" % method)
def decode_version(version):
decode a version string following version semantic input a tuple of int
:param unicode version: A dotted version
:return: A tuple a int
:rtype: tuple
return tuple(int(sub_version) for sub_version in version.split('.'))
def last_version():
Fetch the last version from pypi and return it. On successful fetch from pypi, the response
is cached 24h, on error, it is cached 10 min.
:return: the last django-cas-server version
:rtype: unicode
last_update, version, success = last_version._cache
except AttributeError:
last_update = 0
version = None
success = False
cache_delta = 24 * 3600 if success else 600
if (time.time() - last_update) < cache_delta:
return version
req = requests.get(settings.CAS_NEW_VERSION_JSON_URL)
data = json.loads(req.text)
versions = list(data["releases"].keys())
version = versions[-1]
last_version._cache = (time.time(), version, True)
return version
except (
) as error: # pragma: no cover (should not happen unless pypi is not available)
"Unable to fetch %s: %s" % (settings.CAS_NEW_VERSION_JSON_URL, error)
last_version._cache = (time.time(), version, False)
def dictfetchall(cursor):
"Return all rows from a django cursor as a dict"
columns = [col[0] for col in cursor.description]
return [
dict(zip(columns, row))
for row in cursor.fetchall()