Valentin Samir 2298b94f78 Add SqlAuthUser and LdapAuthUser auth classes. Deprecate the usage of SqlAuthUser in favor of SqlAuthUser.
SqlAuthUser use django databases management, and thus is compatible with all SQL databases supported
by django: postgresql, mysql, sqlite3 and oracle.

LdapAuthUser use the full pythonic ldap3 module
2016-07-31 17:09:27 +02:00

434 lines
15 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License version 3 for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# (c) 2015-2016 Valentin Samir
"""Some authentication classes for the CAS"""
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.utils import timezone
from django.db import connections, DatabaseError
import warnings
from datetime import timedelta
from six.moves import range
try: # pragma: no cover
import MySQLdb
import MySQLdb.cursors
except ImportError:
MySQLdb = None
try: # pragma: no cover
import ldap3
except ImportError:
ldap3 = None
from .models import FederatedUser
from .utils import check_password, dictfetchall
class AuthUser(object):
Authentication base class
:param unicode username: A username, stored in the :attr:`username` class attribute.
#: username used to instanciate the current object
username = None
def __init__(self, username):
self.username = username
def test_password(self, password):
Tests ``password`` agains the user password.
:raises NotImplementedError: always. The method need to be implemented by subclasses
raise NotImplementedError()
def attributs(self):
The user attributes.
raises NotImplementedError: always. The method need to be implemented by subclasses
raise NotImplementedError()
class DummyAuthUser(AuthUser): # pragma: no cover
A Dummy authentication class. Authentication always fails
:param unicode username: A username, stored in the :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>`
class attribute. There is no valid value for this attribute here.
def test_password(self, password):
Tests ``password`` agains the user password.
:param unicode password: a clear text password as submited by the user.
:return: always ``False``
:rtype: bool
return False
def attributs(self):
The user attributes.
:return: en empty :class:`dict`.
:rtype: dict
return {}
class TestAuthUser(AuthUser):
A test authentication class only working for one unique user.
:param unicode username: A username, stored in the :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>`
class attribute. The uniq valid value is ``settings.CAS_TEST_USER``.
def test_password(self, password):
Tests ``password`` agains the user password.
:param unicode password: a clear text password as submited by the user.
:return: ``True`` if :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>` is valid and
``password`` is equal to ``settings.CAS_TEST_PASSWORD``, ``False`` otherwise.
:rtype: bool
return self.username == settings.CAS_TEST_USER and password == settings.CAS_TEST_PASSWORD
def attributs(self):
The user attributes.
:return: the ``settings.CAS_TEST_ATTRIBUTES`` :class:`dict` if
:attr:`username<AuthUser.username>` is valid, an empty :class:`dict` otherwise.
:rtype: dict
if self.username == settings.CAS_TEST_USER:
return settings.CAS_TEST_ATTRIBUTES
else: # pragma: no cover (should not happen)
return {}
class DBAuthUser(AuthUser): # pragma: no cover
"""base class for databate based auth classes"""
#: DB user attributes as a :class:`dict` if the username is found in the database.
user = None
def attributs(self):
The user attributes.
:return: a :class:`dict` with the user attributes. Attributes may be :func:`unicode`
or :class:`list` of :func:`unicode`. If the user do not exists, the returned
:class:`dict` is empty.
:rtype: dict
if self.user:
return self.user
return {}
class MysqlAuthUser(DBAuthUser): # pragma: no cover
DEPRECATED, use :class:`SqlAuthUser` instead.
A mysql authentication class: authenticate user agains a mysql database
:param unicode username: A username, stored in the :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>`
class attribute. Valid value are fetched from the MySQL database set with
``settings.CAS_SQL_*`` settings parameters using the query
def __init__(self, username):
"MysqlAuthUser authentication class is deprecated: "
"use cas_server.auth.SqlAuthUser instead"
# see the connect function at
# for possible mysql config parameters.
mysql_config = {
"user": settings.CAS_SQL_USERNAME,
"passwd": settings.CAS_SQL_PASSWORD,
"db": settings.CAS_SQL_DBNAME,
"host": settings.CAS_SQL_HOST,
"charset": settings.CAS_SQL_DBCHARSET,
"cursorclass": MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor
if not MySQLdb:
raise RuntimeError("Please install MySQLdb before using the MysqlAuthUser backend")
conn = MySQLdb.connect(**mysql_config)
curs = conn.cursor()
if curs.execute(settings.CAS_SQL_USER_QUERY, (username,)) == 1:
self.user = curs.fetchone()
super(MysqlAuthUser, self).__init__(self.user['username'])
super(MysqlAuthUser, self).__init__(username)
def test_password(self, password):
Tests ``password`` agains the user password.
:param unicode password: a clear text password as submited by the user.
:return: ``True`` if :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>` is valid and ``password`` is
correct, ``False`` otherwise.
:rtype: bool
if self.user:
return check_password(
return False
class SqlAuthUser(DBAuthUser): # pragma: no cover
A SQL authentication class: authenticate user agains a SQL database. The SQL database
must be configures in as ``settings.DATABASES['cas_server']``.
:param unicode username: A username, stored in the :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>`
class attribute. Valid value are fetched from the MySQL database set with
``settings.CAS_SQL_*`` settings parameters using the query
def __init__(self, username):
if "cas_server" not in connections:
raise RuntimeError("Please configure the 'cas_server' database in settings.DATABASES")
for retry_nb in range(3):
with connections["cas_server"].cursor() as curs:
curs.execute(settings.CAS_SQL_USER_QUERY, (username,))
results = dictfetchall(curs)
if len(results) == 1:
self.user = results[0]
super(SqlAuthUser, self).__init__(self.user['username'])
super(SqlAuthUser, self).__init__(username)
except DatabaseError:
if retry_nb == 2:
def test_password(self, password):
Tests ``password`` agains the user password.
:param unicode password: a clear text password as submited by the user.
:return: ``True`` if :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>` is valid and ``password`` is
correct, ``False`` otherwise.
:rtype: bool
if self.user:
return check_password(
return False
class LdapAuthUser(DBAuthUser): # pragma: no cover
A ldap authentication class: authenticate user against a ldap database
:param unicode username: A username, stored in the :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>`
class attribute. Valid value are fetched from the ldap database set with
``settings.CAS_LDAP_*`` settings parameters.
_conn = None
def get_conn(cls):
"""Return a connection object to the ldap database"""
conn = cls._conn
if conn is None or conn.closed:
conn = ldap3.Connection(
cls._conn = conn
return conn
def __init__(self, username):
if not ldap3:
raise RuntimeError("Please install ldap3 before using the LdapAuthUser backend")
# in case we got deconnected from the database, retry to connect 2 times
for retry_nb in range(3):
conn = self.get_conn()
settings.CAS_LDAP_USER_QUERY % ldap3.utils.conv.escape_bytes(username),
) and len(conn.entries) == 1:
user = conn.entries[0].entry_get_attributes_dict()
if user.get(settings.CAS_LDAP_USERNAME_ATTR):
self.user = user
super(LdapAuthUser, self).__init__(user[settings.CAS_LDAP_USERNAME_ATTR][0])
super(LdapAuthUser, self).__init__(username)
super(LdapAuthUser, self).__init__(username)
except ldap3.LDAPCommunicationError:
if retry_nb == 2:
def test_password(self, password):
Tests ``password`` agains the user password.
:param unicode password: a clear text password as submited by the user.
:return: ``True`` if :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>` is valid and ``password`` is
correct, ``False`` otherwise.
:rtype: bool
if self.user and self.user.get(settings.CAS_LDAP_PASSWORD_ATTR):
return check_password(
return False
class DjangoAuthUser(AuthUser): # pragma: no cover
A django auth class: authenticate user against django internal users
:param unicode username: A username, stored in the :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>`
class attribute. Valid value are usernames of django internal users.
#: a django user object if the username is found. The user model is retreived
#: using :func:`django.contrib.auth.get_user_model`.
user = None
def __init__(self, username):
User = get_user_model()
self.user = User.objects.get(username=username)
except User.DoesNotExist:
super(DjangoAuthUser, self).__init__(username)
def test_password(self, password):
Tests ``password`` agains the user password.
:param unicode password: a clear text password as submited by the user.
:return: ``True`` if :attr:`user` is valid and ``password`` is
correct, ``False`` otherwise.
:rtype: bool
if self.user:
return self.user.check_password(password)
return False
def attributs(self):
The user attributes, defined as the fields on the :attr:`user` object.
:return: a :class:`dict` with the :attr:`user` object fields. Attributes may be
If the user do not exists, the returned :class:`dict` is empty.
:rtype: dict
if self.user:
attr = {}
for field in self.user._meta.fields:
attr[field.attname] = getattr(self.user, field.attname)
return attr
return {}
class CASFederateAuth(AuthUser):
Authentication class used then CAS_FEDERATE is True
:param unicode username: A username, stored in the :attr:`username<AuthUser.username>`
class attribute. Valid value are usernames of
:class:`FederatedUser<cas_server.models.FederatedUser>` object.
:class:`FederatedUser<cas_server.models.FederatedUser>` object are created on CAS
backends successful ticket validation.
#: a :class`FederatedUser<cas_server.models.FederatedUser>` object if ``username`` is found.
user = None
def __init__(self, username):
self.user = FederatedUser.get_from_federated_username(username)
super(CASFederateAuth, self).__init__(
except FederatedUser.DoesNotExist:
super(CASFederateAuth, self).__init__(username)
def test_password(self, ticket):
Tests ``password`` agains the user password.
:param unicode password: The CAS tickets just used to validate the user authentication
against its CAS backend.
:return: ``True`` if :attr:`user` is valid and ``password`` is
a ticket validated less than ``settings.CAS_TICKET_VALIDITY`` secondes and has not
being previously used for authenticated this
:class:`FederatedUser<cas_server.models.FederatedUser>`. ``False`` otherwise.
:rtype: bool
if not self.user or not self.user.ticket:
return False
return (
ticket == self.user.ticket and
self.user.last_update >
( - timedelta(seconds=settings.CAS_TICKET_VALIDITY))
def attributs(self):
The user attributes, as returned by the CAS backend.
:return: :obj:`FederatedUser.attributs<cas_server.models.FederatedUser.attributs>`.
If the user do not exists, the returned :class:`dict` is empty.
:rtype: dict
if not self.user: # pragma: no cover (should not happen)
return {}
return self.user.attributs