# ⁻*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License version 3 for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 # Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # (c) 2016 Valentin Samir """Tests module for models""" from cas_server.default_settings import settings from django.test import TestCase from django.test.utils import override_settings from django.utils import timezone from datetime import timedelta from importlib import import_module from cas_server import models from cas_server.tests.utils import get_auth_client, HttpParamsHandler from cas_server.tests.mixin import UserModels, BaseServicePattern SessionStore = import_module(settings.SESSION_ENGINE).SessionStore @override_settings(CAS_AUTH_CLASS='cas_server.auth.TestAuthUser') class UserTestCase(TestCase, UserModels): """tests for the user models""" def setUp(self): """Prepare the test context""" self.service = '' self.service_pattern = models.ServicePattern.objects.create( name="localhost", pattern="^https?://127\.0\.0\.1(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$", single_log_out=True ) models.ReplaceAttributName.objects.create(name="*", service_pattern=self.service_pattern) def test_clean_old_entries(self): """test clean_old_entries""" # get an authenticated client client = self.expire_user() # assert the user exists before being cleaned self.assertEqual(len(models.User.objects.all()), 1) # assert the last activity date is before the expiry date self.assertTrue( self.get_user(client).date < ( timezone.now() - timedelta(seconds=settings.SESSION_COOKIE_AGE) ) ) # delete old inactive users models.User.clean_old_entries() # assert the user has being well delete self.assertEqual(len(models.User.objects.all()), 0) def test_clean_deleted_sessions(self): """test clean_deleted_sessions""" # get an authenticated client client1 = get_auth_client() client2 = get_auth_client() # generate a ticket to fire SLO during user cleaning (SLO should fail a nothing listen # on self.service) ticket = self.get_user(client1).get_ticket( models.ServiceTicket, self.service, self.service_pattern, renew=False ) ticket.validate = True ticket.save() # simulated expired session being garbage collected for client1 session = SessionStore(session_key=client1.session.session_key) session.flush() # assert the user exists before being cleaned self.assertTrue(self.get_user(client1)) self.assertTrue(self.get_user(client2)) self.assertEqual(len(models.User.objects.all()), 2) # session has being remove so the user of client1 is no longer authenticated self.assertFalse(client1.session.get("authenticated")) # the user a client2 should still be authenticated self.assertTrue(client2.session.get("authenticated")) # the user should be deleted models.User.clean_deleted_sessions() # assert the user with expired sessions has being well deleted but the other remain self.assertEqual(len(models.User.objects.all()), 1) self.assertFalse(models.ServiceTicket.objects.all()) self.assertTrue(client2.session.get("authenticated")) @override_settings(CAS_AUTH_CLASS='cas_server.auth.TestAuthUser') class TicketTestCase(TestCase, UserModels, BaseServicePattern): """tests for the tickets models""" def setUp(self): """Prepare the test context""" self.setup_service_patterns() self.service = '' self.service_pattern = models.ServicePattern.objects.create( name="localhost", pattern="^https?://127\.0\.0\.1(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$", single_log_out=True ) models.ReplaceAttributName.objects.create(name="*", service_pattern=self.service_pattern) @staticmethod def get_ticket( user, ticket_class, service, service_pattern, renew=False, validate=False, validity_expired=False, timeout_expired=False, single_log_out=False, ): """Return a ticket""" ticket = user.get_ticket(ticket_class, service, service_pattern, renew) ticket.validate = validate ticket.single_log_out = single_log_out if validity_expired: ticket.creation = min( ticket.creation, (timezone.now() - timedelta(seconds=(ticket_class.VALIDITY + 10))) ) if timeout_expired: ticket.creation = min( ticket.creation, (timezone.now() - timedelta(seconds=(ticket_class.TIMEOUT + 10))) ) ticket.save() return ticket def test_clean_old_service_ticket(self): """test tickets clean_old_entries""" # ge an authenticated client client = get_auth_client() # get the user associated to the client user = self.get_user(client) # generate a ticket for that client, waiting for validation self.get_ticket(user, models.ServiceTicket, self.service, self.service_pattern) # generate another ticket for those validation time has expired self.get_ticket( user, models.ServiceTicket, self.service, self.service_pattern, validity_expired=True ) (httpd, host, port) = HttpParamsHandler.run()[0:3] service = "http://%s:%s" % (host, port) # generate a ticket with SLO having timeout reach self.get_ticket( user, models.ServiceTicket, service, self.service_pattern, timeout_expired=True, validate=True, single_log_out=True ) # there should be 3 tickets in the db self.assertEqual(len(models.ServiceTicket.objects.all()), 3) # we call the clean_old_entries method that should delete validated non SLO ticket and # expired non validated ticket and send SLO for SLO expired ticket before deleting then models.ServiceTicket.clean_old_entries() params = httpd.PARAMS # we successfully got a SLO request self.assertTrue(b'logoutRequest' in params and params[b'logoutRequest']) # only 1 ticket remain in the db self.assertEqual(len(models.ServiceTicket.objects.all()), 1)